
Timeline 1895 to 1930

Timeline of activities from 1895 to 1930
Year Activity
1895 Rhoda Anstey qualified as a teacher of gymnastics and a medical gymnast from the Bergman-Österberg College (later known as Dartford College). She started the “Hygienic Home for Ladies” at New Cross Farm in Somerset.
1897 Rhoda as Owner and Principal founded Anstey College and moved the college to “The Leasowes” in Halesowen. She enrolled three students who took a two-year training course and qualified as gymnastic teachers.
1898 The possibility of a teachers association for Ling trained teachers was discussed at meeting hosted at Anstey – The Leasowes.
1899 ‘Ling Association’ founded. Rhoda Anstey a founder member.
1900 “Vis Atque Gratia Harmoniaque” (Strength together with Grace and Harmony) adopted as college motto.
1901 Margaret Cadbury graduated in the second set of four students.
1903 First College Magazine produced.
1904 ‘Ling Association’ gained award bearing powers – “Ling Association Diploma”.
1907 Anstey College moved to Yew Tree House in Chester Road, Erdington, home for students and staff until 1981.
1910 and 1911 Rhoda Anstey led her staff and students to support the Suffrage Demonstrations in London.
1911 Anstey Old Students’ Association (AOSA) was founded during the Ling Christmas Course at St. Paul’s Girls’ School, London, Rhoda Anstey President.
1913 First Old Students Reunion in London, twenty-five attended.
1914 to 1918 War years – College continued but limited.
1918 to 1919 Rhoda Anstey taken ill and took semi-retirement in Cheltenham.
1919 Three year training course started Informal adoption of 3 children 1927 formally adopted.
1920 Joint Principals – Rhoda Anstey and Ida Bridgman (who took over the day-to-day running of the college).
1921 Christmas Teas (AOSA) were started on a regular basis during the Ling Christmas Course in London.
1922 Chartered Society for Massage and Medical Gymnastics (C.S.M.M.G.) participated in examining the Medical Gymnastics Remedial work. Membership granted to students for the conjoint Examinations.
1924 Marion Squire (Bedford 1913 to 1915) was appointed to the Anstey staff.
1927 Marion Squire appointed Principal (1927 to 1955) Rhoda Anstey and Ida Bridgman remained as Co-Directors until 1930 when Marion Squire completed the financial transaction of ownership.
  A key meeting with the University of London, the Ling Association, Anstey, Bedford, Chelsea and Dartford Colleges petitioned the University to be allowed to award a Degree or a Diploma Certificate.
1930 University of London approved the award of a Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Physical Education and the first examinations took place e.g. Chelsea. (First Anstey students were examined for Part 1 1935, Part 2 1936 – first 3 students qualified this year.)