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The procedures provided in this manual are designed to help schools comply with the Citys Financial Regulations. Providing schools follow the procedures they will not have any difficulty in meeting the requirements of the Corporate Director, Finance and Governance. The regulations help support the provision of an internal framework for financial administration and control within schools. They form an integral part of the regulations and procedures used by the City Council and are applicable at all times. It should be noted that failure to comply with Financial Regulations, or instructions issued under them, may constitute misconduct. Effective Management The systems and processes operated must be managed effectively. Effective financial management will help the school in providing value for money. See Strategic Financial Management & Value for Money chapter Each Governing Body and its staff must ensure that they: provide customers and stakeholders with the best quality service; work within the schools, (and where applicable, City Councils), policies and objectives; comply with all laid down quality, professional, management, legal and ethical standards; comply with the schools, (and where applicable, City Councils), procedures, regulations, delegations and any other relevant guidance and instruction issued. The Governing Body must ensure that there are adequate, appropriate and clear decision-making and reporting lines in operation within their school. The Governing Body must ensure that there is an open, honest, transparent and accountable culture in operation within their school. The Governing Body must ensure that all of their employees receive up to date training to enable them to perform their duties properly. Risk Management The Governing Body should ensure that it has procedures in place for the identification, evaluation and recording of all key risks, financial or otherwise, which exist within the school environment. The Governing Body should seek to reduce the impact of high risks that are likely to occur. The Governing Body should ensure that there are adequate controls, procedures and resources in operation to manage the identified key risks. The City Council has established a corporate risk management methodology that has been agreed by the Corporate Director, Finance and Governance. This can be used to support work undertaken in this area - for additional information please contact Audit. Duties of Governing Bodies, the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance and the Strategic Director, Children & Young People The Governing Body of each school will be responsible for developing and maintaining their own accounting procedures and records in managing their delegated budgets. Such procedures must be developed in consultation with the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance if they impact on financial systems provided by the City Council. Each Governing Body will ensure that the accounting records they maintain are sufficient to supply the Strategic Director, Children & Young People with the statistical and financial information required to provide assurance to the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance that the finances of schools within the Scheme of Delegation can be fully and accurately controlled. Each Governing Body, as far as possible, will ensure that the principles of internal check operate in their school. (For example, that the duty of checking and certifying payments is separate from the ordering and receipt of goods and services.) In order to provide Governing Bodies with practical advice and to inform all schools in the Scheme of Delegation of good accounting practices which ought to be adopted, the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance, in conjunction with the Strategic Director, Children & Young People, may issue detailed administrative and accounting instructions, as required, to supplement these Financial Regulations. Budget Preparation Governing Bodies will prepare and provide a Budget Plan by 31 May for the current financial year as required by ےs Scheme of Delegation. Authority to Incur Revenue Expenditure Once approved by the Governing Body, the Budget Plan will provide authority for the school to incur revenue expenditure. Governing Bodies will have freedom to vire (transfer) resources between budget headings, unless expressly not allowed by the condition of grant funding for specific projects. Revenue Budget Control Common financial systems that are supported by the Local Authority are FMS and CMIS which are available for all schools within the Scheme of Delegation to enable Governing Bodies to control their budgets. Schools that do not operate a full cheque book facility are required to reconcile the financial information provided electronically from the Local Authoritys ledger records to the school's own accounting records, on at least a 4 weekly cycle. Whilst schools may choose to operate with alternative financial management packages they must be able to properly and accurately undertake robust budget monitoring and to agree with the Local Authority a process whereby, on at least a 4 weekly basis, manual reconciliation with the Local Authoritys ledger records can be undertaken. Separate arrangements are included within the Fair Funding Scheme of Delegation for cheque book schools. See Full Cheque Book Scheme chapter. Potential overspends or deficits must be reported immediately to Schools Financial Services so that appropriate action may be taken. See Management of Surplus and Deficit Balances chapter 7.3 Schools may not knowingly plan for an over spend at the end of any financial year, except by prior agreement with the Head of Schools Financial Services