
Noticeboard 29 September 2022

This week's noticeboard contains your weekly Oracle Cloud update; information on Reception and Year 2-3 Admissions; opportunities to book onto a number of courses and much more!


Oracle Cloud Weekly Update from 1B Team

Weekly update from the HR, Payroll, Finance and Procurement services related to Oracle

  • ESS - As part of the ESS roll-out to date we have experienced some issues in relation to schools IT settings accepting bulk email invitations.  Please can you ensure HR Services for Schools (birmingham.gov.uk) is on your list of trusted contacts (also known as a whitelist).  This will not compromise your IT security.
  • Reconciliation File Update - Test files have been created in the live environment for the seven additional volunteer schools and testing commenced with five school's weeks commencing 12 September.  The wider phased roll-out was anticipated to commence the week commencing 26th September, however not all testing has been fully completed. The final testing work continues as a priority and once all results have been reviewed and are deemed successful, we will then contact you to arrange the phased roll out of live reconciliation files for all schools.
  • As previously communicated on 15 September you can resume the use of Simplified Loader to submit invoices. To ensure suppliers are paid as quickly as possible, please follow these steps:
    • When you engage with a supplier please check if they are listed on the simplified loader, regardless of if you have previously paid them. If the supplier is not listed, please ensure you send the Data Validation team a completed new supplier form 30 days before you must raise the invoice.
    • Please ensure you upload your invoices in a timely manner. The School Payment team is receiving a number of queries chasing payments for an invoice uploaded that day.
    • Please continue to check the weekly report for any invoices that a supplier believes has not been paid.
    • If you have a technical issue with Simplified Loader please raise a service ticket at /school_support_service
  • Cancelled invoices – In May we emailed all School Finance Users from the 1byourview mailbox to inform them of a mass cancellation of invoices that had to be revalidated. Reminders were given in a noticeboard update and drop-in sessions. This is a reminder that these invoices were required to be resubmitted. Please note this only applies to invoices that require revalidation prior to 27 May. In future the School Payments team will contact you regarding an invoice that requires revalidation.
  • September Payslip – These are currently being processed and are expected to reach schools week commencing 10 October.
  • Internal Billing – The phased roll-out of internal bills continues, with the volume of bills raised increasing to allow both bill raisers and finance users to become familiar with the process and any queries addressed. Please continue to regularly check Oracle for internal bills. If you have a technical query relating to the internal billing process, please raise a service ticket at /school_support_service  

With many thanks for your continued patience and support. 

Reception and Year 2-3 Admissions – September 2023

Online admissions opens on 1 October 2022 for Reception and Year 2-3 (Infant to Junior) admissions in September 2023.  Applications can be made online through the until the final deadline of 15 January 2023. Please note as 16 April 2023 is a Sunday, offers will be sent on Monday 17 April.

Please can you help raise awareness of the process as parents who apply late are less likely to be offered one of their preferred schools.  All the information parents need to support with making their preferences is available on our More advice and support is also available from Children’s Services on 0121 303 1888.

Applications for Growth Funding or Falling Pupils Funding

¶®ÒõµÛ retains funding to support primary and secondary schools (including academies and free schools) with significant in-year growth in pupil numbers (Growth Fund) or falling rolls (Falling Pupils Fund).

The amount of funding and criteria was approved at Schools Forum in January 2022. The application round is now open for schools to submit business cases to apply for funding under a) Growth Fund or b) Falling Pupils Funding.

Schools will be shortly receive a copy of the business case template, including the criterion to assess eligibility. The application should be used to evidence unfunded pupil numbers due to growth or reduction since the last academic year. If you don’t receive your template within the next three working days, please do get in touch with the team to request a copy: ediplaceplanning@birmingham.gov.uk.

Submission of business cases will be required by 31st October 2022 in order for them to be reviewed and evaluated for a decision prior this term.

Please use census figures as submitted for October 2022 census in your application. Business cases should be emailed to ediplaceplanning@birmingham.gov.uk with "Application for Growth Funding" or "Application for Falling Pupil Funding" in the subject header.

