
Dual language picture books

Bookstart also provides support for children whose first language isn’t English with a dual language picture book. This is for 3 to 4 year olds. Nurseries, child minders and home educators can request a dual language picture book for children whose first language isn’t English. Note that Bookstart is not able to cover every language.

If you haven’t received your dual language picture book, check first with the nursery, childminder or home educator. If they are unable to assist you email us.

Nurseries, childminders and home educators can place orders online when they receive notification from us at Bookstart ¶®ÒõµÛ, the Early Years Management Information System and the partners we work with – see section 6 for further information.

Tips on using your dual language picture book

  • Encourage other family members to join in, such as grandparents. Can they think of any nursery rhymes in their home language to share
  • Try swopping out words and phrases between the two languages as you read the story.
  • It’s both comforting and reassuring to hear the story in a first language as well as in English
  • It’s also reassuring if you as the storyteller are finding it hard to read the story in English. As you read together you’ll both start to understand and enjoy the story.

If you’re struggling to read a story that is in English only – focus on the pictures. What are they telling you about the story?

Follow these tips too, for any library books you and your child borrow from the library.