Schools are required to complete a Surplus Balance Analysis Form, as issued by the Local Authority, and present this to the Governing Body for discussion. The Local Authority reserves the right to request information from schools where there are either excessive balances or significant changes in balances year on year See Surplus and Deficit Balances chapter Interest earned on schools' own Bank Accounts, (cheque book schools) must be accounted for through the school's financial system. See Full Cheque Book Scheme chapter Leasing Arrangements 8.1 Schools may only enter into operational leases (as opposed to financial leases whereby risks of ownership are passed to the lessee i.e. the school). This is particularly important as if the incorrect type of lease is entered into there could be detrimental financial implications for the school, with the school also being responsible for the repair and maintenance of the asset 8.2 Schools should always seek the advice and guidance of the City Councils Corporate Procurement Service, (Contact: CPS Helpdesk: 0121 464 8000 or  HYPERLINK "mailto:cps@birmingham.gov.uk" cps@birmingham.gov.uk) in advance of committing to any leasing arrangements 8.3 Schools that operate with a full cheque book are able to enter into direct debit arrangements with suppliers or leasing companies providing they follow the procedures set out in the Full Cheque Book Scheme chapter. Non-cheque book schools and EPA schools must not enter into any direct debit agreements 8.4 No leasing or rental arrangements should be entered into for periods in excess of 1 year unless provision has been made to meet commitments in future years revenue budgets. 8.5 When entering into lease agreements schools should ensure the following:- Obtain and retain a copy of all lease agreements including the terms and conditions Maintain an up to date leased asset register Undertake an annual review/check of the leased asset register (ensuring a clear separation of duties from the individual who maintains the register) Check lease agreements to ensure that they do not allow the school to own the leased items or allow automatic continuation of the lease upon expiry Ensure that the type of lease in an operational lease 8.6 Devolved capital must not be used to fund lease agreements Orders for Goods, Works & Services Official orders shall be in a format approved by the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance. They should indicate the Citys terms and conditions of purchase on the reverse of the order form (FMS and CMIS orders satisfy these requirements). The Governing Body, or staff nominated by them, should control the use of official order stationery and be responsible for all orders issued by their school. Orders are to be authorised and signed by a senior member of staff as agreed by the Governing Body. Governing Bodies should ensure, as far as possible, that adequate internal check procedures are adopted, and that the nominated member of staff who authorises an order should not be responsible for raising that order. Additionally, the person who signs the paper copy of the order should also authorise the order on FMS or CMIS. The person who authorises orders on the financial management package, must not be responsible for authorising payments. Where it is not possible to separate these duties, the arrangements must be agreed with Schools Financial Services. Verbal orders should only be made in the case of emergencies and should be immediately followed up by the issue of an official order. Official orders should not be issued unless there is provision for the expenditure in the approved budget. Official orders must clearly indicate the nature and quantity of the materials, work or services required, details of the agreed price (or estimated price), discounts and terms in relation to packing and delivery, the address for delivery and for the invoice and the individual placing the order. Procurement and Contracts Three written quotations should be obtained for all goods and services where the contract value (see 10.2 below) is between 10,000 and 181,302 inclusive. The terms of the accepted quotation should be stated on the order. Ongoing monitoring of expenditure with individual suppliers should take place so that the school is able to identify when expenditure accumulates to or is more than 10,000 (this may cross a number of financial years). When this is identified then three written quotations should be obtained. The contract value is the total of estimated initial spend plus the anticipated running costs over an appropriate contract duration. For example, an insurance policy value would generally be calculated as the premium payable for one years cover. A photocopier contract value would be the cost of the equipment plus the maintenance costs over a period of 3-5 years. The following regulations should be considered when procuring goods, services or works: PCR 2015 The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (The EU Regulations) The PCR 2015 threshold levels are currently 181,302 for supplies and services and 4,551,413 for works. These limits are net of VAT and are reviewed every two years. Where the contract value is more than 181,302, the City Councils Standing Orders Relating to Contracts shall apply in full. Schools should seek advice from Schools Financial Services if they require clarification on any issues regarding these limits. Where PCR 2015 is likely to apply to a contract, schools are advised to request professional procurement advice. This is available as a chargeable service from Corporate Procurement Services:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cps@birmingham.gov.uk" cps@birmingham.gov.uk. Please note that the process of ordering, obtaining quotes and tenders etc., should