
What's New Bulletin 176 - 21 December 2023

This is edition 176 of the provider bulletin, containing information on guidance, procedures and new initiatives. Very urgent or high priority communications may still be issued on an ad hoc basis, but we will try to keep these to a minimum

1. PLEASE READ Upcoming Home Support Tender -Home Support and Quick Discharge Service Recommissioning Update & Virtual Meeting 22 Dec 2023 at 9:30am (information for all home support providers)

2. Chief Nurse and Chief Social Worker look back on an eventful 2023 (information for all providers)

3. Care Quality Commission (CQC) A message from James Bullion Interim Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care and Integrated Care (information for all providers)

4. Season Greetings From The NECS Capacity Tracker Team (information for all providers)

5. Junior doctors' industrial action: what this means for the care sector (information for all providers)

6. Domestic abuse support over Christmas (information for all providers)

7. Reminder: Care Homes Market Intelligence Questionnaire (MIQ) – December 2023 – Deadline extended 28 December 2023 (information for all ¶®ÒõµÛ and contracted care homes)

8. Reminder: Department of Health and Social Care Made with Care campaign 2023/2024 (information for all providers)

9. Reminder: CONSULTATION Non-Statutory Budget Consultation 2024/25 17 January 2024 (information for all providers employing ¶®ÒõµÛ residents)

10. Reminder: Health and social care worker seasonal flu & COVID-19 vaccinations (information for all providers)

11. Reminder: Help in Brum – Help for vulnerable people in short-term crisis with food and essential items (information for all providers)

1. Please read: Upcoming Home Support Tender -Home Support and Quick Discharge Service Recommissioning Update & Virtual Meeting 22 December 2023 at 9:30am (information for all home support providers)

As you will be aware from our previous bulletin, the Council’s Cabinet were due to consider proposed Commissioning and Procurement Strategies for the recommissioning of home support and quick discharge services across ¶®ÒõµÛ. We are pleased to confirm that these strategies have now been approved for implementation and the final versions can be found on the Council’s website:

Whilst we appreciate it is fairly short notice just before the festive period, we have arranged a Teams Live meeting for current and potential home support providers. At this meeting we will share the approved approach to commissioning of these services and also to provide an update on the tender timescales and next steps.

You are therefore invited to attend a Teams Live event on Friday 22 December 2023 at 9:30am. Join using the link:

The intention is to record the meeting so that colleagues who may be unable to attend, will have access to the information. The link to the recording will be shared after the event on Friday.

In the meantime, part of the Cabinet’s decision was to approve a short contract extension for the current home support and quick discharge services. The Contract Notice therefore gives effect to this decision and should be considered as the relevant Notice under Clause 33.3 of the Framework Agreements stated. Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. If you don’t have a copy, please email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

We look forward to welcoming you to the event to answer any questions you may have about the Council’s decision and the next steps.

2. Chief Nurse and Chief Social Worker look back on an eventful 2023 (information for all providers)

Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Deborah Sturdy and Chief Social Worker for Adults, Lyn Romeo reflect on a busy and productive year for all care sector colleagues. They pay fulsome tribute to our dedicated care workforce in their respective end of year messages.

From the announcement of the first Professor of Social Care Nursing at Salford University, to global majority leadership programmes, to the expansion of research opportunities and establishment of social care nursing advisory councils, there has been much to celebrate in the ASC nursing profession.


Meanwhile, adult social work continued to benefit from the strong leadership and guidance of Adult Principal Social Workers, the strengthening of mental health practice across the sector and the growing value of apprenticeships and community networks.

For the latest posts, visit the .

3. Care Quality Commission (CQC) A message from James Bullion Interim Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care and Integrated Care (information for all providers)

“We’re well into the festive season now and I want to take this opportunity to reflect on 2023, share my thanks, and consider the year ahead.

