
Ready to evacuate

There may be times where an emergency occurs and you need to evacuate your premises. This may be due to flooding, a fire or incidents causing structural damage.

Plan how you will leave and where you will go if you are advised to evacuate. It is better to be prepared for this type of emergency and already have a pre-packed (grab) bag available to pick up and go.

The following items are a guideline on what you may need to pack:

  • Contact lists – staff, other branches, clients, suppliers, utilities, insurance company details
  • Building/site plans/map
  • Compact megaphone
  • Wind-up torch
  • Hi-visibility jackets
  • Waterproof document wallet, notepad and pens
  • Emergency blankets
  • Whistle
  • Wind-up phone charger, spare mobile phone
  • Wind-up radio
  • Water and snack bars
  • First aid kit
  • Gloves
  • Nylon rope
  • Walkie talkies