
Do your research

In order for your employment abroad to be successful, it is essential that you carry out extensive research prior to making your final decision. Things that you need to consider are:

  • Legal considerations
  • Cultural differences
  • Language barriers
  • Availability of work (unemployment tends to be higher in the newer EU states)
  • Health care (EU nationals should apply for the )
  • Finance – inform your bank and the that you plan to be working abroad
  • Accommodation
  • Qualifications – will they be recognised where you are going? See the for additional information.
  • Family – will your partner be able to work in the country if necessary? They may not have the same residency status as you. If you have school age children, will they be able to receive a suitable education?

Working abroad can be a very rewarding experience and can certainly enhance your CV and your future working prospects. Just ensure that you think very carefully about your motivation for wishing to work overseas and do your research in advance.

Good Luck!