
Effective use of Pupil Premium Plus

The following guidance is available on the effective use of Pupil Premium Plus (PPP):

  • GOV.UK press release
  • Ofsted 2013

Information on a school's use of funding should be available on their website. Ask the school’s designated teacher for further information in the first instance.


The virtual school recommends that PPP funding is used primarily in the following areas of development.

These examples of each intervention are displayed for reference purposes only.

Intervention / target type Example
In-class academic attainment

Providing one-to-one tuition or TA support in class.

Training staff and funding the staffing costs of key adults who are attachment and trauma aware.


Facilitating visits to further or higher education centres.

Taking a student in Year 6 to visit their new school

Helping students in Year 2 to familiarise themselves with a change of environment as they start Key Stage 2.

Wider achievement and extra-curricular learning outside the classroom

Taking students on visits to universities, or careers events.

Supporting the costs of after-school clubs and societies.

Attendance and inclusion

Addressing barriers that could prevent students from attending school on a regular basis.

Providing regular meet-and-greets or having a designated mentor for students to access during the school day.

Social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH)

Helping to provide counselling or resources to address ongoing SEMH concerns.

Supporting interventions which de-escalate negative behaviour in the classroom.

Support to build confidence and increase self-awareness.

PPP funding should not be used to provide services that the local authority is responsible for funding, such as support for foster carers, school uniforms or transport to get the child to school.

Page last updated: 15 May 2024