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FA/1`A q6˾[h_@Uj'>:Q"#1'04AC\+4G1EkIOL\^}rƂ c"CKGLi[HU"?rwx|)NDWE7ɘ "Y@kw"轨'&@p1(ʻH2h12 W+ua4 m Gi.ohGt~.]*(?ROE%9L/e~iVQdu٪n›8c9ߧgyuP"yB|;sw3G>lþ>4GIV${ @IENDB`3 A@@    Indicator 1Geographical coverage: EnglandGeographical coverage: EnglandEnglandSourceLinksContact*Email: enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk YearNotes:  Water QualitySource: Environment Agency)Email: evidence@environment-agency.gov.uk)Email: enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.ukEnvironment AgencyHighGood ModeratePoor BadNumberPer Cent 2a) Biological Quality of RiversWFD ClassificationPass FailGeographical coverage: UK Indicator 4Priority Species and Habitats:Source: UK Biodiversity Partnership, Natural England, JNCCUnknownTotal%Geographical coverage: UK and EnglandNatural StocksQPercentage of fish stocks harvested sustainably and at full reproductive capacity Indicator 7Raw Material Consumptionmillion tonnesSource: Defra, ONS2009/102010/112011/12 Indicator 11 Indicator 126Source: R- AEA Energy & Environment, Defra, PHOF, CIEH Average number of pollution daysUrban Financial Year$Number of Complaints per 1000 people Hartlepool MiddlesbroughRedcar and Cleveland DarlingtonHalton WarringtonBlackburn with Darwen BlackpoolKingston upon Hull, City ofEast Riding of YorkshireNorth East LincolnshireNorth LincolnshireYorkDerby LeicesterRutland NottinghamHerefordshire, County ofTelford and WrekinBath and North East SomersetBristol, City ofNorth SomersetSouth GloucestershirePlymouthTorbay BournemouthPooleSwindon PeterboroughLutonThurrockMedwayBracknell ForestWest BerkshireReadingSloughWindsor and Maidenhead Wokingham Milton KeynesBrighton and Hove Portsmouth Southampton Isle of Wight County DurhamNorthumberland Cheshire EastCheshire West and Chester ShropshireCornwallIsles of Scilly WiltshireBedfordCentral BedfordshireBoltonBury ManchesterOldhamRochdaleSalford StockportTamesideTraffordWiganKnowsley Liverpool St. HelensSeftonWirralBarnsley Doncaster Rotherham Sheffield GatesheadNewcastle upon TyneNorth TynesideSouth Tyneside Sunderland CoventryDudleySandwellSolihullWalsall WolverhamptonBradford CalderdaleKirkleesLeeds WakefieldCity of LondonBarking and DagenhamBarnetBexleyBrentBromleyCamdenCroydonEalingEnfield GreenwichHackneyHammersmith and FulhamHaringeyHarrowHavering HillingdonHounslow IslingtonKensington and ChelseaKingston upon ThamesLambethLewishamMertonNewham RedbridgeRichmond upon Thames SouthwarkSutton Tower HamletsWaltham Forest Wandsworth WestminsterBuckinghamshire CCCambridgeshire CC Cumbria CC Derbyshire CCDevon CC Dorset CCEast Sussex CCEssex CCGloucestershire CC Hampshire CCHertfordshire CCKent CC Lancashire CCLeicestershire CCLincolnshire CC Norfolk CCNorthamptonshire CCNorth Yorkshire CCNottinghamshire CCOxfordshire CC Somerset CCStaffordshire CC Suffolk CC Surrey CCWarwickshire CCWest Sussex CCWorcestershire CCCounty Noise complaints per 1000 peopleRural Indicator 34 Indicator 32*Species in the Wider Countryside 1970-2011Source: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, British Trust for Ornithology, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust/Links: http://www.bto.org/volunteer-surveys/bbs Water Use Indicator 23LLinks: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/topics/water/32020.aspx Indicator 33wSource: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceGeographical coverage: UK Indicator 24*Noise - number of people affected by noiseSource: Defra, CIEH, PHOF Air Quality Indicator 19Avoidable Mortality Source: ONS AvoidableAmenable PreventableLink: http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-health4/avoidable-mortality-in-england-and-wales/2011/stb-avoidable-mortality--2011.html Indicator 20?Obesity - Percentage of adults and children overweight or obese1Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre2002a 2003 b 2005c a All young adults from core and boost samples in 2002 were included in analysis of those aged 16-24 but only the core sample was included in the overall total.c All adults from core and boost samples in 2005 were included in analysis of 65-74 and 75+ age groups but only the core sample was included in the overall total.Least deprived 10%Most deprived 10%Children aged 4-5Children aged 