
Noticeboard 6 October 2022

This week's noticeboard contains information on the new School Admission Appeals Code 2022 and Updated Non-statutory Guidance; a reminder to kindly complete the DfE Statutory School Census - Autumn 2022; and much more!

Included in this update:

DfE Statutory School Census – Autumn 2022

Census date: Thursday, 6 October | Return date: Monday, 10 October

Schools will have received information regarding the Autumn 2022 Census and guidance on how to make submissions.

This is a polite reminder to ask schools to kindly complete the Census, and to thank you in advance for your support and cooperation in doing so.

Should you have any queries regarding the Census, please don’t hesitate to contact schoolcensus@birmingham.gov.uk

New School Admission Appeals Code 2022 and Updated Non-statutory Guidance

Following successful completion of the parliamentary process, the School Admission Appeals Code 2022 was published on 30 September 2022 and comes into force on 1 October 2022. Any appeals lodged from 1 October must be held in accordance with the new Appeals Code. You may find the new Appeals Code here:

The new Appeals Code makes changes to allow appeal hearings to be held in-person or remotely by video conference, and in certain limited circumstances, by telephone. The Appeals Code also allows for hybrid appeals.

The department has also published updated guidance for admission authorities, clerks and appeal panels, and parents and guardians which you may access here:  

The guidance is intended to help stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities established in the Appeals Code. The updated guidance reflects the changes made to the Appeals Code regarding remote or hybrid appeals, providing guidance on how such appeals may be set up.

It is understood that there may be unheard appeals lodged on or before 30 September 2022, when the previous Appeals Code (2012) and temporary COVID-19 regulations expire. These appeals must be held in accordance with the previous version of the Appeals Code. For this reason, the Appeals Code (2012) remains published, as well as the and these documents will remain available until it is likely any appeal lodged on or before 30 September has concluded.

The government’s response to the consultation on making changes to the Appeals Code also remains published and is available to view here: .

If you have any questions concerning admission appeals, please contact the department using the dedicated or School Appeals at SchoolsAppeals@birmingham.gov.uk

COVID-19 – Frequently Asked Questions

Please note that the Frequently Asked Questions page on the council website has now been updated to reflect recent changes in guidelines and provide further clarity on the guidance for staff and pupils: COVID-19 - Frequently asked questions for schools

If support is needed to manage outbreaks, please contact UKHSA by emailing westmidlands.arc@ukhsa.gov.uk or calling 0344 225 3560.

For any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Education Infrastructure team: edsi.enquiries@birmingham.gov.uk

Early Education Entitlement

30 Hours Places for Autumn 2022

For children to access a 30-hour funded place in Autumn 2022 it is important parents have received an eligible code on or before 31 August 2022.

Unfortunately, the local authority cannot fund codes that have a validity start date on or after the 1 September 2022. It is the childcare providers responsibility to check the date on the code before offering a 30-hour place or part of a 30-hour place. Please do this by entering the code on ECS and then check the validity start date to ensure it is eligible for the current term:

Please check the date before allowing the child to access a 30-hour place this term.

Further information about 30-hours and validating codes can be found on EYMIS:

  • Username: PVI2 (please note this is a capital i not the number one)
  • Password: PVI2year (please note this is a capital i not the number one)

If you have any queries regarding 30-hours extended entitlement please contact the team: NEF@birmingham.gov.uk

2-Year Funded Places

If you would like to promote 2-year funding to parents please consider using this video: 

Before offering a 2-year Early Education Entitlement (EEE) place, please ensure that the 2-year-old child is eligible. A parent (or provider on the parent’s behalf with permission) should complete an application to confirm eligibility by following this link:

Each application generates a code or reference number - please keep a note of this code for audit purposes. If the code is eligible then a place can be offered.  In some cases, the eligibility checker does not always confirm eligibility and in this instance the provider will need to view and confirm evidence of eligibility by emailing NEF@birmingham.gov.uk, stating the child's name, date of birth and the eligibility application code / reference.  The provider will also have to specify and confirm what evidence has been seen confirming the child's eligibility; for example, you may have seen a confirmation letter that the child receives DLA.

