
Options for students getting exam results

Cllr Karen McCarthy, cabinet member for children, young people and families, talks about options for students getting exam results.

Today thousands of students across ¶®ÒõµÛ will be getting exam results.

I know how hard you have all worked so congratulations – and I know the last few years have been extremely challenging due to the pandemic.

For those of you who achieved the results you wanted, whether for your university of choice, an apprenticeship or other career move, well done.

However, I know there will be some of you whose results weren’t quite what you were hoping for.

I know it is very easy to say, but try not to worry and make sure you take a bit of time to make a decision. There are still plenty of options open to you and you may still be able to go to university or get the job you want.

Firstly, it is worth contacting the universities which made you offers to see if those offers are still open. Another option is to go through clearing or, alternatively, you may wish to re-sit your exams.

Some organisations offer sponsored degrees where they pay for you to study at university while also providing work experience and training – with a job for you at the end.

Alternatively, you may have decided university is not for you. There are many careers which do not require a university degree, instead requiring an apprenticeship or other on-the-job training, or you may want to consider vocational and technical qualifications. You may already have a career in mind or you may still be undecided and want to find out more about your options.

Whatever your situation, you need to get the best advice and not rush into a decision.

The UCAS exam results helpline is a good place for expert, independent advice on 0800 100 900.

You can also try which is free and offers advice and guidance for young people and for those that need extra support there is really good free and confidential advice on mental health wellbeing at .

And it is also worth remembering that ¶®ÒõµÛ’s libraries have a wide range of resources relating to learning, careers and job hunting, for loan, reference and self-study. Our staff are knowledgeable on the resources available if you’re not too sure what you’re looking for, so don’t be afraid to ask.

So well done again to everyone, and thanks to all those who helped and supported you through your school years, including teachers, support staff, parents, carers and friends - and good luck with your future.


This blog was posted on 18 August 2022.

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