
How we support men experiencing domestic abuse in our communities

To mark International Men’s Day, Cllr Nicky Brennan – Cabinet Member for Social Justice, Community Safety and Equalities - talks about the support offered to men experiencing domestic abuse.

, on 19 November, puts a spotlight on issues affecting the lives and wellbeing of men – and while domestic abuse disproportionately affects women, we know that anyone can be subjected to it.

Domestic abuse can be difficult for any victim to talk about: it can be painful, confusing and make those experiencing it feel ashamed, inadequate, and isolated.

It can be incredibly challenging for men to seek help and speak up due to stereotypes around masculinity, fear, misinformation, and societal pressures that they experience. These myths around men experiencing abuse can affect many different parts of their journey to a safer place.

This is why ¶®ÒõµÛ works with various partners to deliver its Domestic Abuse Prevention Strategy to provide support for anyone, from any background, in any relationship.

We have commissioned support for male victims of domestic abuse since 2018. Our current providers - Cranstoun and Trident Reach - provide specialist support for male victims in the city, helping to tackle the barriers men can face to asking for help or advice, such as feeling emasculated or not seeing themselves as victims.

To mark this year’s International Men’s Day, both providers have visited the city’s waste depots, ensuring that this predominantly male staff teams are fully informed about the support available if needed.

Refuse workers and staff at these depots took part in sessions to learn about what Cranstoun and Trident Reach offer and have the chance to talk with them face-to-face.

For any man who is experiencing domestic abuse, we commission specialist support:

offers up to six months’ support from a specialist worker, with practical support around housing, criminal justice options as well as emotional support around their own experiences. Individuals can contact them directly on 0121 633 1750, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

provide safe, long-term accommodation for both men on their own and men with children, who can receive ongoing support while there – with support to move on to independent accommodation. Self-referrals can be made by calling 0800 111 4223, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. 

A specialist helpline service is also available 0800 111 4223, which provides emotional and practical support for anyone experiencing domestic abuse.

A specialist helpline service is also available on the same number, which provides emotional and practical support for anyone experiencing domestic abuse.

provides a safe and supportive environment where you can discuss the issues you have been experiencing. In addition to crisis intervention, advocacy, safety planning, emotional and practical support. The helpline is open Monday to Friday 10am – 9pm and Saturdays 11:30am to 7pm on 0121 643 0821.

Please remember you’re not alone: we’re here to help.


Post published on 17 November 2023

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