
Enter the ePoster competition

We are hosting an ePoster competition to showcase the wealth of experience and excellent work of our partners across the city.

We are inviting a wide range of submissions from diverse audiences.

We will be judging posters in two categories:

  • community projects and initiative case studies
  • academic research

The closing date for submitting your competition entries is 10:00am on Thursday 25 January 2024.

Before you submit your entry

Think about:

  • have you carried out a project or other activity related to LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing, health inequalities, or health inclusion that you would like to share with others?
  • does this project or activity align with any of the three priority themes of the conference:
    • shine the light on issues
    • celebrate and connect with communities
    • share emerging practice and learning
  • Does this project or activity reflect the breadth of diversity across our LGBTQ+ communities and highlight intersectionality?
  • Does this activity or project primarily focus on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity - such as Trans+ Health Services, HIV and AIDs, health service inclusion, specific health and wellbeing needs of LGBTQ+ people
  • Does this project or activity align with:
    • our local  clinical priorities relevant to the LGBTQ+ community:
      • circulatory disease
      • respiratory disease
      • cancer
      • mental health
    • our health and wellbeing board strategy priorities:
      • physical activity
      • food
      • mental wellbeing
      • healthy ageing
      • addictions


Submit your entry


Before you submit your entries, make sure that they meet the following specification:

  • use Arial Nova font and minimum 16pt type size - references can be 12pt if needed
  • posters should include:
    • title
    • authors name
    • organisation
  • posters need to be created in PowerPoint and meet the in-built accessibility checks in Microsoft

Complete the poster submission form and submit your entry

Download the submission form

Email your poster and completed submission form to LGBT@birmingham.gov.uk.

It is important that you submit your poster as a PowerPoint so that we can carry out final accessibility checks.

Next steps

We will announce the winning posters at the end of conference celebration event on 29 February 2024.

Winners will receive a certificate of recognition in the following two categories:

  • best academic research poster
  • best community organisation poster

Online ePoster gallery

All posters may be uploaded on to ¶®ÒõµÛ’s website and social media pages.

By submitting a poster, you consent to your poster being uploaded to these pages.

Oral ePoster presentation

A selection of submitted posters will be presented during virtual poster presentation sessions throughout October.

Each presentation will last for 10 minutes and include questions and answers.

We will confirm further details with those who are chosen to present.

ePoster examples

You can see examples of posters produced by student interns as part of the EUniWell Mayor's Placement Scheme and Knowledge exchange programme on the Training and work placements with Public Health pages.

You can download all of the above information on the ePoster competition information sheet.