On receipt of this information the NEF team will override the application to eligible and email confirmation to enable a provider to offer the place. Please do not offer a place unless eligibility has been confirmed.

2-year-olds can get an EEE funded place if they live in England and meet the 2-year eligibility criteria which can be found here:

Parental Declarations

For Autumn 2022 term, and in order for a provider to receive funding, children are required to be in attendance for headcount day, as per the terms and conditions of funding detailed in the EEE Provider Agreement.

The Provider Agreement states in section 2.32 that: The provider must ensure that a parental declaration is completed in English for each child entitled to an early education entitlement place. If a parent is unable to understand what they are declaring or agreeing to, the provider should provide the appropriate translation support. If this support is not available the provider must contact NEF@¶®ÒõµÛ.gov.uk requesting the appropriate support. A parental declaration should be signed, fully completed, or updated for each term the child is in attendance at a provider, even if there is no change.

The parental declaration form will confirm when a parent is using multiple providers to access their entitlement. Providing the parental declaration also confirms that the parent is receiving their eligible entitlement. Funding will be split and paid in accordance with the signed parental declaration forms, and it is important the parental declarations are signed at the start of every term by both parent and provider.

If children do not start with a provider until very close to headcount date, it is important to ensure they have visited / attended / signed up to another setting before coming back to the provider. If they have, please check that they have told the other setting that they are not returning? Are they aware they might have to pay fees to the setting they are leaving? Duplicate claims will be investigated and may mean that the funding is split between providers.

Please ensure eligibility codes are included when completing the schedule of planned attendance, as this provides a clear picture of what hours and days the child is attending, the start date for each term, and if they attend more than one provider. This also demonstrates if children stretch their provision over more than 38 weeks of the year.

For 30-hour parents who use two providers, it is important to state who the Universal provider is, and this must be the parent's decision.

Please complete the parental declaration form with parents. Doing so provides an opportunity to get to know parents and to have conversations with them about whether they have registered at another provider.  It will also enable a discussion around the implications of funding and the potential costs for parents and the provider involved in duplicate claims.

Please remember to retain your parental declarations as they may be required for audit purposes. Providers can use their own parental declaration, but it should include at a minimum all the information in the council’s parental declaration. A parental declaration template and an example of a completed declaration can be found on EYMIS:

  • Username: PVI2
  • Password: PVI2year

If you have any queries please email NEF@birmingham.gov.uk

EYSFF Returns for Autumn Term 2022

For Schools with Early Years Provision for 2, 3 and 4-Year-Olds

Each term schools are required to submit and return an on-line EYSFF submission to provide the council with numbers of eligible 2-year-olds, EYPP and FSM take up, to allow reconciliation of schools early years funding. It is the school’s responsibility to ensure that the form is completed within the time frame and failure to do so may result in incorrect budget allocations.

The link to the form will be emailed to schools during Census week and the form should be completed between 6 and 13 October 2022.  As the team don’t have the facility to email individual addresses, the link with be emailed to the school enquiry@ email address.  Could schools kindly ensure that the person responsible for managing this mailbox is aware of the correct contact to whom the link should be forwarded.

Please be mindful that all 2-year-olds claimed for and all 3 and 4-year-olds that schools are claiming EYPP and FSM for, are required to have an eligible code.  Schools should record this code on the children’s records for audit purposes.  If the system does not confirm eligibility, please contact NEF@birmingham.gov.uk for support.

Unfortunately, there is no facility for a copy of the on-line submission to be forwarded.  However, schools should have details of the number of eligible children on their records in line with the terms and conditions of EEE funding.

The EEE Provider Agreement detailing the terms and conditions of delivering early education entitlement can be found on EYMIS: .  To access EYMIS please use:

  • Username: PVI2
  • Password: PVI2year

If you have any queries regarding the on-line form or the eligibility of children, please email: NEF@birmingham.gov.uk.

If you have any queries regarding funding allocation, please email: fairfunding@birmingham.gov.uk

Have You Shared the News About Tax-Free Childcare?