10-112006/072007/082008/09?Percentage of children overweight or obese by deprivation level Indicator 22FInfant Health - Incidence of low birth weight in full term live births6Full term babies with birth weight less than 2500g (a)Gap (% points)Economic PropseritykSource: Office for National Statistics, Department for Work and Pensions (Households Below Average Incomes)Links: ONS Blue Book (GDP); Households Below Average IncomeUKcOffice for National Statistics, Department for Work and Pensions (Households Below Average Incomes)n/a1) Economic Prosperity Indicator 2Long Term Unemployment&Source: Office for National StatisticsLinks: Unemployment Statistics Indicator 2.Office for National Statistics18-2425-4950+ Indicator 3Poverty Human CapitalLinks: Human Capital EstimatesHuman Capital Estimates_2) Long Term Unemployment (Percent of economically active adults unemployed for over 12 months)&Total Human Capital Stock ( trillion)#Human Capital Per Head ( thousand)'2 Labour productivity growth rate = 2%3 Discount rate = 3.5%24a) Human Capital Stock and Human Capital per headHealthy Life Expectancy Indicator 5Social CapitalSocial Mobility in Adulthood Indicator 6Housing Provision Indicator 8 Indicator 9Greenhouse Gas EmissionsSource: DECC, DefraLinks: Greenhouse Gas EmissionsCarbon Footprint Indicator 4. Indicator 9. DECC, DefraCGreenhouse Gas Emissions (million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent)CCarbon Dioxide Emissions (million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent) Indicator 10Links: Material FlowsConstruction MaterialsNon-Construction Materials10) Raw Material ConsumptionComparative GDP Indices`Note : excludes use of fossil fuels. These are currently classified as experimental statistics.Population DemographicsDebt Indicator 13 Indicator 14Links: Population Estimates Source: HMTTotal Population (Thousands)Under 16s (Thousands)Geographical coverage: UK"Links: Economic and Fiscal OutlookPublic Sector Net Debt14) Debt as a proportion of GDPPublic Sector Net Borrowing Indicator 15Pension Provision[% of workers in the automatic enrolment eligible population with a workplace pension scheme15) Pension Provision Source: DWP*Links: Annual Survey of Hours and PensionsNotes: The automatic enrolment eligible population refers to workers aged at least 22 and under State Pension age, and who earn 8,105 or more per year (in 2012/13 earnings terms).[1][1]Additional notes:Physical Infrastructure Indicator 16Links: National Balance Sheet16) Physical Infrastructure DwellingsOther Buildings and StructuresOtherCNotes: Non-financial assets include both tangible and intangible assets. Tangible assets consist of property, machinery, agricultural assets, vehicles, farming stock and some military equipment. Intangible assets refer to computer software, patents, mineral exploration and artistic originals. Financial assets (not inclu< ded in this graph) refer to means of payment, financial claims, loans and economic assets that are close to financial claims in nature. The category  Other comprises cultivated assets, inventories, intangible fixed assets and intangible non-produced assets.Research and DevelopmentSource: ONS, Defra Indicator 17Links: Expenditure on R&DBusiness EPE Expenditure on R&D17) Research and Development4Business Expenditure on EPE related R&D ( Millions)'Environmental Goods and Services Sector Indicator 18 Source: BIS'Links: Low Carbon Environment and Goods Environmental2010/ 11 Low CarbonRenewable EnergyP18) Sales of Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services Sector ( Billions)(Source: Department for Work and Pensions&Links: Households Below Average Income Department for Work and Pensions23) Proportion of Children in Low Income Households1994/951995/961996/971997/981998/991999/002000/012001/022002/032003/042004/052005/061Children in relative poverty before housing costs1Children in absolute poverty before housing costs Lifestyles Indicator 21-Source: DfH, DfT, Defra, Public Health SurveyLinks: Active People SurveyNational Travel Survey"National Diet and Nutrition Survey21a) Prevalence of SmokingPrevalence of Smoking021b) Proportion of trips under 5 miles by method<30 mins 150+ mins65+>21e) Trends in Fruit and Veg purchased as measured by portions01/0202/0303/0404/0505/06200620072008200920102011All