
PLEASE READ Upcoming Home Support Tender - Provider Engagement Events

Upcoming Home Support Tender - Provider Engagement Events

The council’s current contract for general Home Support (for adults and children) is due to expire in 2024 and the Council are keen to hear your views about our proposed changes to the Commissioning Strategy.

We will be holding a number of engagement events and would like to invite you to attend one of the following:

Date Time Venue Target Audience
Tuesday 10 October 1:00pm to 3:30pm

Auditorium, 10 Woodcock Street, B7 4BL

Booking in advance only via operationalcommissioning@birmingham.gov.uk

Maximum of 40 attendees

Existing contracted home support providers
Friday 13 October Midday to 2:30pm

Auditorium, 10 Woodcock Street, B7 4BL

Booking in advance only via operationalcommissioning@birmingham.gov.uk

Maximum of 40 attendees

Existing contracted home support providers
Tuesday 17 October 1:00pm to 3.30pm

Virtual via Teams

For any current or potential provider

Friday 20 October 9:30am to midday

Virtual via Teams

For any current or potential provider

The information shared by the council will be the same at each event and we ask that due to limited space for the in-person events, you only attend one event and register in advance by emailing: operationalcommissioning@birmingham.gov.uk

We look forward to sharing our plans and hearing your views over the coming weeks.

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