
M M Bhowanaggree

M m bhowanaggree photograph

Sir M M Bhowanaggree, Conservative MP for Bethnal Green and the Aga Khan at the House of Commons at the Coronation of Edward VII, 1902.

Bhowanaggree was the first Asian-born Conservative MP (for Bethnal Green 1895 to 1906). A lawyer, Chair of the Parsee Association of Europe, author and translator, he lobbied Parliament for the rights of Indian subjects and also for the rights of Indians living in South Africa.

Sultan Mohammed Shah, Aga Khan III, was the 48th Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims, one of the founders and the President of the All-India Muslim League, and President of the League of Nations (1937 to 1938).

Location: The Benjamin Stone Photographic Collection, n13902_001

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