
About the Executive

The Leader, together with the Cabinet, takes all of the significant decisions within the council (excluding planning and licensing issues) through their Cabinet meetings or individual decision making process.

The are available to see that gives advance notice of all the "key decisions" which the Executive is likely to take over the next 4 month period. The Leader and Cabinet work towards fulfilling policies and priorities as outlined in the Leader’s Policy Statement.

The aim of the Cabinet is to enable political accountability for the Directorates in developing the projects to underpin and carry forward the policies set by the Leader and the Cabinet.

Cabinet Members are councillors with special responsibility for a part of the council’s activities, for example Health. Their area of responsibility is known as their portfolio. Cabinet members work with council officers and others to develop policy within their portfolio, and work together on particular cross cutting portfolio areas.

The cabinet also produces the council’s budget.

Page last updated: 20 February 2024