
Special Bulletin - Adult Social Care Grants Distribution 2023/24

Further to the government’s announcement of the Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund, Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund – Workforce Fund, and the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund ¶®ÒõµÛ is preparing to distribute its allocated grant funding for the year 2023/24 to eligible contracted care providers. In line with the grant conditions and the details set out in the Council’s Cabinet Report - Allocation of the Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund, Workforce Fund and Adult Social Care Discharge Fund (17 October 2023), we will be making a single payment in February 2024 equivalent to a fee uplift for the year 2023/24 to the following care packages:

Older adult (65 years+) care home packages paid at the standard fee (£622 residential and £715 nursing) and delivered by care homes awarded a Care Homes and Supported Living FCA [2023] contract on or before 1 Nov 2023.

  • Will receive a payment broadly equivalent to a proxy 4.4% fee increase for the year 2023/24

Younger adult (under 65 years) care home packages delivered by care homes awarded a Care Homes and Supported Living FCA [2023] contract on or before 1 Nov 2023.

  • Will receive a payment broadly equivalent to a proxy 1.5% fee increase for the year 2023/24

Home support (18 years+) care packages delivered by care providers awarded a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Home Support for Children and Young People with Disabilities and Home Support for Adults [2019]

  • Will receive a payment broadly equivalent to a proxy 16.25% fee increase for the year 2023/24

Supported Living care packages delivered by care providers awarded a Care Homes and Supported Living FCA [2023] contract on or before 1 Nov 2023.

  • Will receive a payment broadly equivalent to a proxy 4.45% fee increase for the year 2023/24

Extra Care Sheltered Housing packages.

  • Will receive a payment broadly equivalent to a proxy 3.5% fee increase for the year 2023/24

Direct Payment recipients with care packages delivered by a CQC registered domiciliary care provider have had their payment increased to reflect the proxy increases.

The payment has been calculated by identifying open care packages on the Council’s care records system between 1 April and 1 November 2023 and applying the proxy uplift dependent on the number of days the care package was open for service delivery during this period. Care packages which were open at 1 November 2023 are assumed to have remained open until 31 March 2024 for the purposes of this calculation and in order to simulate a full year effect of the proxy uplift.

The payments are made based on the information held with the Council’s care records system and while significant work has been carried out to ensure the accuracy of the payments, we are unfortunately not able to amend the payment should any error in the Council’s records come to light in the future. The payment therefore represents full and final distribution of the grant funding for 2023/24.

Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. If you don’t have a copy, please email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

We expect payments to reach bank accounts of recipient care providers within 10 days and you will be able to identify payments on remittance advice notes from the reference which will be in the following format – CQC location ID number + CQC location name + ASC Grant 2023/24. For example, 1-10000302982 Henley House ASC Grant 2023/24.


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