
Visit of Basuto chiefs

Visit of basuto chiefs photograph

Visit of Basuto chiefs to the House of Commons, 25 February 1908.

The Chiefs, named in The Times as "Teifo", "Mojella", "Lishoboro" and "Manfupha", were in London to discuss their concerns related to the proposed unification of South Africa. In his Introductory Notes to the volume of Stone's photographs Michael MacDonagh noted that 'the coloured potentates and princes who come to London' never failed 'to visit the House of Commons'.

Sometimes they were to be 'seen in all the barbaric splendour of native costume, sometimes in the full fashionable rig of Picadilly, and occasionally with a roll, fantastic blending of East and West, in their attire.'

Location: The Benjamin Stone Photographic Collection, n22084-001

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