Note: Funding is limited and will be allocated on an eligibility basis. We will be applying to the DfE to disapply the Ofsted criterion for schools who are judged less than good but meet all other Falling Pupil Funding criterion. There will be no route of appeal if your application is declined.

Please contact the team if you have any queries: ediplaceplanning@birmingham.gov.uk

Schools IDSR Newsletter - September 2022 

Welcome to the Schools Pre-Inspection Data and Insight teams third inspection data summary report (IDSR) newsletter.

The newsletter contains important information on the redeveloped IDSR, the upcoming release dates, the new news page on our website and other key information:

If you have any questions, please email the Schools Pre-Inspection Data & Insight Team: School.Performance.Data@ofsted.gov.uk

Early Years Multi-agency "Now You're Talking Conference" – 2 November 2022

We want ¶®ÒõµÛ to be an inspirational city to grow up in.  One of the indicators of success is the percentage of children achieving the expected level of development in communication and language from birth and throughout their education.  As professionals working with children and families in ¶®ÒõµÛ, "Now You're Talking ¶®ÒõµÛ" is everyone's business.

Join Sue Harrison, Director of Children and Families Services and professionals delivering a variety of speech, language and communication services as we celebrate the launch of our new multiagency linked "Now You're Talking ¶®ÒõµÛ" website.   

At the multi-agency conference keynote speakers and workshops will demonstrate that when communication and language become "everyone's business", we can meet children’s needs and positively impact children's life chances.

The conference will take place at Midlands Arts Centre (MAC), Cannon Hill Park, ¶®ÒõµÛ, B12 9QH on Wednesday, 2 November 2022 – 09:30-12:30, with registration open from 09:00. 

To book up to two places simply follow the Eventbrite link:  

We look forward to seeing you!

Developing Local Provision (DLP) Newsletters

We're delighted to share newsletters from the Developing Local Provision (DLP) project run for the SEND improvement team by Debbie Holmes and Kudzai Madzivanyika.  There are two versions of the newsletter; the professionals version is aimed at schools and parties who may be more interested in the detail of the projects, and the parent/carer version offers a broader overview. 

The newsletters can be accessed on the following links, and we'd be grateful if you would share as widely as possible, particularly with parents, carers, children and young people.  

Developing Local Provision is a two-year project which aims to develop and improve provision, progress and outcomes for children and young people with additional needs or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in mainstream schools across ¶®ÒõµÛ.  The project is producing encouraging results.

We hope the newsletters will prove an interesting and positive read.

Are Parents Eligible for Tax-Free Childcare?

As a childcare provider you can help be more affordable for parents by checking if they’ve signed up to Tax-Free Childcare and ensuring that you are also signed up for Tax Free Childcare.

Working parents or carers can receive up to £500 every three months (up to £2,000 a year per child) or if their child has a disability, they can get up to £1,000 every three months (up to £4,000 a year per child) to help with the costs of childcare.

Parents can use Tax-Free Childcare to pay for childcare including before and after school clubs, holiday clubs and play schemes as well as their Nursery, Childminder or Nanny fees.

Most schools in ¶®ÒõµÛ are already signed up to be a Tax Free Childcare provider, but if you are unsure, you can easily check by following this link: - it will take approximately 10 minutes to register.

To encourage take up of Tax-Free Childcare, providers can:

  • Find out the families in their area who are not using Tax-Free Childcare and support them to understand its benefits and how to apply for it.
  • Update websites with information about Tax-Free Childcare, and include links to useful sources of information such as:
    • – to help parents decide what is the best childcare offer for them
    • – so they can understand which offer works best for them financially
    • – to give them up-to-date information on eligibility criteria and how to apply

Parents who have signed up for Tax-Free Childcare will be able to find their childcare provider on the system in approximately two working days and can then pay the provider direct from their tax free childcare account.

To find out more about Tax-Free Childcare and how you can support parents, simply register for one of our ‘free’ information sessions: .

Safer Sleep this Winter – Advice from the Lullaby Trust

The colder months can be a difficult time for families and with the increase in energy bills combined with the cost-of-living crisis, families will naturally be concerned about keeping their homes and their baby warm.  