only be carried out in line with the delegated authority agreed by the Governing Body. No contract shall be deliberately subdivided so as to circumvent the provisions of these Financial Regulations Where it is anticipated that the value of the contract may exceed the current PCR 2015 threshold, the Governing Body shall, before commencing a procurement procedure, prepare an estimate of the cost of the probable expense of obtaining the goods, services or materials or of executing the works, and in all cases the additional costs of any ongoing necessary running costs after the initial purchase is completed. This will represent the whole life cost of the procurement which should be used in determining the contract value. No contract which is estimated to exceed the current PCR 2015 threshold shall be entered into unless tenders have been invited in accordance with one of the procedures within PCR 2015 e.g. Open, Restricted, or alternatively, through the use of a Framework Agreement (see paragraph below). The City Councils Standing Orders Relating to Contracts apply in full; notably, unless a Framework Agreement is going to be used, there is a requirement to advertise contracts on finditinbirmingham.com. A Framework Agreement is a purchasing agreement entered into by an external contracting authority such as , Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) or Crown Commercial Service (CCS), which is open for use by other contracting authorities. The Governing Body shall establish that the Framework Agreement is indeed available for use by the school. The rules of that Framework Agreement shall be followed by conducting a mini-competition between all capable providers or a direct award made based upon the published terms of the Framework Agreement. A record should be kept of the justification for a direct award. In the case of above threshold contracts, Regulation 53 of PCR 2015 requires contacting authorities, by means of the internet, to offer unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, to procurement documents from the date of the Official Journal of the European Union advert or the date on which an invitation to confirm interest is sent. No tender or quotation should be opened before the closing date and time specified in the invitation to tender or quote. In all cases, tenders and quotations should be opened in the presence of at least two persons who shall comprise of the Head Teacher and a member of the Governing Body and examined together as soon as practically possible after the closing date and time. No tender or quotation received after the closing date and time specified in the invitation to tender shall be accepted or considered unless the Governing Body agrees to do so because of exceptional circumstances which prevented timely submission. The Governing Body shall carry out and record a risk assessment in the case where any late tender is considered. The Head Teacher shall maintain a record of all tenders and quotations received which those present shall sign. The evaluation of tenders or quotations should be conducted in a fair, transparent and confidential manner. In support of these principles: The evaluation criteria and scoring methodology should be clearly set out in the invitation documents The evaluation should be undertaken by a panel of at least two persons with relevant technical expertise; and A complete record should be maintained of the evaluation, including scores awarded, reasons for scores and ranking. Where the evaluation of a tender requires a presentation, this should be clearly indicated at the time tenders are invited. The subject matter, format and date of the presentation should be set out in advance. It should be clearly indicated whether and how the presentation shall be scored or used to verify the evaluation of the written tender. The scoring/placing threshold to qualify for the presentation stage should be set out in advance Tenders and quotations should be evaluated on the basis of the Most Economically Advantageous (MEAT) based upon pre-determined criteria. This should normally include a combination of price and quality criteria but may be in the form of lowest price where the specification is well defined. All tenders must be reported to the Governing Body Every contract shall be in writing and shall specify:- the goods, materials or services supplied or the work to be undertaken the price to be paid, or the rates on which the price is to be calculated, and a statement of discounts or other deductions the time or times within which the contract is to be preformed duties and liabilities of each party the remedy/remedies for non-performance 10.18 Every works contract that exceeds 250,000 in value and every contract for supplies and services that exceeds 1,000,000 in value shall be sealed with the Common Seal of the Council and shall be executed by the Contactor as a deed 10.19 Subject to 10.18, the schools Authorised Officer or any solicitor in the employment of the City Council, authorised by the City Council, shall sign every contract, on behalf of the Council. 10.20 Every contract shall require that all goods and materials used or supplied, and all workmanship shall, where such exists, be in accordance with or exceed the respective European Specification or, where no European Specification exists, the respective British technical specification. 