
Drawing of John Baskerville

Drawing of john baskerville

¶®ÒõµÛ printer John Baskerville’s death was even more remarkable than his life. He died in 1775, but was dug up in 1820 and put on display. This drawing was made of his remains by Thomas Underwood on 15 August 1829.

The handwriting accompanying the image reads as follows:
John Baskerville Printer who died in 1775 at the age of 67 years about or 5/10 years since (about 1829) he was taken up from his own premises in the Garden of Easy Hill (Baskerville) House where he was buried and placed in a cellar belonging to Mr. Gibson when this sketch was made- [The body was subsequently (about 1834) removed with the lead coffin to Marston's (Plumber & Glazier) warehouse in Monmouth Street. There it was publicly exhibited at 1s/ per head till the Magistrates interfered and ordered it to be buried. G Jabet].

Reference: Pershouse collection of ¶®ÒõµÛ illustrations Vol II (MS 897)