Whilst there may be a temptation to wrap babies up to keep them warm while they sleep, it’s a known fact that overheating increases the chances of SIDS and research shows that it's better for babies to be cooler rather than too hot. 

To reduce the risk of overheating, avoid using thick bedding and duvets and remove any outdoor clothing and hats when indoors.  During the winter months, firmly tucked in sheets and blankets (not above shoulder height) or a well-fitted baby sleep bag are fine for babies to sleep in. 

The Lullaby Trust has put together some useful advice on safer sleep during the colder months which can be found on their and .

Scope for All Ltd

Building Stronger Communities

Free of Charge / Local Workshops / Gain Life Skills / Fun Programmes / Meet New People / Safe and Friendly Classes 

Select Your Workshop from the list below: 

  • Arts and Crafts 
  • Engagement and Confidence Building 
  • Games and Activities 
  • Mehndi and Cultural Arts 
  • Health and Safety in the Home 
  • Basic First Aid 
  • Navigating Internet Safely 
  • Completing Online/Paper Forms - NHS/DWP/Other 
  • Group Speaking/Listening/ Reading/Writing 
  • Job Search and Networking 

Places are limited, so please register your interest or book your place by calling – 07563 892463 or email - info@scopeforall.com

Reach Next Generation Summits to Empower 11-15 Year Old Girls

Reach Next Generation stages summits to empower 11-15 year old girls from all backgrounds and to give them the confidence to be who they want to be as they start to think about life after their GCSE’s. The unique summit format sees up to 100 girls sit in a summit style circle where they hear from women from all sectors, all backgrounds and importantly share their experiences. The first Reach Next Gen Summit for 11-15 year old girls took place in in June 2021, with a second summit in a few months later. In 2022 Reach Next Generation have travelled to Teesside University in Middlesbrough and most recently at .  
The next stop will be ¶®ÒõµÛ in October and then Bristol just before Christmas and they would love for BRAND to be one of our supporters. In 2023 there will be another 6 regional summits - 

All Summits run with a series of up to 15 session leaders. They talk about equality, diversity, inclusion and address issues teenage girls face in the World we now live in, and also cover confidence, ambition, social media issues, body positivity, nutrition, fashion, money management, the environment and of course STEM. There is a hosted by 12 year old Grace who chats to women about their careers and tips for girls as they think about their future.
A proposal, photos and testimonials are  and Reach Generation would welcome the opportunity to talk through the plan if any schools are keen to support, get involved and help girls throughout the UK achieve their ambitions and dream big.

Refugee Education UK – Upcoming Training Sessions

Supporting Refugee Students in Schools (free webinar)

  • Monday, 26 September 2022 (4:00-5.15pm) – focus on Afghan refugees
  • Monday, 17 October (4.15-5.30pm) – focus on Ukrainian refugees
  • Thursday, 20 October 2022 (4:00-5.15pm) – focus on Afghan refugees
  • Wednesday, 23 November (4.15-5.30pm) – focus on Ukrainian refugees

All sessions allow for an hours presentation followed by a 15-minute Q&A.

The webinars are aimed at teachers and school (primary or secondary) and/or college staff and are also appropriate for individuals hosting refugees or anyone who would like to gain some practical tools for supporting young refugees to flourish in education in the UK.

Although each webinar has a particular country focus (enabling the participants to understand the educational and displacement contexts of particular refugees), the majority of the content (such as practical interventions) is directly applicable to young refugees from all backgrounds.

Drawing on their research and experience of working with young refugees and asylum seekers for over 12 years, REUK staff will:

  • provide an introduction to supporting refugee students who arrive in your school
  • outline the previous educational and displacement experiences of children and young people seeking safety in the UK
  • explain the educational implications for newly-arrived students with a focus on barriers to progress and achievement
  • outline practical strategies that you and your school can adopt to overcome these challenges
  • share details of free REUK and partner resources that can help you engage with refugee learners and develop your policies and practices


Access to Further Education (FE)/College for Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers

£70pp, online.

