
During your visit

You are welcome to use the Story Steps and other spaces to read and share stories. These areas are not bookable and will need to be shared with others.

Please take note of fire exits should the alarm be raised during your visit. Library staff can be identified by the blue waistcoat/fleece they wear. Please follow their instructions in the event of an evacuation or as requested during the visit.

Library staff will be available to answer any enquiries by you and your group but do bear in mind your group may not be the only visitors who need our help, and you may be sharing space with families who have babies and toddlers with them.

We ask that you and your group respect these and other library users by keeping loud noise to a minimum, walking not running and making sure everyone can access the books they want to use easily. Misbehaviour will be reported to the group’s supervisor/s and Head of Service by library staff.

You are welcome to take photographs of your group in the Library and if you would like to share images and tell us about your visit then we may add them on our .

You are responsible for ensuring photograph permission forms are up to date for your group. Please respect other customers and their privacy

Once you have visited us with your group – do come again! You and your families are welcome to come see us again or why not pop into your local community library.