HouseholdsMost Deprived Ten PercentNotes: Excludes potatoesNotes: Includes fruit and vegetables as part of composite dishes, but excludes potatoes. Fruit juice is included, up to a maximum contribution of one portion per day. Baked beans and other pulses are included, up to a maximum contribution of one portion per day. Indicator 25 Fuel Poverty Source: DECCLinks: Fuel Poverty ReportNumber of households Indicator 26UK Co2 Emissions by SectorLinks Greenhouse Gas Emissions Energy Supply TransportBusiness ResidentialEnergy from Renewable Sources!27) Energy From Renewable Sources Indicator 27Renweable Energy in 2012+% of Energy consumed from Renewable Sources Indicator 28Housing Energy Efficiency Source: DCLGHousing SurveyPrivate Sector Social Sector New Homes Indicator 29Waste Disposal and Recycling Source: DefraWaste and Recycling28) Mean SAP rating by Tenure Indicator 30Land Use by TypeLand Use Change Statistics Indicator 31!Origin of Food Consumed in the UKAgriculture in the UK EU and Europe The AmericasAsia, Australasia and AfricaLife Expectancy at BirthMalesFemalesONS: Life Expectancy~6a The proportion of people engaging in actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern at least once a year(Civic Participation at least once a year200120032005W6b) The proportion of people engaging in any volunteering activity at least once a year!Volunteering at least once a yearPartner, friend or relativePartnerRelativeFriendz6c)The proportion of people who have a partner, family member or friend to rely on if they have a serious problem, 2010/11Type of relationshipProportion of peopleW6d) The proportion of people agreeing that people in their neighbourhood can be trusted'Proportion of people who can be trustedJhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/well-being/index.htmlGSource: Citizenship Survey, DCLG, Community Life Survey, Cabinet Office?Citizenship Survey, DCLG, Community Life Survey, Cabinet OfficeoDepartment for Business, Innovation and Skills, British Household Panel Survey and/Understanding Society SurveyPercent of 16-65 year olds who are in paid employment who are in managerial or professional positions by social background using fathers occupational groupOthersGapSocial Mobility Indicators/Department for Communities and Local Government"Trends in net additional dwellingsGeographical coverageHousing provisionRecovery Rate (%) Waste Generated (million tonnes)Forestry and woodland Inland water Other land (incl built up areas)'Permanent Grassland and Rough GrasslandEconomic ProsperityKnowledge and SkillsNatural Resource UseWildlifeSustainable FisheriesHeadline SupplementaryEconomySociety Environment/Percentage of trips taken by walking or cycling-Percentage of trips taken by Public Transport GDP Index 1 GDP Per Capita Index 1 Median Income Index 2 2) Median Income is from DWP s households below average income publication. Median income is presented in financial years, such that 2011 represents 2010/2011, it is income before housing costs 1,3,5,7,9 2,4,6,8,10 0 -< 10 10 -< 20 20 -< 30 30 -< 40 40 -< 50 50 -< 60 60 -< 70 70 -< 80 80 -< 90 90 -< 100 100 -< 110 110 -< 120 120 -< 130 130 -< 140 140 -< 150 150 -< 160 160 -< 170 170 -< 180 180 -< 190 190 -< 200 200 -< 210 210 -< 220 220 -< 230 230 -< 240 240 -< 250 250 -< 260 260 -< 270 270 -< 280 280 -< 290 290 -< 300 300 -< 310 310 -< 320 320 -< 330 330 -< 340 340 -< 350 350 -< 360 360 -< 370 370 -< 380 380 -< 390 390 -< 400 400 -< 410 410 -< 420 420 -< 430 430 -< 440 440 -< 450 450 -< 460 460 -< 470 470 -< 480 480 -< 490 490 -< 500 500 -< 510 510 -< 520 520 -< 530 530 -< 540 540 -< 550 550 -< 560 560 -< 570 570 -< 580 580 -< 590 590 -< 600 600 -< 610 610 -< 620 620 -< 630 630 -< 640 640 -< 650 650 -< 660 660 -< 670 670 -< 680 680 -< 690 690 -< 700 700 -< 710 710 -< 720 720 -< 730 730 -< 740 740 -< 750 750 -< 760 760 -< 770 770 -< 780 780 -< 790 790 -< 800 800 -< 810 810 -< 820 820 -< 830 830 -< 840 840 -< 850 850 -< 860 860 -< 870 870 -< 880 880 -< 890 890 -< 900 900 -< 910 910 -< 920 920 -< 930 930 -< 940 940 -< 950 950 -< 960 960 -< 970 970 -< 980 980 -< 990 990 -< 1000 1000+ Million cubic metres used!Farmland birds (19) (unsmoothed)Farmland birds (19) (smoothed)..Household Estimates (thousands)Number of Pollution DaysMachinery and equipmentHousehold waste