
Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

Some websites are charging £50 or more to process Blue Badge applications. If you apply through the official form (link below) you will only be charged £10.

The Blue Badge scheme runs across the UK. It gives people with severe mobility problems, who have difficulty using public transport, additional parking rights. This makes it easier for them to park close to where they need to go.

You can apply for a Blue Badge on the Government’s Gov.UK website.

If you have a Hidden Disability and are applying under the ‘hidden disability Blue Badge route’, read this guidance before starting your application.

If you can’t apply online you can phone 0121 738 2656.

It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to review your application and make a decision.

To make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible, make sure that you:

  • apply in good time (no more than 10 weeks before the expiry date)
  • complete the forms correctly
  • send in the right documents.

Once your Blue Badge application has been approved and you’ve paid any related charges, you should receive your badge in the post within 5 to 7 working days.

Page last updated: 29 September 2023