
What's New Bulletin 162 - 14 September 2023

This is edition 162 of the provider bulletin, containing information on guidance, procedures and new initiatives. Very urgent or high priority communications may still be issued on an ad hoc basis, but we will try to keep these to a minimum.

1. Letter from the Department of Health and Social Care BA.2.86 AND IPC BEST PRACTICE FOR AUTUMN/WINTER (information for all providers)
2. Capacity Tracker COVID Booster & Flu Vaccination Programme for Autumn booster to be added 20 September 2023 (information for all providers)
3. REMINDER Care Homes Market Intelligence Questionnaire (MIQ) – September 2023 – DEADLINE 22 September 2023 (information for all ¶®ÒõµÛ and contracted care homes)
4. NHS and Social Care Coronavirus Life Assurance Scheme: last chance to claim (information for all providers)
5. National Day of Arts in Care Homes 24 September 2023 (information for all care homes)
6. Adult Social Care Workforce Survey on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) (information for all providers)
7. Think Local Act Personal survey: views needed on personalisation and community support (information for all providers)
8. REMINDER CONSULTATION Still time to give your views on learning disability and autism training for health and social care workers - deadline 19 September 2023 (information for all providers)
9. REMINDER ¶®ÒõµÛ and Solihull Training Hub: Knowledge and Library Services Demonstration 19 September 2023 (information for ¶®ÒõµÛ and Solihull providers)
10. Care Quality Commission (CQC) Webinar: Introducing quality statements and evidence categories 20 Wednesday 2023 (information for all providers)
11. REMINDER Infection Prevention Control (IPC) Champions Training - 22 September 2023 (information for all ¶®ÒõµÛ Care Homes)
12. REMINDER Ladywood Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Awareness Day 26 September 2023 (information for all ¶®ÒõµÛ providers)

1. Letter from the Department of Health and Social Care BA.2.86 AND IPC BEST PRACTICE FOR AUTUMN/WINTER (information for all providers)

The following letter updates the sector on the COVID-19 BA.2.86 variant in the UK and reminds providers of the existing government guidance on coronavirus, and steps the government is taking to reduce spread this autumn and winter;

2. Capacity Tracker COVID Booster & Flu Vaccination Programme for Autumn booster to be added 20 September 2023 (information for all providers)

The Capacity Tracker team are aware that this Autumn’s COVID Booster and Flu vaccination programme has commenced. Further to the comms issued last week, these fields will be available in Capacity Tracker as part of the next system release on the 20th September. This will be the earliest you can report any of this year’s Autumn COVID Boosters.

Please DO NOT utilise the existing COVID Spring Booster field to record the Autumn Data as this field will be removed and data archived as part of the system release.

3. REMINDER Care Homes Market Intelligence Questionnaire (MIQ) – September 2023 – DEADLINE 22 September 2023 (information for all ¶®ÒõµÛ and contracted care homes)

Please find the link to the September monthly MIQ below:

The deadline for completion is Friday 22 September 2023.

Completion of the questionnaire is part of the terms of our current contracts for contracted providers, but we ask all ¶®ÒõµÛ providers to take part in the process to help us meet our responsibilities to all ¶®ÒõµÛ citizens. Many thanks to staff at the care homes who completed the July & August questionnaires. If this did not include your care home, please ensure that you complete the September and subsequent editions.

The purpose of the questionnaire is to collect information to assist our market shaping and development role, the production of our Market Position Statements, fulfil our Care Act duties around ensuring a quality and sustainable market, to help us direct resources, identify areas of risk, and monitor progress towards our strategic aims. It has been co-produced with health colleagues to reduce duplication in data collection, and has been streamlined so that we are only collecting information that is not available to us from elsewhere e.g. the Capacity Tracker.

We will only be collecting data that we will use and at the frequency we need it. There will be a shorter monthly questionnaires, a slightly longer quarterly questionnaire with some additional questions, and a slightly longer still annual questionnaire.

Please see attached further information about our approach and how the data we are asking for will be used. A PDF version of the questionnaire has been circulated to providers for review in advance of starting to complete the on-line the questionnaire. If you don't have a copy, please email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

4. NHS and Social Care Coronavirus Life Assurance Scheme: last chance to claim (information for all providers)

The scheme provides financial support to families and dependents of health and care colleagues who sadly died from COVID-19, while delivering frontline care during the pandemic. The window for eligible claims closes at the end of this month.

A tax-free lump sum of £60,000 is paid to the deceased’s appropriate person, regardless of salary. The scheme is non-contributory. There is no cost or liability to employers or staff.

Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Deborah Sturdy, uses this recent blog post to explain why it is all care providers’ duty of care to help families of dearly missed colleagues make the most of this scheme before the end of September deadline.

Find out if your colleagues’ dependents are eligible here;

5. National Day of Arts in Care Homes 24 September 2023 (information for all care homes)

The annual National Day of Arts in Care Homes takes place on 24 September 2023. The aim is to champion, promote and encourage arts engagement in care settings and highlight the health and well-being benefits for all involved. Organised by the National Activity Providers Association (NAPA), this year sees a week-long celebration of arts in care provision. It starts on Monday 18 September 2023 building to the Fifth National Day of Arts in Care Homes on Sunday 24 September 2023.

