
Part-time provision notification, update provision notification, and half termly nil return (no new cases) for schools

This form is for schools, academies or alternative providers to notify us of a:

  • child who is of compulsory school age placed on a part-time/reduced timetable and not currently receiving full-time educational provision
  • an update to a notification you have already submitted
  • nil return (no new cases)

A separate form must be completed for each child.

This form will 'time-out' if left inactive for 10 minutes.

If you have any questions, read our part-time or reduced timetables guidance. If your question is still not answered, email attendance@birmingham.gov.uk.

Submit a part-time provision notification

If you are making an initial notification for a child, make sure you have all of the information ready.

Submit a part-time provision notification update

If you are notifying us of an update for a notification already submitted, you should submit a part-time provision notification update.

Submit a nil return (no new cases)

If there have been no new part-time/reduced timetable notifications for that half term, you should submit a nil return (no new cases).