10.21 The following conditions shall be inserted into every contract:- Termination relating to the Bribery Act 2010: The Council shall be entitled to cancel the Agreement and to recover from the Contractor the amount of any loss resulting from such cancellation: if the Contractor shall have: offered, promised or given a financial or other advantage to another person; and either the Contractor intends the advantage to induce a person to perform improperly a relevant function or activity in relation to the obtaining or execution of the Agreement or any other agreement with the Council; or the Contractor knows or believes that the acceptance of the advantage would itself constitute the improper performance of the relevant function or activity in relation to the obtaining or execution of the Agreement or any other agreement with the Council; or if the like act shall have been done by any person employed by the Contractor or associated with the Contractor (whether with or without the knowledge of the Contractor) or if in relation to any agreement with the Council the Contractor or any person employed by the Contractor or associated with the Contractor shall have: committed any offence under the Bribery Act 2010; or given any fee or reward to an officer of the Council the acceptance of which is an offence under Section 117(2) Local Government Act 1972. Equality Act 2010: Compliance The Contractor shall comply with its statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and with all relevant regulations and Codes of Practice made under the Equality Act 2010 Set out of Policy The Contractor shall set out its policy to comply with its statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010: in instructions to those concerned with recruitment, training and promotion in documents available to employees, recognised trade unions or other representative groups of employees in recruitment advertisements or other literature and the Contractor shall, on request, provide the Council with examples of such instructions documents, recruitment advertisements and other literature Unlawful Discrimination The Contractor will not discriminate, as defined by the Equality Act 2010, against another person because that person possesses a single protected characteristic or a combination of protected characteristics which include age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Indirect Discrimination The Contractor shall not unlawfully indirectly discriminate, as deemed by the Equality Act 2010, against a person by applying to that person a provision, criterion or practice which is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic of that person. The relevant protected characteristics are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Duty to Make Adjustments The Contractor shall have regard to Section 20 of the Equality Act 2010 which requires adjustments to be made in respect of disabled persons. Employment The Contractor shall comply with Part 5 (Work) of the Equality Act 2010 and, in particular, Section 39 concerning discrimination against applicants and employees. The Contractor shall not discriminate, as defined by the Equality Act 2010, in deciding to whom to offer employment, the terms upon which it offers employment, or the way in which it affords or does not afford to opportunities for promotion, transfer or training or for receiving any other benefit, facility or service. Performance of the Contract The Contractor shall ensure that its employees in providing services under the Contract comply with Part 3 (Services and Public Functions) of the Equality Act 2010 and, in particular, shall not discriminate against a person as defined by the Equality Act 2010:- in refusing to provide to such person services under the Contract by harassing a person requiring or being provided with services under the Contract as to the terms on which it provides such services to such persons by terminating the provision of such services to such persons; or by subjecting such person to any detriment the contractor will carry out such monitoring as it shall consider reasonably necessary to ensure the Equality Act 2010 is being complied with by the Contractor and the Contractors employees Equality and Human Rights Commission Code of Practice The Contractor shall, so far as is possible, comply with any statutory codes of practice on employment, equal pay and services issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission in respect of the Equality Act 2010. The Contractor shall also provide such other information as the Council may reasonably request, from time to time, for the purpose of assessing such compliance. 11 Payments The nominated member of staff should check all invoices, and claim forms at the school prior to certification. Certification by the nominated member of staff means: That the expenditure is within the approved budget, is in accordance with Standing Orders, and has been properly incurred. That the goods or services have been received and approved as to quantity and quality, that the entries have been made in the Inventory, if applicable, or that the work has been completed satisfactorily. That the prices, discounts, credits, other allowances and calculations are correct, and that the invoice is a VAT invoice with the VAT clearly indicated. That the account has not previously been passed for payment and is a proper liability of the Local Authority That in the case of periodical charges, e.g. gas, electricity and water, any standing charges are correct, and that the consumption recorded is reasonable in the light of previous and current experience. All documents certified for payment should carry the full manuscript signature of the authorising member of staff. Governing Bodies should ensure, as far as possible, that adequate internal check procedures are adopted, and that the nominated officer authorised to certify documents for payment should not be the person who has certified the receipt of goods/services or the completion of the work concerned, or the person who has authorised the respective order. The person who authorises the invoice on the accounting system should sign the payment authorisation slip. Where