Firstly, I want to thank you, and acknowledge the pressures you've been under. It’s been another tough year for everyone working in the health and social care sectors. The cost-of-living crisis is biting harder and workforce challenges have escalated. In some cases, as we highlighted in our annual report (see below), this is leading to an increased risk of “unfair care”, where access to and quality of care is impacted, resulting in longer waits, reduced access, and poorer outcomes for some.

2024 is a year of new approaches for CQC. By the spring, all regulation will be done against our new assessment framework (see link below). I’m grateful to the early adopter organisations who have helped us roll out the new framework effectively. Our focus on health and social care across systems grows too as we begin our programme of full assessments of all local authorities and integrated care systems in England. The aim of our systems assessments is to increase transparency and local accountability. Also to make good practice, positive outcomes and outstanding quality easier to spot locally and share nationally.

Despite significant challenges over the last 12 months, I’ve been pleased to see lots of good and outstanding care this year. We’ve been able to spotlight examples of good and innovative practice that’s helping people, and family carers, access the care and support they need to live full lives. It's really important, and in all our interests, to spread the positive messages about the great work that goes on in social care, and the difference we make in people’s lives, which gives us all our dignity.

The regulatory work we do is rooted in people’s experience of care. It’s a fundamental element of the new single assessment framework and a question we ask of both individual providers and whole systems. That remains a constant in all we – and you – do.”

4. Season Greetings From The NECS Capacity Tracker Team (information for all providers)

“From all of us here at Capacity Tracker, we wish you a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. A heartfelt thank you for your commitment to keeping the Capacity Tracker updated and engaging with our team. Over the year we have met many of you at our regular training sessions and engaged with you through emails and telephone calls. It has been our pleasure. The hard work and dedication shown by the people working in the Health and Social Care sector is truly inspirational”

Important reminders:

Updating Capacity Tracker? We recommend that there is more than 1 user registered at each location who can update Capacity Tracker, to ensure sufficient cover during periods of absence. To register for a CT account, simply click below

Need Help? For additional support, please contact our Support Centre, Monday-Friday 8am-5pm (excluding Public Holidays) by phoning 0191 691 3729 or emailingnecsu.capacitytracker@nhs.net

Training & awareness sessions are availablebelow

Support Packs are available below

5. Junior doctors' industrial action: what this means for the care sector (information for all providers)

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has written to the care sector about preparations to cope with industrial action by junior doctors. Current action ends 23 December 2023, starting again 3-9 January 2024. These new rounds of industrial action come at an already challenging time for the health and care system, alongside winter pressures including flu, COVID-19 and norovirus.

The letter asks Directors of Adult Social Care Services to help care providers coordinate with the NHS, local authorities and other partners to prevent avoidable hospital admission and accelerate patient discharge processes. Your support is hugely appreciated.

Read the full letter from the DHSC here;

6. Domestic abuse support over Christmas (information for all providers)

Everyone deserves equality and respect in their relationships, and the Domestic Abuse Prevention team are working to make ¶®ÒõµÛ a place where we all live free from domestic abuse.

Christmas can be difficult for many of our vulnerable citizens, and for those experiencing domestic abuse, it is often a frightening and isolating time. Spending more time together, increased alcohol consumption, financial pressures and the pressure to have the “perfect Christmas” can all enable escalated abuse.

It’s important to know that there is support available if you, or somebody you are supporting, is experiencing domestic abuse, or worried about a friend or family member. Our specialist providers are open throughout the Christmas period. If you need to talk, you can contact;

the ¶®ÒõµÛ and Solihull Women’s Aid helpline on 0800 800 0028 9.15am to 5.15pm every day except the 25th, or find out more on their website below

for specific support for men, Cranstoun will be open 9:00am to 5:00pm on 27 to 29 December, and from 2 January. You can phone 0121 633 1750 or visit their .

¶®ÒõµÛ LGBT also provide specialist support

We’re proud to have partnered with Carter Center on the Inform Women, Transform Lives campaign, to improve women’s access to information to help enable and empower them. Women are often in need of information and advice but are the least likely to seek it. Through its work around the world, the Carter Center helps to address this and improve lives. To find out more about domestic abuse and what it can look like, you can: watch our new video below


and have a look through the domestic abuse webpages.