As a childcare provider you can help be more affordable for parents by checking if they’ve signed up to Tax-Free Childcare and ensuring that you are also signed up for Tax Free Childcare.

Working parents or carers can receive up to £500 every three months (up to £2,000 a year per child) or if their child has a disability, they can get up to £1,000 every three months (up to £4,000 a year per child) to help with the costs of childcare.

Parents can use Tax-Free Childcare to pay for childcare including before and after school clubs, holiday clubs and play schemes as well as their Nursery, Childminder or Nanny fees.

Most schools in ¶®ÒõµÛ are already signed up to be a Tax-Free Childcare provider, but if you are unsure, you can easily check by following this link: - it will take approximately 10 minutes to register.

To encourage take up of Tax-Free Childcare, providers can:

  • Find out the families in their area who are not using Tax-Free Childcare and support them to understand its benefits and how to apply for it.
  • Update websites with information about Tax-Free Childcare, and include links to useful sources of information such as:
    • – to help parents decide what is the best childcare offer for them
    • – to assist parents understand which offer works best for them financially
    • – to provide up-to-date information on eligibility criteria and how to apply

Parents who have signed up for Tax-Free Childcare will be able to find their childcare provider on the system in approximately two working days and can then pay the provider direct from their tax-free childcare account.

To find out more about Tax-Free Childcare and how you can support parents, simply register for one of our ‘free’ information sessions: .

CPD for Primary English Leads and Teachers – New for Autumn 2022

  • English Leaders: Support, Scaffolding and Development (Termly Meetings)
  • New to English Leadership
  • Developing the Joy of Reading at KS2 – practical ideas and strategies

 and access information on the full range of English courses available for this academic year.

Free Briefing: Access Arrangements – Levelling the Playing Field

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

To level the playing field, exam access arrangements are put in place for students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Know what’s right for your student! Exam access arrangements for students with special needs can be complex. This webinar will enable teachers to discover more about who is entitled, what is assessed, how an assessment is carried out and the different types of assessment available.

This webinar will ensure teachers are fully equipped with a detailed understanding of the JCQ regulations and procedures, including changes that affect the way in which evidence is collated – no longer is ‘normal way of working’ sufficient. It is a statutory requirement in line with the Equality Act 2010 that all students have fair access to examinations and that Headteachers and SENCOs can evidence adherence.

Schools unaware of the new JCQ requirements for access arrangements may feel confused and uncertain about what to do next. This webinar will provide an overview of the new JCQ requirements and explain how schools can make the necessary arrangements for their students.

To book your place simply follow this link:

EYFS – Updates Within the Early Years Sector

Tuesday, 1 November 2022 and Tuesday, 21 March 2023

These half-day sessions enable Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) leaders and practitioners to discuss updates, practice and provision within the sector, covering a range of topics such as assessment, curriculum, inspection and pedagogy.

Please note these sessions replace the previous EYFS Network meetings.

To book your place simply follow this link:

ACEs Special Interest Group Monthly Seminars

The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health would like to invite you to two FREE Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Special Interest Group Monthly seminars.

Join them on Thursday, 6 October for the first of these sessions with a fantastic webinar on .

This seminar will report two approaches to helping these young people with confirmed speakers including Dr Ana Draper, Dr Arnon Bentovim, Carol Jolliffe, and Sue Holmes.

The second of these FREE webinars will be on on Thursday, 3 November. Dr Brian Jacobs and Dr John Ivens will discuss development of resilience, general classroom management, anxiety, and distress in the classroom: internalising difficulties, and behavioural issues in the classroom.

Click on the event titles above to book your FREE place(s).

¶®ÒõµÛ Adult Education Services – Online ICDL IT Courses

Learn how to use Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint!   

Any intermediate computer user looking to give their IT skills a boost, might consider obtaining an ICDL qualification.

The ICDL qualification:

is highly respected
• provides a comprehensive course
• instils computing confidence
• boosts employability  

All courses are online, and tests can be taken from home if Microsoft Office 2016, Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge and Microsoft TEAMS, are installed on your PC or laptop. Otherwise, tests can be taken by simply visiting one of the ¶®ÒõµÛ Adult Education centres.