it is not possible to separate these duties, the arrangements must be agreed with Schools Financial Services. Payment should not be made against copy invoices or statements of account as duplicate payments may be made as a result. For full cheque book schools, the Governing Body should nominate at least 2 members of staff who are designated to be authorised signatories to the school's Local Bank Account, at least one of whom should be a senior member of staff. At least one of those nominated should not be an authorised signatory for the placing of orders or the certification of accounts. Nominated signatories should examine the certified accounts passed to them for payment, and receive such explanations and information, as they deem necessary, prior to payment. Members of the Governing Body should not be nominated as authorised signatories unless they are members of the schools staff. For full cheque book schools, where payment is to be met from the school bank account, cheques should be drawn against certified invoices, which are already recorded in the school's financial accounting system. Where cheques are drawn for urgent purchases ahead of any normal payment schedule, the accounting system must be updated immediately. For no cheque book schools minor purchases can be paid for either from a cash float and the procedures for cash floats within the HYPERLINK "http://www.bgfl.org/services/sfpm/pettcash.htm"Petty Cash chapter should be followed. Alternatively, cheque reimbursements to staff should be accommodated by ensuring an audit trail is established by way of the supplier route on the management system. Travel and Subsistence All taxable and non-taxable claims for the payment of car allowances, taxable subsistence allowances, travelling and incidental expenses should be certified by the Governing Body or officers nominated by them on the appropriate form. The Governing Body should formally document details of the nominated officers. Claims must be prepared and submitted to the certifying officers in accordance with the timetable issued by the Local Authority. Certification means that the journeys were authorised, the expenditure properly and necessarily incurred, the mileage claimed is reasonable, and the allowances are properly payable by the Council. As per the Local Authoritys Safer Driving Policy, each Governing Body will check annually that members of staff using cars for official business have current insurance cover, which includes business use, with an insurance company that is a party to the agreement between the Local Authority Associations and the motor insurers comprising the Motor Conference, a valid MOT certificate, if applicable, or Vehicle Registration Document and a valid driving licence (paper copy to be checked) Governing Bodies, or staff nominated by them, will need to provide such information regarding overseas trips for official business to the Strategic Director, Children & Young People. In organising trips, Governing Bodies should comply with Standing Orders where appropriate, and be aware of the Local Authoritys negotiated contracts for foreign travel so that value for money is achieved. Salaries, Wages and Pensions The payment of all salaries, wages, gratuities, compensation and other emoluments to all employees or former employees of the Local Authority will be made following the requirements of the Fair Funding Scheme of Delegation. Head Teachers, Governing Bodies or members of staff nominated by them should notify the Human Resources Team via the HR Portal, as soon as possible, and in the agreed format, of all matters affecting the payment of staff, such as appointments, dismissals, resignations, absence from duty, secondments, transfer or any change of circumstances affecting remuneration. The Head Teacher, Governing Bodies or members of staff nominated by them should supply all information necessary to ensure that the correct deductions are made for superannuation, income tax and national insurance and other payments due to statutory agencies. Income The Corporate Director, Finance & Governance must approve the procedures for the collection of all money due to the Local Authority. The issue of an official receipt will immediately acknowledge every remittance or sum of money, received by a Governor, or other nominated member of staff of the school, on behalf of the Local Authority. The Corporate Director, Finance & Governance, will satisfy him/herself as to the systems for ordering and control of receipt books and other controlled stationery in respect of income collection. See Income and Cash Handling chapter Incoming mail must be opened by a minimum of two members of staff wherever practicable. Remittances received by post on behalf of the Local Authority must be recorded in a remittance book as part of the post opening procedure. Cheques should be placed in the safe and banked at the earliest opportunity. See Income and Cash Handling chapter All monies received on behalf of the Local Authority, which are to be credited to the school's budget share, must be banked or deposited into the school's Bank Account at regular intervals and at least once per week. All bankings must be made intact, without deduction of payments. When banking or depositing cheques or cash, the paying in slip must be completed correctly. The front of the paying in slip must include:- Date Name of person paying in Head Teachers signature School name School Code REAXXXX Breakdown of cash paid in Total amount of cheques paid in Total amount of cheques and cash The reverse of the paying in slip must include:- Individual listing of all cheques paid in A cost centre for each type of income analysed The total value of monies paid in It is essential that the total of income paid in shown on the front and on the