  • Thursday, 1 December 2022 (10:00-2:00pm)

This 4 hour online training session will enable you to better navigate the complex FE system including entitlement to funding for refugee and asylum-seeking students and supporting students to enrol at college. to watch REUK’s introductory video to the training and to find out more about what will be covered.

Access to Higher Education (HE) for Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers

£70pp, online.

  • Monday, 21 November 2022 (10:00-2:00pm)

This interactive training session is ideal for anyone who wants to grow in knowledge and confidence to support young refugees and asylum seekers to access HE. You’ll learn with and from REUK's expert team, young people with lived experience of forced migration and other participants from the refugee and education sectors. In this training session you will:

  • Learn about immigration statuses and terminology. This training will enable you to understand and confidently use asylum and refugee terminology, helping you get to grips with different immigration statuses and their impact on access to HE.
  • Learn how immigration status impacts young people's educational access, entitlements and thriving. This training will give you a strong understanding of young refugees' and asylum seekers' barriers to HE and you'll come away knowing who's entitled to what when it comes to student finance and home fees.
  • Learn how to apply this knowledge to your role and context. This training will upskill you in the educational, financial and psychosocial support options for young asylum seekers and refugees as they access HE and start at university.

If you would like REUK to deliver something more bespoke or in person, please get in touch with training@reuk.org

Details of REUK’s training programme for 2023, will be added to their  and promoted through their mailing list.  Please  (selecting 'training') to be kept in the loop.

An Introduction to Restorative Practices (Open Access Training)

Friday, 11 November: 9.30am – 4pm at the Priory Rooms Meeting and Conference Centre, ¶®ÒõµÛ, B4 6AF

£120 per ticket

Peacemakers are running a one-day introduction to Restorative Practice providing a great opportunity to get a feel for this approach and find out how it might work in your school and learn some skills for everyday practice.

The course is designed for those seeking to know more about how restorative practices look, sound and work in a school setting. It also provides an opportunity to gain the vital information needed to help build an understanding of all things restorative and how it can be used in a school setting. The course is delivered by a practitioner, who is accredited by the Restorative Justice Council.

To book your place simply follow the link or email Yvonne at office@peacemakers.org.uk to request payment by invoice.

AET Exclusions Module – Wednesday 5 October 2022

Delivered by the Communication and Autism Team (CAT)

The aim of this module is to enable delegates to:
  • Understand the legal context of autism and exclusion
  • Understand the risk of illegal exclusion and how to avoid it occurring
  • Better understand the triggers and ways of managing distressed behaviours
  • Reflect on ways to support autistic CYP and their families during the period of exclusion
  • To consider ways of transitioning the autistic CYP back into school and how to manage the reintegration meeting


AET Autism and Anxiety Module – Wednesday 19th October 2022 

Delivered by the Communication and Autism Team (CAT)

After completing this module, you will be able to understand:

  • How autistic CYP might express anxiety.
  • What can cause anxiety in autistic CYP.
  • What you can do to prevent and reduce anxiety in autistic CYP.

Learning objectives:

After completing ‘Autism and anxiety’, participants will be able to:

  • have greater knowledge about how prevalent and impactful anxiety can be on autistic pupils
  • learn that anxiety can be transactional and we all have a role in reducing anxiety in school
  • understand that there is a toolbox of approaches that can be used to reduce anxiety and the first step is to learn about the individual’s triggers and preferred means of support
  • understand that by reducing anxiety we can significantly improve a CYP’s ability to engage with school life and their peers, as well as improve general well-being.


Four Week Active Travel Challenge

Join our new challenge starting on Monday 3 October 2022 – Friday 28 October 2022 for all schools, workplaces, and residents!

¶®ÒõµÛ is hosting an Active Travel ¶®ÒõµÛ Challenge which will encourage people of all ages to form greener, healthier travel habits by walking, cycling or using public transport for their everyday trips.  

Participants can download the Active Travel ¶®ÒõµÛ app and start to record their journeys, gaining points for walking, cycling, scooting, and using public transport. From walking to school, taking the bus to work, or cycling to the shops, every journey logged will gain points and help you climb the leader-boards.

There’ll also be a prize draw at the end of each week with vouchers to win.


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