
PLEASE READ Home Support Tender - Home Support and Quick Discharge Service Recommissioning Update – CareMatch Portal system notifications must be on during the evaluation period (information for home support providers)

We are currently in the Evaluation Period of the Home Support and Quick Discharge Tenders as shown on the indicative time table below;



Stage 1 - Applications to Join the Flexible Contracting Arrangements (FCA)

FCA open for Potential Providers to request to participate

8 April 2024

Clarification Period

10 April – 2 May 2024

Deadline for receipt of Selection Questionnaire

Midday 16 May 2024

Anticipated Evaluation Period

17 May – 7 June 2024

Award Approval

10 – 28 June 2024

Notification of Contract Award

1 July 2024

FCA Standstill Period

2 – 11 July 2024

FCA Contract Award

12 July 2024

FCA Starts – Individual Contracts

18 July 2024

Stage 2: Call Off Contract (individual packages of care)

July 2024

Closure of the FCA

Anticipated Closing date of the FCA

July 2029

Option to extend for a further 2 years subject to performance

July 2031

As stated in section 15.1 of the "Document 001 The Instructions P2170 Document for Potential Suppliers Invitation To Tender (ITT)" This has been circulated to providers. If you don’t have a copy, please email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

The evaluation of SSQs for the FCA will consider responses and, where requested, written information and evidence provided by the Potential Supplier. All relevant evidence submitted will be evaluated against the selection criteria. Where there are inconsistences in the application, the Council may follow up with a clarification; a time limit will be set for the response and included in the clarification request. It is the Potential Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that any clarifications are received and correctly responded to within the set time frame. For more information see the CareMatch Portal User guide.

You will be able to view this correspondence (referred to as clarification or clarification request in the ITT) in two different formats. The first will be through an email notification, and the second through a correspondence window within the system, as shown in Figure 3.3.1 in the

CareMatch Portal User Guide

If you followed Route A (your company or organisation had never previously entered your Owner details into CareMatch Portal) or Route B (your company or organisation had previously entered your Owner details into CareMatch Portal, but has never been awarded a contract and had to use the none CQC route to register as a new Owner) when starting your application, your User account will automatically have “Message Email Notifications” set to YES.

If you followed Route C (added a contract to a Provider that had already been awarded a contract via the CareMatch Portal) or Route D (added a location to an Owner that had already been awarded a contract to a different location via the CareMatch Portal) to start your application, you will have to check that your email notifications are not disabled to ensure you do not miss out on important updates regarding your application. Please refer to Figure 4.5.2 in the Carematch Portal User Guide (see link below) for details on how to check this and ensure RECEIVE MESSAGE EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS" is set to YES for the user that submitted the application.

CareMatch Portal User Guide

Email notifications are sent from the following email address; system.notifications@carematchportal.com. Please check your spam/junk email folders for emails from this address.

For further information and guidance, see the following;

User Guide for providers using Care Match Portal | ¶®ÒõµÛ

section 3 which describes Routes A-D in further detail, section 3.3 “Procurement Correspondences” and section 4.5 “My Account”

How to apply for a 2024 Home Support or Quick Discharge Service contract through the CareMatch Portal – accessible slides

Slides 12, 14, and 15.

A voice over recording of the above slides is also available here;

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