reverse of the paying-in slip agree. Failure to comply with these instructions will delay the allocation of the income. If income is not identified to a correct budget code by the end of the financial year this income may be credited to the Local Authoritys account resulting in the loss of income to the school. Third party cheques must not be cashed from official funds. No change must be given against payments. Every nominated officer paying money into a Bank Account of the Local Authority must show, on the copy paying-in slip, the amount of each cheque paid in and sufficient information to identify the transaction. In order to deal with "referred cheques", nominated officers paying in cheques must enter sufficient details on the reverse of each cheque to identify the school concerned. The minimum information contained on the cheque should be , name of the school, name of the pupil and a description of the transaction concerned. The Governing Body or member of staff nominated by them will be responsible for making adequate arrangements to safeguard money whilst it is in their charge. Money should be locked away in the school safe overnight and where ever possible when the office is unattended during the day. See Insurance chapter. Safe keys must be carried by the nominated officer at all times, and taken home overnight and at weekends. Each Governing Body or member of staff nominated by them shall provide, where necessary, such information for work done, goods supplied or services rendered on behalf of the school to enable debtors' accounts either to be raised by the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance or in accordance with agreed procedures. Included in the above information will be details of contracts, leases, agreements and arrangements entered into which will involve the receipt of money by the Local Authority. Whenever possible, payment should be obtained in advance. In respect of debts due to the Local Authority amounting to 10,000 or less, the Strategic Director, Children & Young People, upon notifying the Governing Body, may be authorised to write off the amounts outstanding, after they have been: pursued by correspondence, and/or visit, and/or telephone call; referred to an approved agency, which will take appropriate steps to collect the outstanding amount, including the instigation of legal proceedings, if appropriate. Subject to Paragraph (1), for debts due to the Local Authority amounting to more than 10,000 the Corporate Director, Finance and Governance, in conjunction with the Governing Body and the Strategic Director, Children & Young People shall obtain the approval of the relevant Committee for debt write off, after they have been: pursued by correspondence, and/or visit, and/or telephone call; referred to an approved agency, which will take appropriate steps to collect the outstanding amount and, if appropriate, to Legal Services to instigate legal proceedings. Where debts in excess of 10,000 remain irrecoverable due to the following criteria, the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance, upon notifying the Governing Body and the Strategic Director, Children & Young People, may be authorised to write off the amount outstanding on the understanding that a schedule be taken to the relevant Committee every 6 months notifying the Committee of the action taken: if the whereabouts of a debtor becomes unknown and the approved tracing agency is not able to locate the debtor; if the debtor is abroad, then the debt will be written off following a final demand (and one Legal Services letter if over 500), unless there is information to suggest that the debtor is likely to return to this country; if, during legal proceedings being taken by Legal Services, payment by instalments has to be accepted, which will lead to the debt being repaid over a period longer than 3 years, all payments received will be treated as sundry income, and no further steps will be taken to enforce the judgement if there is a default in payment; if a claim is submitted to a liquidator in respect of insolvency. Each Governing Body must, at least once each year, review its policy on making charges for services provided, and the circumstances in which those charges and any charges made by the Local Authority are to be remitted. See Appendix A - Charging and Remissions Policy template Petty Cash For small, one-off payments, a petty cash account may be maintained. The nominated members of staff for the petty cash account must maintain proper records. Reconciliations of the account must be prepared at least termly, and ideally on a monthly basis, and retained for audit purposes. See Petty Cash chapter The nominated member of staff must properly certify payments from petty cash. In general the limit for an individual payment should not exceed 100 however where there are exceptional circumstances expenditure can be made in excess of this limit with the prior documented approval of the Head Teacher. No payments should be made from petty cash accounts which could be paid through the school's normal accounting payment routine or by urgent payment. Proper VAT receipts must be obtained wherever VAT is involved in accordance with the instructions issued by the Corporate Director, Finance and Governance and the Strategic Director, Children & Young People. Petty cash floats must be held securely at all times in a locked receptacle. The cash box should be locked away at all times in a safe when not in use. The keys to all cash boxes or safes must be held securely at all times. No income received on behalf of the Local Authority should be paid into a petty cash float. Control of Assets Inventories Inventories must be kept in every school in a form approved by the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance. Inventories