
Scrutiny news

Call for evidence for Road Safety Scrutiny Inquiry

We have opened a scrutiny inquiry to understand how the Council can deliver better road safety outcomes while also meeting budget challenges and moving towards financial recovery.

We are particularly interested in hearing from resident groups and community organisations about their experiences of road safety, reporting these issues and enforcement in their local neighbourhoods.

We want to hear views about dangerous driving and parking. However, there is the opportunity to provide information on other issues.

from Tuesday 9 July to Tuesday 6 August 2024.

What is a scrutiny inquiry?

A scrutiny inquiry is when Councillors consider a topic in more detail and make recommendations to the council. These recommendations are designed to improve the way the council delivers its services.

Councillors on the Sustainability and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider Road Safety as a priority and have decided to carry out an in-depth inquiry. The inquiry is chaired by Councillor David Barker.

It is important that this inquiry hears from different groups so it can make recommendations which will make a difference. The inquiry intends to receive information from different council services, other councils and organisations including West Midlands Police.

Find out more about scrutiny

Read our scrutiny newsletter to find out what our committees have planned for the next month.

Read our Scrutiny Business Report

Meeting dates can be found on the individual

Page last updated: 17 July 2024