
The Early Years programme

Bookstart Treasure Pack is no longer available and a new, Early Years Programme is now in effect.

Note that the Early Years Programme is a targeted programme, and unlike the Treasure Pack is not available to every child. Bookstart ¶®ÒõµÛ does not have Treasure Packs to gift.

The Early Years Programme is for children living in the highest areas of deprivation in ¶®ÒõµÛ. Bookstart ¶®ÒõµÛ is working with the Early Years team to target nurseries, childminders, and home educators to gift these packs. For 1 to 2 year olds, this also includes working with Children in Accommodation providers, and refuge centres/sanctuaries. We apologise but individual requests cannot be accommodated due to the targeted nature of the programme.

There are two age ranges provided for:

  • Bookstart Toddler for 1 to 2 year olds
  • Bookstart Pre-Schooler for 3 to 4 year olds (based on the current academic/school year)

To receive one of these packs for your child, we will have contacted your early years provider (nursery, child minder etc) or a local organisation/provider to children in accommodation or refuge.

You are welcome to check with your nursery or child minder to see if they have been included in the programme. Bear in mind that your nursery may not have been targeted, and also that nurseries will often gift out packs at a specific time of the year.

If the nursery or child minder has not responded to the invite to the Early Years Programme, they will need to email us.

Tips on using your Early Years pack

  • You can still use the same tips as with a baby. See section 2 for information on the baby pack.
  • Use the stories to help them develop their reading skills, and build up their knowledge and understanding of words and phrases
  • Talk to your child about the stories and characters, listen to what they have to say
  • Point to the text as you read
  • You can or
  • Let your child choose more books to read together