
Andre and Imarni Hesson

Andre and imarni hesson photograph

Andre Hesson

A passionate advocate of everything artistic, Andre Hesson is involved in various creative forms from performance poetry and spoken word expression through his own ‘Artistic Souls’ open mic night, to painting, photography and even performing in productions by ¶®ÒõµÛ Opera Company.

Through his various creative endeavours, Andre, 22, is no stranger to libraries and is a keen advocate of their ability to enhance lives and encourage learning. It’s a philosophy his is keen to impose on his one-year-old daughter Imarni, whom he has already introduced to the library.

He says: “I believe it’s important to bring children into the library at an early age because they learn so much. I want to teach Imarni as much as I can before she goes into education so she will have a head start, and so that I can help her more when she’s at home.”

Fatherhood is obviously a subject close to Andre’s heart, and he’s keen to encourage other fathers to play a full role in the development of their children. He said: “Sometimes fathers don’t engage, but at a younger age you can do more stuff like art, painting and reading. I don’t want to be one of those dads who’s working all the time and missing school plays and things like that.”

Read about the Faces of the Library of ¶®ÒõµÛ