
Lighting up the Library of ¶®ÒõµÛ

The lighting system on the Library of ¶®ÒõµÛ’s façade is capable of being lit in a range of colours. We receive a great number of requests to display different colours associated with events, campaigns and charities.

How much does it cost to light up the Library of ¶®ÒõµÛ
Amount of time Cost

1 day

(part or whole 24 hours)

Each additional day £150 per day/part day
eg 2 days would be £500 + £150 = £650
3 days would be £500 + £300 = £800
Other additional costs When an external company is required to provide extra programming for the lighting system, there will be one-off additional charge of £300 regardless of duration and will be advised on a case-by-case basis