
Daddy (c1914 to 1918) 2

Daddy 2 c 1914 1918 illustrated verse

"Why do your big tears fall, Daddy? Mother's not far away,
I often seem to hear her voice falling across my play;
And it sometimes makes me cry, Daddy, to think it's none of it true,
Till I fall asleep to dream, Daddy, of home, and Mother, and you.
For I've got you, and you've got me, so everything may go,
We're all the world to each other, Daddy, for Mother, dear Mother, once told me so."

Bamforth song card with words by Boosey & Co.

(c) Bamforth and Co Ltd

Location: Henry Whiston Scrapbook. Ephemera Collection - Uncatalogued Ephemera. Archives and Heritage.

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