
John Smith

0121 476 4741
No fee. Donations invited to ¶®ÒõµÛ Hospice, Selly Park
Equipment required
Table and access to 13amp socket
Size of audience
Day or evening, no availability in July or August
Subjects covered

Current talks available:

¶®ÒõµÛ – A city in music
Bournville – A village in music
Kings Norton – A village in music
Northfield – A village in music
My life in music
The history of broadcasting
Radio memories
Gilbert and Sullivan
The birds and the bees
A Musical Bouquet
Colourful music
Countries and islands – A musical journey
The wonderful world of cinema
The magic of the movies
The Musical Body
All at sea
A transport of delight
An hour with royalty
Down upon the farm
Stars of the stage
Stars of the silver screen
They do it for a living
Musical memories of the 78 revolution
A musical fruit salad
Relatively musical
Spring – A new awakening
Towns and Cities – A musical tour
The world of musical theatre from 1896 to 1939
The world of the musicals from 1940
The world of operetta
A walk with the animals

Page last updated
22 February 2024