should include all items of moveable furniture, equipment, vehicles and plant with a purchase price or capital value (or value in the case of gifts, bequests, etc.) in excess of 1,000. Where there are attractive items such as lap tops, ipads and other equipment costing less than 1,000, these must also be included in inventories irrespective of price. See Inventory Records chapter Relevant inventory items should be included in inventories immediately on receipt, and they should be clearly and permanently marked as the property of the Local Authority. It is the responsibility of each Governing Body to ensure that at least an annual check of the inventory is made. Any differences should be dealt with by the Governing Body, which will take such action as is considered appropriate and report accordingly to the Strategic Director, Children & Young People. Any action taken should be recorded on the inventories. Governing Bodies should nominate staff responsible for the safeguarding of the assets indicated in a particular inventory. The Governing Body should ensure that formal handover arrangements exist where inventories are passed from one member of staff to another. The schools property should not be removed, other than in accordance with the ordinary course of the schools business, or used otherwise than for the school's purposes, except in accordance with specific directions issued by the Strategic Director, Children & Young People. Sales of surplus or obsolete materials or equipment should be dealt with in the same manner as stocks. See Inventory Records chapter. NB: Equipment subject to leasing agreements should not be disposed of without the prior consent of the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance. 16.2 Stocks and Stores 16.2.1 Governing Bodies should maintain sufficient records in order to control the issuing of consumable items such as catering provisions. 16.2.2 The disposal of surplus materials, stores or equipment should be by competitive tender, public auction or other means, unless the Governing Body concerned decides otherwise in a particular case. Security 16.3.1 Each Governing Body should ensure that proper security is maintained at all times for all buildings, furniture, equipment, stocks, stores and cash under their control. The Governing Body should consult the Local Authoritys Insurance Officer, or Corporate Director, Finance & Governance, in any case where security is thought to be defective, or where it is considered that special security arrangements may be needed, or where arrangements agreed with the Local Authority insurers may be affected. 16.3.2 Maximum limits for cash holdings should be agreed with the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance, and must not be exceeded without his/her permission. Keys to safes, alarms, etc, must be carried on the person of the responsible officer at all times, and in no circumstances are keys to be left on the premises. The Corporate Directors Audit Section ( Audit) should be informed immediately of the loss of such keys. 16.3.3 Security of confidential information held in a school is the responsibility of the Governing Body or officer nominated by them. This will also include responsibility for the security of all computer software and the control of access to all records held on micro/mini computers in adherence to the Data Protection Acts. Governing Bodies must notify the Local Authoritys Data Protection Officer of all new computerised systems. Internal Audit 17.1 A continuous internal audit, under the independent control and direction of the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance, will carry out reviews or investigations of accounting, financial and other operations within schools. The Local Authoritys internal audit function is undertaken by Audit. 17.2 Audits role is to review and assess strategic, operational and financial systems used by the Local Authority for the delivery of its services. It also advises on, and where appropriate, participates in, Value for Money Reviews and reports to the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance on areas of significant non delivery. 17.3 Audit, on the authority of the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance, shall have authority to: enter any Local Authority premises or land at all reasonable times; have access to all records, documents, data and correspondence relating to all transactions of the Local Authority, or unofficial funds operated by an employee as part of their official duties; require any employee to provide such explanations, information or any other assistance necessary concerning any matter under audit investigation; require any employee to produce cash, stores of any other property under his/her control, belonging to the Local Authority or held as part of the employees duties. 17.4 Whenever any matter arises which involves, or is thought to involve, irregularities concerning cash, stores or any other property of the Local Authority, or any suspected irregularity in the exercise of the functions of the Local Authority, the Governing Body must inform the Strategic Director, Children & Young People of the facts. The Strategic Director, Children & Young People will then take the appropriate steps in accordance with laid down procedures. 17.5 The rights in 17.3 apply equally to organisations which have links with or provide services on behalf of the Local Authority, e.g. Voluntary Aided Schools where the Local Authority has a statutory or contractual entitlement to exercise such rights. Insurance 18.1 The Corporate Director, Finance & Governance will be responsible for arranging all the necessary cover for schools, which the Local Authority is required to provide, except for those schools who have opted to have insurance delegated. 