
Living well - working age adults

The vision in ¶®ÒõµÛ is to enable all of the people to grow, live and thrive; safely and well. This section provides intelligence relating to adults in the city including mental health, vulnerable people, domestic abuse and homelessness.

Adults Social Care

Domestic Abuse


Learning Disability



  • Migrant health in the West Midlands
    PHE report demonstrating the changing profile of migrant population of the West Midlands and the impact of healthcare and public health services, 2017

  • An assessment of the demographics and health needs of migrant communities in ¶®ÒõµÛ carried out by Doctors of the World, September 2017



  • West Midlands Violence Prevention Alliance conference 2017
    Presentations from the public health focused event including Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP), Injury Surveillance Programme, Redthread Youth Violence Intervention Programme, Identification and Referral to Improve Safety (IRIS), July 2017

Mental health and wellbeing

Mental health problems affect 1 in 4 people and include depression, anxiety disorder, dementia and severe mental illness. The resources in this section are provided to enable commissioning, planning and providing services locally.


  • Updated data on the density of fast food outlets by local authority in England was published as an ad hoc statistical publication by PHE, October 2016

  • The FEAT tool has been developed by CEDAR and the at the University of Cambridge. It allows for detailed exploration of the geography of food retail access across England. Feat is underpinned by evidence about how food access in our neighbourhoods affects our dietary choices, body weight and health. It will allow you to map, measure and monitor access to food outlets at a neighbourhood level, including changes over time.
  • Drugs & alcohol needs assessment
    Evaluation of substance misuse services in ¶®ÒõµÛ 2013 to 2014

  • ONS statistical bulletin based on the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, 2017

  • A review of evidence by Public Health England on what outcomes can be expected of the drug treatment and recovery system in England, with advice on future policy, 2017

  • Home Office policy paper on tackling drug misuse and the harm it causes