
Kinver screw works

Kinver screw works trade card

Located in Icknield Square near a junction between the winding ¶®ÒõµÛ Canal Old Main Line and Thomas Telford's more direct New Main Line. It seemed important that this company had good access to the canal network since its former premises were based in Staniforth Street, very close to the Digbeth Branch Canal. The company also felt that its close proximity to the railway network was a strong selling point; '2, minutes from Monument Station' (sic).

Monument Station served the ¶®ÒõµÛ New Street - Wolverhampton railway line which traced the route established by the Main Line Canal. A goods yard and locomotive shed was located on the station's site, reflecting the needs of local industry and companies like Kinver Screw Works. As manufacturing in the area went into decline so too did the need for Monument Station and it closed in 1958.

Location: ¶®ÒõµÛ Trade Card Collection: Box 8 No. 540

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