Speaking about the event, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care and Integrated Care, James Bullion, said, “I’m fully supportive of celebrating the arts and creativity in care settings. It’s a powerful way to give voice to people’s experience, and it nourishes our wellbeing. It’s great to shine a spotlight on its value and transformative effect.”

The theme for this year is #Reflections - NAPA will looking back at learning gained from the programme so far and identifying with care and arts partners what's needed, going forward, to embed the arts into care provision.

Find out information on how you can get involved below:

6. Adult Social Care Workforce Survey on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) (information for all providers)

Have you participated in the new national Government survey yet? It aims to capture the experiences of those working in adult social care to support improvements over time.

Skills for Care in partnership with Ipsos and The University of Kent, have launched the survey on behalf of the DHSC. The survey is open to people working in any care-related role across all settings in adult social care, including personal assistants and employees in local authority adult social care departments. The survey will contribute to the Government’s understanding of working conditions and experiences for the adult social care workforce – such as working hours, pay, capacity and training - and the forms of support which could make adult social care a better place to work.

The data collected through the survey will be vital in aiding government decisions on how to support the adult social care sector and workforce.This is an important opportunity for everyone working in adult social care to share their own experience of working in care and help to shape future offers of support.

You can take part in the survey below;

7. Think Local Act Personal survey: views needed on personalisation and community support (information for all providers)

The Department of Health and Social Care is seeking views on Think Local Act Personal (TLAP)’s work across the adult social care sector. TLAP provides services and products encouraging personalisation and community-based support, including those used by local authorities, service users, providers and the social work profession.

Your feedback will provide insight on topics including take-up of services and the impact you feel it has on your work in adult care settings and services. The survey takes around five minutes to complete and is open till 30 September 2023. All responses will remain confidential and fully anonymised.

You can take the survey below:

8. REMINDER CONSULTATION Still time to give your views on learning disability and autism training for health and social care workers - deadline 19 September 2023 (information for all providers)

There is still time to give your views about guidance covering learning disability and autism training for people who work in health and social care.

The Oliver McGowan code of practice sets out how providers of health and social care can make sure their staff receive learning disability and autism training suitable for their role. What you tell the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) about the code of practice will help shape the final version of the code. The code of practice is named after Oliver McGowan, whose tragic death in 2016 highlighted failures in care that could have been prevented. It is essential that autistic people and people with a learning disability have access to safe, high-quality care.

The consultation is open until 19 September 2023. You can view the consultation documents and respond to the consultation here;

9. REMINDER ¶®ÒõµÛ and Solihull Training Hub: Knowledge and Library Services Demonstration 19 September 2023 (information for ¶®ÒõµÛ and Solihull providers)

At this event, knowledge and library services specialist Philip O’Reilly will:

  1. Demonstrate the free services and resources that are available
  2. Talk through worked examples of support provided
  3. Answer any questions about the service.

Date of Meeting: Tuesday 19 September 2023
Time: 12:30pm - 1:00pm
Register for this free event now:

You will need to create a Moodle account first.

10. Care Quality Commission (CQC) Webinar: Introducing quality statements and evidence categories 20 Wednesday 2023 (information for all providers)

The upcoming CQC webinar will focus on quality statements and evidence categories. You will be guided through where these two elements fit in the wider new regulatory approach and what guidance is available to help you understand them.

There will be a focus on example quality statements to explore how the CQC will use evidence categories to identify specific sources of evidence to use in their assessments. Alongside the full provider guidance publishing in September, this webinar will give you the information you need to understand the evidence the CQC will use to assess each of their new quality statements.

The webinar will be led by Dave James, Head of Policy – Adult Social Care and Amanda Hutchinson, Head of Regulatory Change. It will take place on Wednesday 20 September, from 9:00am to 10:00am. There will be a presentation and time to answer your questions from the live chat.

Registrations for the event have now closed as all the places have been booked

11. REMINDER Infection Prevention Control (IPC) Champions Training - 22 September 2023 (information for all ¶®ÒõµÛ Care Homes)

Are you or colleague interested in undergoing Infection Control training? Why not become an IPC Champion.

The IPC Team and ¶®ÒõµÛ will be holding a free training event for care home staff at the The Saffron Centre - Friday 22 September, 9:00am to 5:00pm.

To book your place please fill in the details below:

  • Name:
  • Surname:
  • Care Home:
  • Occupation:
  • Contact Number
  • Email:

You will need to confirm the above for yourself and all members of your party to guarantee your place.At this time we can only offer 3 to 4 spaces per home. Refreshments will be served during the event. If you or any members of your party have any food allergies, notify the team in your email. The IPC team will endeavour to ensure that any food/drink served is labelled clearly. Free parking will be available on the day.

12. REMINDER Ladywood Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Awareness Day 26 September 2023 (information for all ¶®ÒõµÛ providers)

Ladywood NNS are hosting an awareness day on the 26 September 2023 (11:30am to 2:30pm). It is an informal networking opportunity with the social work team, social prescribers and community network support team present, alongside special services and community organisations.

Join them at Ladywood Leisure Centre. A flyer has been circulated to providers. To request a copy, email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk.

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