
Footsteps of angels

Footsteps of angels song sheet cover

Front cover of Footsteps of Angels Song Sheet. From a poem written by H W Longfellow in 1838 and set to music by John Blockley in 1860. Published by Cramer, Beale and Co., 201 Regent Street, London.

The Song Sheet lists 6 songs by same author and composer: Excelsior (song or duet), The Rainy Day, The Psalm of Life, The Bridge, Whither (Song of the Water Nymphs), and Good Night (Serenade). The image on front is a side portrait or drawing of a man in nineteenth century dress, most likely of H W Longfellow. The smaller picture in background which appears to be a song sheet cover on a music stand depicting a man in theatrical dress with the name J Blockley underneath. The larger picture is signed Yours truly Henry W Longfellow.

Original poem by Longfellow written in 1838 to 1839 about the loss of his wife. In 1835 she miscarried six months into pregnancy and died soon after. Set to music by John Blockley in 1860. One of several musical versions of this poem.

Dating sources:

Blockley's song version:

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