
¶®ÒõµÛ Theatre Royal playbill (1823)

¶®ÒõµÛ theatre royal playbill 1823

Grimaldi and his son played once more in ¶®ÒõµÛ, between August-September 1823. By now Grimaldi was suffering from frequent bouts of illness and found it difficult to perform. A local reviewer for Theatrical Looker-On commented "Mr. G. seems to be much the worse for wear."

In his memoirs Grimaldi wrote that he had agreed to appear for two nights, yet the playbills show that he and his son were in ¶®ÒõµÛ for a week.

Location: Theatre Royal playbills. Archives and Heritage.

"Theatre Royal, ¶®ÒõµÛ. First night of the engagement of the celebrated Mr. GRIMALDI and YOUNG GRIMALDI. This present Tuesday, Aug. 26, 1823 will be performed the Tragedy of Brutus. Lucius Junius Brutus, Mr. SALTER, Titus, Mr. HOOPER, Sextus Tarquin, Mr. BALLS, Aruns, Mr. THORNE, Claudius, Mr. RICHARDS, Collatinus, Mr. ARCHER, Valerius, Mr. CORDELL, Lucretius, Mr. SHUTER, Horatius, Mr. YARNOLD, Celius, Mr. DALY, Flavius Corinna, Mr. HILL, Centurion, Mr. PAYNE, Messenger, Mr. RIGNOLD, 1st Roman, Mr COLLIER, 2d Roman, Mr. BLAND, Tullia, Mrs. SHUTER, Tarquinia, Miss KENNETH, Lucretia, Mrs. BALLS, Priestess, Miss SCHOLEY, Vestal, Miss GIFFARD, Lavinia, Miss ROBERTS.

To conclude with (for the first time at this Theatre) a Grand Serio-Comic Pantomime called Ko and Zo or, The Rival Indians. With new scenery, dresses, decorations, and all original music, the pantomime under the direction of Mr. GRIMALDI. Ko by Mr. J.S. GRIMALDI , Kien and Zaphael (his Children) Miss CRISP and Miss PARSLOE, Renard O'Leary (a Traveller from the County of Kilkenny, on a Voyage of Discovery, shipwrecked on the Indian Island) Mr. SHUTER, Lachem (the King of the Island) Mr. DALY, Indians, Messrs, PAYNE, RICHARDS, RIGNOLD, MATHEWS etc. Ravin ( the Rival Indian) Mr. GRIMALDI. Zoa (Wife of Ko) Miss WORGMAN, Krusa (Ravin's Wife) Mrs. BALLS. The piece concludes with an Indian Moraia, or Burial Ground.

Tomorrow, the Opera of the Maid of the Mill. After which, the pantomime of Ko and Zoa, in which Mr. GRIMALDI and YOUNG GRIMALDI will appear. On Thursday, the tragedy of Venice Preserv'd. After which, a new pantomime called Harlequin and the Three Wishes, or Puck and the Dumplings. Produced under the direction of Mr. GRIMALDI. On Friday, Mr. GRIMALDI's benefit and last appearance.

Miss M. TREE will have the honour of appearing on Monday next, and also Miss HALLANDE, of Covent Garden Theatre."

Read about Joseph Grimaldi