A total of four x 45 minutes tests are required to successfully complete the course, and the qualification can be achieved within two weeks or within the period up to 31 July 2023.

To enrol today, simply email sameena.asmat@birmingham.gov.uk and request an application form.

Discover more information by visiting: or

Teacher CPD: Local History and Landscapes with ¶®ÒõµÛ Museums Trust

Join ¶®ÒõµÛ Museum Trust’s Learning Officers at Aston Hall, Sarehole Mill or Blakesley Hall, for an afternoon of CPD for Key Stage 2 and 3 teachers.

Discover the history of the museum and local area, supporting you to teach local history, and explore how to use outdoor learning with students and the science to be found in the natural world on the doorstep.

Urban Nature is an opportunity to help students get outdoors, observe nature and ask scientific questions. Practical, hands-on ideas to support your outdoor exploration will be provided.

Each workshop will include a chance to explore the site and network with other teachers over a hot drink and cake. Parts of the workshop will take place outside, so appropriate outdoor clothing is recommended.

The workshop is free to attend but booking is required. Please choose the preferred date and follow the appropriate links below to book a place:

If you require any further information, please contact Lindsey Rutter - Lynsey.rutter@birminghammuseums.org.uk

West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership – Training Dates for Professionals

Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) – 3 HRS:  Wednesday, 19 October 13:00 – 16:00

This training session provides an understanding of the potential impacts of adverse childhood experiences and trauma across the life course. Looking into how to recognise the signs of trauma behaviour whilst enabling an understanding of what trauma informed and responsive practice means and providing insight into how an organisation can begin the journey towards a trauma informed organisational culture.

Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) Part 1 – 2.5 hrs:

This two-part course aims to reinforce the strengths and relationship-based practice many professionals will already engage in. The course contains a recap for those who have already completed the introduction to ACES and Trauma Informed Practice Training.  It then goes into greater detail and depth on relevant psychological theory and trauma informed practice at an organisational level.

Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) Part 2 – 2.5 hrs

Part 2 of this course continues to reinforce the messages and learning discovered in Part 1.

For further information or any queries regarding these course please contact: vrp@westmidlands.police.uk

Ending Male Violence Against Women and Girls (EMVAWG)

Violence against women and girls covers a range of distressing and unacceptable crimes, which take place in every locality across the UK and can happen within current or previous relationships, in families, and in communities. West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership (WMVRP) is working with partners, local authorities and communities to prevent these crimes from happening, starting at an early age.

This training session will cover:

  • What is ending male violence against women and girls (EMVAWG)?
  • The government’s strategy to ending male violence against women and girls
  • What is the Public Health Approach to Violence and what the VRP are prioritising as part of the agenda?

Training sessions will take place via Microsoft Teams on a selection of dates and can be booked by simply choosing one of the following links:

¶®ÒõµÛ Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - Makaton Workshops

Levels 1 and 2

This workshop is suitable for professionals who need to use Makaton in their work (and those who wish to undertake more in-depth training), as well as parents and non-professional carers e.g., child-minders, who need to use Makaton in everyday situations. The sessions cover current best practice around sign and symbol use and an overview of alternative systems of communication.  At the end of the Workshop, participants will be able to use signs from stages 1-4 plus the additional stage of the Makaton vocabulary.  Participant manuals containing all the signs and symbols will be provided.

  • Workshop Level 1: 8 November 2022
  • Workshop Level 2: 15 November 2022

Level 3

This workshop builds on the signs and symbols learnt in Levels 1 and 2.  It aims to increase participants’ knowledge and skills.  It develops ideas and confidence in using signs and symbols and teaches accurate interpretative skills.  Sign analysis is considered and Stages 5 and 6 signs and symbols are taught.  Participant manuals are provided.

  • Workshop Level 3: 21 February 2023

For further information and to book your place at one of these workshops, please contact Helene Elia – email: Helene.elia@nhs.net or telephone: 07966 762943.


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