
Information sharing

Your data may be shared with:

  • Officers from Environmental Health for the purpose of processing a fixed penalty notice or processing legal proceedings for environmental crime or low level ASB offences.
  • Officers from the contractor for the purpose of processing your fixed penalty or potential legal proceedings for environmental crime or low level ASB offences.
  • The council’s and the contractor’s ICT providers for the purpose of administering and maintaining the databases.
  • Any person with a need to access your data relating to or responding to a complaint made by the data subject (Part 2 of the Data Protection Act Applies).
  • The council and the contractors may audit encounters to ensure that the highest professional standards are being met and to evidence any gross misconduct by the contractor or council officers to protect you and others. (Part 2 of the Data Protection Act applies)
  • The council’s Legal Services department where necessary for the purpose of legal proceedings (include prospective legal proceedings).
  • Where court action is deemed appropriate, data will also be shared with courts, the defendant and their legal representatives.
  • With the police or other enforcement agency where any evidence of a crime has been recorded either as part of the encounter or accidentally during the encounter.