
Cost of commissioners and expenses

The fees for commissioners are set by the Department for Levelling up Housing and Communities (DLUHC). The fees are:

  • £1,200 per day for the Lead Commissioner
  • £1,100 per day for the other commissioners

We cover the costs related to commissioners' expenses, such as travel and hotel/meals, as included in the terms of their appointment.

June 2024

Expenses and fees Jackie Belton John Hutton John Biggs Myron Hrycyk John Coughlan Max Caller Pam Parkes Chris Tambini
Fees (£) 12,650 6,050 9,350 14,575 8,250 19,260 7,150 16,500
Hotel (£) 263.50 110.00 665 365.15 336.1o 903.23 191.50 648.90
Subsistence (£) 15.28 0 40.06 56.55 0 0 0 0
Travel (£) 338.40 948.80 321.05 203.70 238.30 399.05 475.70 205.20
Total (£) 13267.18 7,108.80 10,376.11 15,200.40 8,824.40 20,562.28 7,817.20 17,354.10

May 2024

Expenses and fees Jackie Belton John Hutton John Biggs Myron Hrycyk John Coughlan Max Caller Pam Parkes Chris Tambini
Fees (£) 16,500 2,750 9,350 15,950 6,050 9,600 9,900 13,200
Hotel (£) 210 0 159 463.20 312 0 0 103.50
Subsistence (£) 7.64 0 41.75 52.30 0 0 0 0
Travel (£) 786.20 0 486.48 227.30 0 0 419.10 302.50
Administrative error not applicable not applicable not applicable -71.95 not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable
Total (£) 17,503.84 2,750 10,037.15 16,620.15 6,362 9,600 10,319.10 13,606

April 2024

Expenses and fees Jackie Belton John Hutton John Biggs Myron Hrycyk John Coughlan Max Caller Pam Parkes Chris Tambini
Fees (£) 13,200 4,950 9,350 9350 7700 16,800 4,400 10450
Hotel (£) 414.60 239.50 312 328.10 105 398 0 0
Subsistence (£) 22.92 0 45.11 28.60 0 0 0 0
Travel (£) 436 539.90 292.15 77.80 0 151.43 188.80 119
Total (£) 14,073.52 5,729.40 9,999.26 9,784.50 7,805 1,7349.43 4,588.80 10,569

March 2024

Expenses and fees Jackie Belton John Hutton John Biggs Myron Hrycyk John Coughlan Max Caller Pam Parkes Chris Tambini
Fees (£) 12,650 4,950 9,350 15,400 6,050 20,400 6,600 13,200
Hotel (£) 486 124.50 116 402.75 313.80 493 171 497.80
Subsistence (£) 22.92 0 52.63 83.52 0 0 0 0
Travel (£) 424.90 248.50 149.25 132.60 0 272.57 566.40 202.80
Total (£) 13,583.82 5,323 9,668 16,019 6,363.80 21,166 7,337.40 13,901

February 2024

Expenses and fees Jackie Belton John Hutton John Biggs Myron Hrycyk John Coughlan Max Caller Pam Parkes Chris Tambini
Fees (£) 14,022.57 4,400 7,700 15,400 3,300 20,400 8,800 16,500
Hotel (£) 817.80 0 492.50 465.50 0 1,649.50 0 315
Subsistence (£) 22.92 0 37.59 87.90 0 13.81 0 0
Travel (£) 462.20 648.48 523.50 342.20 95 157.60 566.40 297.80
Total (£) 15,325.49 5,048 8,754 16,295.60 3395 22,221 9,366.40 17,112.80

January 2024

Expenses and fees Jackie Belton John Hutton John Biggs Myron Hrycyk John Coughlan Max Caller Pam Parkes Chris Tambini
Fees (£) 17,600 5,500 9,900 17,050 8,800 13,800 11,000 18,150
Hotel (£) 574.25 377.26 0 0 239 1,422 199 525
Subsistence (£) 38.20 0 42.29 29.80 0 0 0 0
Travel (£) 557.80 427.25 403 539.75 159.45 416.75 652 195.60
Total (£) 18,770 6,305 10,345 17,619.55 9,198.45 15,639 11,851 18,871

December 2023

Expenses and fees Jackie Belton John Hutton John Biggs Myron Hrycyk John Coughlan Max Caller Pam Parkes Chris Tambini
Fees (£) 15,400 4,400 9,900 14,300 5,500 16,500  4,400 13,200
Hotel (£) 539 167.95 188 0 193 944.50 0 202.50
Subsistence (£) 22.92 0 32.67 24.4 0 0 0 0
Travel (£) 388.30 302.25 253.37 192.05 64.7 173.45 366 167.97
Total (£) 16,039.88 4,702 10,376.67 14,570.35 5,757.70 17,024 4,766 13,367.97

November 2023

Expenses and fees Jackie Belton John Hutton John Biggs Myron Hrycyk John Coughlan Max Caller Pam Parkes Chris Tambini
Fees (£) 16,940 7,150 12,100 17,050 8,250 21,600 8,800 19,250
Hotel (£) 1006.05 0 733.87 0 640.94 860.60 0 590
Subsistence (£) 30.56 0 52.99 37.85 0 0 0 0
Travel (£) 418.50 557.30 327.10 209.40 124.45 294.35 733 125.59
Total (£) 17,629.26 7,493.85 13,210 17,262 9,015.39 22,615  9,533 19,578.09

October 2023

Expenses and fees Jackie Belton John Hutton John Biggs Myron Hrycyk John Coughlan Max Caller Pam Parkes Chris Tambini
Fees (£) 11,550 5,500 11,000 10,725 3,850 10,200 5,500 15,400
Hotel (£) 678.04 0 258 0 207.35 348.38 0 677.63
Subsistence (£) 36 0 62.90 23.95 0 9.88 0 0
Travel (£) 433.80 286.45 362 208 63 465.20 369 222.68
Total (£) 12,818 5,786.45 11,649 10,968 4,120.35 11,827 5,869 16,351

Page last updated: 10 September 2024