
Timeline 1935 to 1950

Timeline of activities from 1935 to 1950
Year Activity
1935 Anstey College represented England at the Brussels Exhibition. ( Congress Internationale de L’Education Physique)
1936 Death of Rhoda Anstey, aged 71 years. She was buried in Cheltenham. Three Anstey students awarded the University of London Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Physical Education.
1937 Anstey Students participated in the Demonstration of Festival of Youth at Wembley.
  The Recreation Leaders Course was established at Anstey.
1938 Muriel Webster appointed to the College Staff. Anstey student (1925 to 1928) she took over dance from Helen Wingrave.
1939 Stockholm Lingiad - six students from five of the Women’s Physical Education Colleges represented Great Britain. The Lingiad was only six weeks before the Second World War was declared. Marion Squire invited Rudolph Laban and Lisa Ullman to develop a Movement Centre in England at Anstey. The centre was eventually developed in Manchester.
1939 to 1945 Second World War. College continued but with limitations. The AOSA Magazines became smaller with no cover piece to help the War Effort. Old students also joined ATS, WAAF, WRENS, WLA etc and raised money for the Red Cross.
1944 Name of Central Council of Recreation and Physical Training(CCRPT) changed to Central Council of Physical Recreation (CCPR). The CCPR was invited to extend its activities to Scotland by the Scottish Education Department and May Brown (Webster) (Anstey Student 1921) became the Scottish Secretary.
1945 Presentation of London Diploma in the Royal Albert Hall – Barbara Blossom attended to receive her award.
1946 The end of the conjoint award. CSMMG had become CSP (Chartered society of physiotherapists) which had also been available to students from 1922 and the Ling Diploma also discontinued. Audrey Bambra a former student (1935-1938) joined the staff in 1946 to 1949 (full time) and 1950 (part time). She later went on to become the Principal of Chelsea College of Physical Education.
1947 Anstey’s 50th Birthday Jubilee Celebration Luncheon at Normandie Hotel, London. Sophie Macready nee Knight (1897-1899) spoke of her time as one of first three students of Anstey at Leasowes. Anstey Physical Training College (APTC) became known as Anstey College of Physical Education(ACPE). Students Union formed.
1949 Four Anstey students members of Great Britain team at the Lingiad Gymnastic Festival, Stockholm. Third Years to Glenmore Lodge in the Scottish Centre for Outdoor Training. Students had to pay their fees and expenses for the fortnight until 1955 when the Local Education Authority (LEA) paid. C. Muriel Webster had supported the establishment of the International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW in 1949) and was Vice President 1957 to 1973.