
Express an interest in managing a local authority service

The Community Right to Challenge scheme allows groups to bid to run all or part of a local authority service, where they believe they can do so differently and better. Most of our services are open to the scheme.

Groups that can apply to run a service under the scheme include:

  • Voluntary and community groups
  • Parish groups
  • Charities
  • Groups of 2 or more employees of a ‘relevant authority’, such as the local council, and fire and rescue authorities
  • Another person or body specified by the Secretary of State by regulation.

If you’re part of one of the groups listed above and are interested in running a service, you must let us know by sending us an expression of interest form. You can do this by completing and returning a Community Right to Challenge Form. Once we have your completed form we will then decide whether to:

  • Accept it
  • Ask you to update it
  • Reject it

This process can take up to 6 months.

We will only consider expressions of interest:

  • From April to June, for services that we currently deliver
  • For a 3-month period, 9 to 12 months before the end of an existing contract, for services delivered on our behalf by another organisation.