
Noticeboard - 18 May 2023

Welcome to this week's noticeboard which contains a link to the recently published SEND Service Commissioner's Report, information on SEND Free Schools Engagement Events, a reminder for 2023 data collections, along with webinar and training opportunities.

SEND Service Commissioner's Report

Today, 18 May 2023, the independent SEND Commissioner, John Coughlan CBE, has published his second report to the Secretary of State.

The report recognises the progress and development that has taken place in ¶®ÒõµÛ SEND since the Commissioner’s previous report last year, together with the improvements in service delivery.

and a response from the council can be found here.

SEND Free Schools – Engagement Events: Reminder and Venue Details

We recently received approval to two of our bids for new SEND Free Schools in the latest application round with DfE. One is a 400 place ASC all-through school, the other a 120 place 14-19 SEMH/ASC school.

To share information on the free schools, our SEND Strategy and support available to proposers from Create schools, please join us at an upcoming Engagement Event. There will be two sessions (one virtual and one in person). Both sessions will have the same content.

The sessions will be held at the following times:

  • Wednesday, 24 May – 1pm-3pm – virtual meeting ()
  • Thursday, 25 May – 1pm-3pm – in person ()

To express interest in attending a session or any related queries please email: ediplaceplanning@birmingham.gov.uk

2023 Data Collections for EYFSP, Phonics, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

The Education and attainment data website has been updated with all the necessary documentation regarding the statutory collections, including how to submit assessments and online confirmation forms.

Deadlines for each key stage assessment return can be found here: Deadlines Poster 2023.

Please note, ALL schools are required to submit final returns and confirmation forms by the stated deadlines, for EYFSP, Phonics, Key stage 1.

Any files received after the deadlines may not be validated before being submitted to the DfE and schools may not receive reports in a timely manner. This could mean a schools result will not be included in the DfE statistical publications.

All schools should submit their CTF containing the assessments to the Local Authority using Anycomms+.

Please ensure that your school can log in to this before the collections begin during the second half of the 2023 Summer term.

Please note Key stage 2 assessment will need to be submitted to STA via Primary Assessment Gateway.

For any queries or further information please contact the Data and Intelligence Team – educationdata@birmingham.gov.uk

Operation Encompass ¶®ÒõµÛ – Training Session

Wednesday, 24 May 2023: 14:00-15:30 – Via Microsoft Teams

This webinar, delivered by the Education Safeguarding Team, will provide:

  • An update and overview of Operation Encompass ¶®ÒõµÛ since its launch in September 2021.
  • an oversight of the ¶®ÒõµÛ systems and processes
  • Details on how schools can be part of Operation Encompass ¶®ÒõµÛ
  • An opportunity for Q&A

Whether schools are already signed up to Operation Encompass ¶®ÒõµÛ or are yet to do so, we would encourage you to attend this highly informative session.

To book your place simply follow this link:

For any queries or further information please contact the School Safeguarding Improvement team – SSI@birmingham.gov.uk

EYSFF Returns for Summer Term 2023

Each term schools with Early Years provision for 2, 3 and 4 year olds are required to submit and return an on-line EYSFF submission to provide details of numbers of eligible 2 year olds, EYPP and FSM take up so that early years funding can be reconciled.

It is the schools responsibility to ensure that the form is completed within the time frame and failure to do so may result in incorrect budget allocations.

The link to the form will be emailed to schools during Census week and should be completed between 18 and 25 May 2023. Please note the email is sent to a schools enquiry@ email address so kindly ensure that the person responsible for this mailbox is aware of who to forward the link to within the school. Unfortunately, we there is no facility to use individual email addresses.

Please only include your Early Years Children on this form – do not include children in Reception.

Please also remember that all 2 year olds that you claim for and all 3 and 4 year olds that you are claiming EYPP and FSM for, are required to have an eligible code. You should keep a note of this code on the children's records for the purpose of EEE audit.

If the system does not confirm eligibility please contact earlyeducation@birmingham.gov.uk for support. Unfortunately, there is no facility to receive a copy of your on-line submission, however schools should have the details of numbers of eligible children on their records in line with the terms and conditions of EEE funding.

The EEE Provider Agreement detailing the terms and conditions of delivering early education entitlement can be found on EYMIS:

To access EYMIS please use Username: PVI2 and Password PVI2year.

Early Education Entitlement – Free School Meals

Do you claim Free School meals for eligible early years 3 and 4 Year olds?

To claim Free School meals for eligible 3 and 4 year olds Providers must be delivering their funded place in line with the terms and conditions of funding which state that to access a free school meal, the child must be attending their EEE funded entitlement for a minimum of five hours during core hours (09:00-15:00), and parents/carers must be in receipt of specific benefits.

Providers must complete an eligibility check to obtain an eligibility code. Please note that the checker may not always confirm that the child is eligible, so in this instance, if the parent believes that they are eligible, the Provider should view evidence of eligibility and contact the Early Education team in order for them to override the code to eligible – earlyeducation@birmingham.gov.uk

Eligibility checks can be completed here: . A Provider can complete eligibility checks on behalf of parents with their permission.

Should you have any queries or require further information please contact the Early Education team – earlyeducation@birmingham.gov.uk

Risk of NEET Students – Years 11, 12 and 13

¶®ÒõµÛ Careers Service will be offering its RONI (risk of NEET) offer with effect from Monday, 17 April 2023.

Careers Leads are invited to submit a fully completed referral form for any 2023 leaver they consider is at risk of not progressing into education, employment or training.

For full details and a referral form, please visit:

Please be aware this does not replace the school's statutory duty to provide impartial and independent careers guidance.

The Children’s Society – Disrupting Exploitation Programme

Youth Voice, SEND and Exclusions Webinar

NEW DATE: Tuesday, 20 June 2023: 15:30-16:30 Via Microsoft Teams

The Children’s Society is hosting a webinar to share key findings from the , provide more information on the links between exclusion and child exploitation and share their recommendations for schools.

¶®ÒõµÛ and the ¶®ÒõµÛ Children's Trust will also present information on Children's Rights in Education, Creating a Child-Friendly City and available Early Help Partnership support.

To book your place simply follow this link:

Services for Education

Early Career Framework Programme

ECTs from both the primary and secondary sector and their Mentors can now access the Early Career Framework programme and Mentor programme with Services for Education, alongside registering as your ECT’s Appropriate Body on behalf of ¶®ÒõµÛ. You can find out more about .

Safer Recruitment – Friday, 19 May 2023: 09:00-16:00

This full-day course, delivered by accredited Safer Recruitment Consortium trainers, enables schools to meet statutory requirements and to improve processes that help deter, reject, or identify people who might abuse children or who are otherwise unsuited to working with them and identifies ways settings can create safer environments with a culture of vigilance.

Bookings can be made at this link:

Understanding and Responding to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence in Secondary Schools - Wednesday, 7 June 2023: 09:00-12:00

The ‘Everyone’s Invited movement’ and OfSTED’s subsequent review into Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence have highlighted the sheer prevalence of these behaviours in secondary schools. This course aims to give a greater understanding into “Harmful Sexual Behaviour,” how it can be challenged, what responses should be given and how schools can an embed a culture that raises awareness of, minimises, or even eradicates the prevalence of this.

Bookings can be made at this link:


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