7. Reminder: Care Homes Market Intelligence Questionnaire (MIQ) – December 2023 – DEADLINE EXTENDED 28 December 2023 (information for all ¶®ÒõµÛ and contracted care homes)

Find the link to the December monthly MIQ below - the deadline for completion is Thursday 28 December 2023.

This is the shorter monthly version of the questionnaire. Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. If you don’t have a copy, please email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk
Take special care when answering the question on the main reason each of your residents needs care. Only count one reason for each resident (the primary one). The total number of reasons should equal the total number of residents on the day you complete the questionnaire.

Completion of the questionnaire is part of the terms of our current contracts for contracted providers, but we ask all ¶®ÒõµÛ providers to take part in the process to help us meet our responsibilities to all ¶®ÒõµÛ citizens.

Many thanks to staff at the care homes who completed the previous questionnaires. If this did not include your care home, you must complete the November and subsequent editions.

The purpose of the questionnaire is to collect information to assist our market shaping and development role, the production of our Market Position Statements, fulfil our Care Act duties around ensuring a quality and sustainable market, to help us direct resources, identify areas of risk, and monitor progress towards our strategic aims. It has been co-produced with health colleagues to reduce duplication in data collection, and has been streamlined so that we are only collecting information that is not available to us from elsewhere e.g. the Capacity Tracker.

We will only be collecting data that we will use and at the frequency we need it. There is a shorter monthly questionnaire, a slightly longer quarterly questionnaire with some additional questions, and a slightly longer still annual questionnaire.

Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. If you do not have a copy, email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk This details our approach and how the data we are asking for will be used.

8. Reminder: Department of Health and Social Care Made with Care campaign 2023/2024 (information for all providers)

The next phase of the national recruitment campaign has now gone live and your brand-new resources are now ready to download and use:

These resources enable you to use the national advertising to signpost potential applicants to your job vacancies. Following feedback from care providers, they feature new imagery designed to reflect more accurately the typical daily routines for care workers in both care homes and domiciliary settings.

You can add your logo and details to the assets. Visit the link below or campaign page to get started.

New for this year, there’s also a Skills for Care webinar available to download and watch (See below). This provides useful background on the campaign, how to get involved with it and how it can support your recruitment.

9. Reminder: Consultation - Non-Statutory Budget Consultation 2024/25 17 January 2024 (information for all providers employing ¶®ÒõµÛ residents)

As has been widely publicised, ¶®ÒõµÛ is in a difficult financial situation and has some challenging budget savings to achieve over the coming years.

We want to hear from you, your staff and service users on what is important to you. The survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes and include questions about which services matter to you and any suggestions you may have. You can choose whether to comment on all questions or just those you select.

To take part in the consultation, visit 

10.  Reminder: Health and social care worker seasonal flu & COVID-19 vaccinations (information for all providers)

Getting vaccinated against flu and COVID-19 helps protect you, your colleagues, residents and loved ones ahead of the winter holidays.

Even though the online booking system has closed, you can still book a COVID-19 vaccine with a local NHS vaccination service, or .

In addition, if you or someone you know has an ongoing health condition, are pregnant or over 65 years old, flu and COVID-19 vaccines are also free. For more free resources to help you and your colleagues get vaccinated, click the link below.

Free vaccination resources for care colleagues can be found on

11. Reminder: Help in Brum – Help for vulnerable people in short-term crisis with food and essential items (information for all providers)

Share the below information with staff and service users as appropriate.

Help in Brum is the council’s support for people in ¶®ÒõµÛ who are in need of help due to cost of living crisis. The council has information and support offers around a number of areas with full information on the Council's website using the link below. It can help people who want help accessing grants and debt advice, support getting all the money they are entitled to or simply wanting to know more about the government’s support measures.

Council’s website

Cost of living support | ¶®ÒõµÛ

Social Links