18.2 Governing Bodies may supplement the cover provided from delegated funds. The Strategic Director, Children & Young People and Governing Bodies will be responsible for immediately informing the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance, in writing, of any new insurable risks and losses, liability or damage covered by the Local Authority insurance. Investments and Borrowing for Full Cheque Book Schools 19.1 Governing Bodies, or officers nominated by them, may invest surplus funds in the accounts of the bank selected for handling the school's business. 19.2 Investments may only be made in current or deposit accounts of the approved bank. No investments will be made which puts the capital sum involved at risk. See Full Cheque Book Scheme chapter 19.3 No borrowings, loans, overdraft, credit, or other deferred purchase arrangements will be allowed except for those established by the former GM schools before their change of status. Leases may be negotiated through the Finance Team. Unofficial Funds 20.1 The Governing Body will be wholly responsible for the proper administration of unofficial funds that are controlled wholly, or in part, by school employees. The Strategic Director, Children & Young People and the Corporate Director, Finance & Governance will provide advice to Governing Bodies on the accounting and audit requirements for such funds. Official and unofficial funds must not be mixed under any circumstances. Independent annual audited accounts should be presented to the Governing Body annually. See School Fund and Other Unofficial Funds chapter Data Protection 21.1 Each Governing Body shall ensure that they have the systems and controls in place to comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Acts. 21.2 They are responsible for the security of confidential information, held at their school, and should ensure that all key staff has received guidance on administering the Acts. 21.3 Where there is doubt, concerning the interpretation of the Data Protection Acts, queries should be directed to the Local Authoritys Data Protection Officer. APPENDIX A Insert School Name Charging and Remissions Policy Statement RATIONALE The Governing Body of (insert name) School recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including trips, clubs and residential experiences can make towards pupils' education. The Governing Body aims to promote and provide such activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the pupils of the school and as additional optional activities. CONTEXT The law states that education provided during school hours must be free. This definition includes materials, equipment and transport provided in school hours by the Local Authority or the School. No pupil may be left out of an activity because their parents cannot or will not make a contribution of any kind. AIMS To make school activities accessible to pupils regardless of family income. To provide a process which allows activities to take place at a minimum cost to parents, pupils and the school and; Which acknowledges the cost of such activities to the schools budget. CHARGES The governing body reserves the right to make a charge in the following circumstances for activities organised by the school: Residential Activities Taking Place Largely During School Hours The full cost to each pupil of board and lodging. Parents have the right to claim free activities if they are in receipt of the following state benefits: - Income Support - Income based Job Seekers Allowance - Support under section VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1996 - Working tax credit and an annual income that does not exceed the published Inland Revenue threshold Activities outside School Hours The full cost to each pupil of all approved activities deemed to be optional extras that are not a necessary part of the national curriculum. Individual Instrumental Tuition The full cost to the pupil for providing any instrumental tuition if the cost is not an essential part of the national curriculum or examination syllabus. REMISSIONS There will be no obligation for any parent to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of school activities and to the School Fund. Pupils will not be treated differently whether or not their parents have made a contribution. The Governing Body may wish to remit in full or in part the cost of other activities for particular groups of parents, for example, in the case of family hardship. When arranging a chargeable activity such parents will be invited in confidence for the remission of charges in full or in part. The Head Teacher in consultation with the Chair of Governors will make authorisation for such remission. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS Voluntary contributions may be requested from parents to cover the cost of the following activities: Insert activities (e.g. cost of materials, bus fares, entrance fees, school visitors etc.) GENERAL The Governing Body may from time to time, amend the categories of activity for which a charge may be made. Nothing in this policy statement precludes the Governing Body from inviting parents to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of additional activities, which take place in school time. Parents may be advised that the continuance of an activity may depend upon voluntary contributions, but once it has been decided to run such an activity no qualifying child will be excluded on the grounds of voluntary contributions. Date agreed by the Governing Body: Signed: (Chair of the Governing Body)      SFPM: Financial Regulations Last update: March 2000 September 2018 Page  PAGE 21 of  NUMPAGES 23 SFPM: Financial Regulations '(>yz ! < = ? 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