
Noticeboard 20 October 2022

Welcome to this week's noticeboard which contains a link to access a webinar on Surplus Primary places being held on 17 November, information on Tier 4 Visa and a variety of training courses available to attend. Wishing you a restful Autumn break!

Tier 4 Visa

Children’s Right to Education

Irrespective of the immigration status of their parents, children who are residing in the UK are entitled to access education. Please see Government guidance below:

Local authority responsibilities

Local authorities should not require parents to provide proof of immigration status before allowing them to apply for a school or require proof as any part of the application process. They should instead advise foreign nationals who do not normally reside in the UK but who wish to apply for a state-funded school place, to check that their children have an immigration status which permits them to enter the UK to access a state-funded school. Checking is the parents’ responsibility, not the local authority’s responsibility. The links on this page should assist parents. Children may be breaching their UK entry conditions by entering the country in order to attend a state-funded school if they do not have an immigration status that permits such study. 

The responsibilities of state-funded schools and their admission authorities

The admission authorities for state-funded schools (maintained schools and academy schools) must not check the immigration or nationality status of foreign national children as a pre-condition for admission.

Admission authorities for state-funded schools:

  • must not refuse to admit a child on the basis of their nationality or immigration status nor remove them from the roll on this basis 
  • must not ask to see passports or other immigration information as a condition of admission (this would be a breach of paragraphs 1.9(a) and 2.8 of the ) with the exception of ,
  • must not actively recruit foreign national children who are still resident overseas as pupils 

If the parents have had their visa revoked but are still living here, perhaps appealing a decision, or because they’re from Iran, perhaps in the process of applying for asylum, the child still has the right to education. Many children have parents with irregular migration status or No Recourse to Public Funds, but they still attend school.

For any further queries, please contact the School Admissions and Fair Access service by telephone: 0121 303 1888, or email: InYearAdmissions@birmingham.gov.uk

Education Infrastructure - Surplus Primary Places Webinar - 17 November 2022

Officers from Education Infrastructure wish to share an update regarding primary sufficiency as a result of changes to in-year growth and reduced intakes.

We have committed to providing information to support schools, trusts and admission authorities to plan and have arranged an online webinar for Thursday, 17 November at 2pm.

The slides and recording from the webinar as well as the relevant data will be shared with all schools after the webinars.

If schools have any queries ahead of the webinar, please contact: ediplaceplanning@birmingham.gov.uk

¶®ÒõµÛ Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP)

New dates have been added for a number of courses including:

  • Safeguarding for Senior, Designated and Operational Managers
  • Working with Resistant Families
  • Professional Curiosity

Please follow this link to book your place: 

It’s important that if you make a booking but later cannot attend that you cancel your place at least 14 days before the event date.  This will enable the place to be offered to delegates on the waiting list and will avoid any non-attendance charges being made to your organisation.  Cancellation requests outside of 14 days should be emailed to bscp.contactus@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk

Supporting Emotional Health & Wellbeing in Secondary Schools

  • Wednesday, 30 November 2022 
  • Wednesday, 25 June 2023 

Emotional health and wellbeing have never been a greater priority in our schools with children facing a whole host of uncharted waters when it comes to their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

On this course, you will gain an understanding of:

  • How children’s brains develop and how life experiences will have shaped these by the time they reach secondary school
  • Adverse childhood experiences and why although they need recognising, they do not define our children
  • How to identify children who are experiencing emotional health issues and what response to undertake
  • How to recognise and deal with a range of situations which may arise - both proactively and reactively
  • Strategies and tips for supporting children with their emotional health and wellbeing
  • How to develop emotional resilience within their setting and how to embed this into the culture of your school
  • Ways in which you can inform and involve parents to assist in supporting children

To access this Services for Education course please follow the link: 

The Roles and Responsibilities of a New PSHE Subject Leader

  • Tuesday, 8 November 2022

This full-day course will help to clarify the role of PSHE Subject Leaders and provide awareness and understanding of national and local guidance that impacts upon the role. The session will focus on key areas of PSHE, Citizenship and includes information on the statutory guidance for Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.

To access this Services for Education course, please follow the link; 

  • Thursday, 16 February 2023

English is a complex subject to teach, with a vast array of key elements which need to be taught within each year group. The demands for our teachers to be ‘year experts’ are growing and yet giving the opportunity for our teachers near the beginning of their professional journey to develop this, can sometimes be a challenge for SLT. This course aims to provide delegates with a reminder of the core expectations within English and supports them to deepen their understanding of the requirements within their year group.

To access this Services for Education course please follow the link: 

A course is also available for KS2, please visit: 

AET Post-16: Good Autism Practice (via Microsoft Teams)

4 x 90-minute sessions, taking place on Tuesday, 8, 15, 22 and 29 November 2022 at 14:00-15:30 - delivered by the Communication and Autism team


The aims of this course are for delegates to:

  • Appreciate the strengths and learning needs of autistic learners
  • Improve the ways they support the autistic learner to communicate their future aspirations
  • Ensure they are equipped to work in partnership with the autistic learner to co-create goals for their education
  • Improve practice in supporting the autistic learner

Learning objectives:

After completing this module delegates will be able to:

  • Reflect on, develop, and improve their knowledge, understanding and practice in working with autistic learners
  • Consider approaches, strategies, and adaptations that can be implemented to remove barriers to participation and learning for autistic learners

Please note that delegates are required to attend all four sessions, and bookings should be made before Wednesday, 29 October to guarantee a place:  

Links will be emailed two days prior to each session by

AET Post-16: Making Sense of Autism (via Microsoft Teams)

Wednesday, 9 November 2022 09:00-10:30 – delivered by the Communication and Autism team

These 90-minute sessions are suitable for all staff working directly with autistic young people in a post-16 setting.

Participants will learn:

  • To understand the four key areas of difference that need to be considered when working with young people on the autism spectrum
  • The importance of understanding the young person on the autism spectrum and their profile of strengths and areas for development
  • Identify key areas to help young people on the autism spectrum build positive relationships with staff, peers and people in their community
  • To develop awareness of the sensory and communication differences that young people on the autism spectrum may experience.

Please book before Monday, 7 November to guarantee a place: 

Links for the session be emailed two days prior by 

AET Schools: Good Autism Practice

Monday, 7 November 2022: 09:00-16:30 - Thornbury Centre, Thornbury Road, Birchfield, ¶®ÒõµÛ B20 3DE - delivered by the Communication and Autism team

This face-to-face session will focus on gaining the practical knowledge, tools and strategies to support pupils with Autism In setting to:

  • develop knowledge and understanding of good autism practice
  • reflect on and improve your practice in working with autistic pupils
  • understand strategies and approaches you can draw upon for autistic pupils you work with
  • reflect on the kind of information you need to collect for creating a person-centred education plan
  • consider how to involve the autistic pupil and their family in setting learning goals

To guarantee a place, please book before Tuesday, 1 November

Please note: There is only on-road parking for Thornbury Centre.



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