
Photograph of DBS Law road safety campaign

Toolkit for employers

Commuting to work is part of our daily lives, and we all have the right to a safe and pleasant one whether by vehicle, bicycle or on foot.

Helping to educate and influence your employees about the benefits of maintaining 20mph is the first step towards encouraging a happy and well workforce. Helping to achieve slower speeds on our roads means that your staff feel safer in commuting to work by bicycle or on foot which is both great for the body and mind. It also creates a reduction in the number of vehicles on the roads, meaning less traffic jams and happier, more punctual employees.

Slower is always safer, and encouraging your staff to maintain 20mph even if they are running late is key to reducing the amount of fatal collisions on our roads.

Inspired to help spread the message across your workforce? Let our toolkits do the talking.

Businesses and organisations are encouraged to register for free with to create a Travel Plan with actions to promote and enable sustainable travel. STARSfor is a national scheme to support organisations with producing and delivering effective Travel Plans, and recognise excellence in this area of work by providing formal accreditation.

Ready to help transform the work commute for all of ¶®ÒõµÛ? Download our toolkit below.

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