
Speech Day programme

Speech day programme copy

A page from King Edward's School Speech Day from 26 July 1911, where Tolkien played Hermes in a production of Aristophanes' Peace. Some of Tolkien's friends and fellow members of TCBS (Tea Club and Barrovian Society) can also be spotted amongst the cast. Robert Quilter Gilson plays the Crestmaker, and Christopher Wiseman is cast as the Sicklemaker, the fourth member of TCBS - Geoffrey Bache Smith does not appear in the Speech Day programme.

Aristophanes. Peace.

Trygaeus - W H Payton
Hermes - J R R Tolkien
Sicklemaker - C L Wiseman
Crestmaker - R Q Gilson
Peace - H J Dixon
Theoria - F R Buckley
Helmer Seller - F Scopes
Trumpet Seller - R S Payton
Spear Maker - S Barrowclough
Boys - A Barnsley and R J B Hicks
Opora (Harvest-home) - A P Harrower

Attendant Maidens - C M Attler, C W H Parker, H H A Sands, C W Wilson

Heralds - A L Sands, J W Fawdry, A G Fawdry, R C Taylor, L G Burliegh, D L L Craig, J G Bullocke

Chorus (of Farmers.) - L K Sands (Coryphaeus), J N E Tredennick, F T Faulconbridge, K W Grant, H A Ramsey, G H Bonner, H Forrest, T K Barnsley, P S Brindley, M E Holdsworth, J R Eden, V N Gorman.

Citharistae, Auletae - G A Sheldon, W H Tait, H I Fordred, N H Hartshorne, J L Taylor, G L Purser.

Trygaeus an Athenian farmer weary of the long war decides to drag up Peace to the light from the pit in which she is buried. With the aid of a number of his friends and the god Hermes he achieves this object in spite of the opposition of sundry interested persons. The obstructionists are driven away and the chorus sing a song of welcome to the enthroned Peace. Trygaeus makes arrangements for his wedding with Opora, and the Second Scene opens with a gathering of guests to congratulate him and incidentally get a share of the Feast. The Sickle maker thanks Trygaeus and gives him presents; the sellers of various warlike goods complain bitterly of the advent of Peace. Two boys practise their songs for the wedding, one of them to Trygaeus' annoyance insisting upon marital strains. Opora is escorted to the wedding in solemn procession, and after an invocation by the gods to bring good fortune, the chorus sing a Hymeneal chant round the bride and bridegroom.

[Writing in Greek]

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