recycling rate2000/12001/22002/32003/42004/52005/62006/72007/82008/9Population Index 1971 = 100Total Population Under 16s 1970=1001975=100Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, British Trust for Ornithology, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, The Wildlife and Wetlands Trust and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, GeographyONS/DWPDWPONSDCLG/COBIS/USoCDCLG DECC/DEFRA DEFRA/ONS0RSPB/DEFRA/NCC/Wildlife Trust/Centre for EcologyHMTBISR-AEA Energy and EnvironmentDECCDEFRA0UK biodiversity partnership/Natural England/JNCCnInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea/Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science)NHSIC/National Child Management ProgrammeDEFRA/CIEH/PHOF Median income.Proportion of adults unemployed over 12 monthsHuman capital () stockHuman capital per headOProportion of children in absolute low income households (before housing costs)OProportion of children in relative low income househo< lds (before housing costs)No. charts in indicatorMeasuresNo. data items in indicatorStatus of priority speciesStatus of priority habitats(Fish stocks harvested within safe limitsBiological quality of RiversChemical status of Rivers!Origin of food consumed in the UKWaste recovery rateEnergy from renewable sources&Number of fuel poor households (000's)2Full term babies with birth weight less than 2500gHealthy life expectancyLife expectancy at birthOProportion of people agreeing that people in their neighbourhood can be trustedjProportion of people who have a partner, family member or friend to rely on if they have a serious problemGreenhouse Gas Emissions Carbon Dioxide EmissionsFarmland birdsSeabirdswater and wetland birds3Proportion of Physically Active and Inactive Adults7Average Daily Consumption of Fruit and Veg by age group2Obesity - Percentage of adults overweight or obese?Sales of Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services Sector,Expenditure on R&D by Business in Real Terms(Business Expenditure on EPE related R&D $Email: nationalwell-being@ons.gov.uk UK Defra, ONSSource:Measure2Comparisons of GDP, GDP per head and median incomeTProportion of economically active adults unemployed1 for over 12 months by age group34/Proportion of children in low income householdsValue of human capital ()L 3) All figures are adjusted for inflation to represent change in real terms Healthy life expectancy at birthDCivic participation, social participation, social networks and trustQProportion of adults in managerial or professional positions by social backgroundAnnual net additional dwellingsUK greenhouse gas emissions>Consumption of raw construction and non-construction materialsSPopulations of farmland birds, woodland birds, water and wetland birds and seabirds<Abstractions from non-tidal surface waters and ground watersEngland and Wales4Total population and number of households in EnglandDPublic sector net debt (PNSD) and public sector net borrowing (PSNB)`6Percentage of eligible workers in a workplace pension 1.This indicator measures the number of employee jobs (i.e. excluding the self-employed). An individual may have more than one job.2.For 2011 and 2012, estimates capture women aged 22 to 59 and therefore do not account for the gradual equalisation of the female State Pension Age to 65.  ONS, Defra!Asset net worth by structure type/Research and development in cash and real termsBis?Sales of low carbon and environmental goods and services sector*Mortality from causes considered avoidable:Prevalence of overweight or obesity in children and adultsObesity Coverage%DfH, DfT, Defra, Public Health SurveyInfant Health 6Incidence of low birth weight in full term live births5Days when air quality is moderate or higher in the UKDefra, CIEH, PHOFNoise -Proportion of people making noise complaints"Carbon dioxide emissions by sectorLink>Proportion of energy consumed in the UK from renewable sources(Average housing energy efficiency rating Household and construction wasteDefraLand use by type (context only) Land Use 6Proportion of food consumed in the UK from each region Indicator 32 2b) Chemical Status of Rivers)Biological and chemical quality of riversMeasure United Kingdom oInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceEconomic and Fiscal OutlookPopulation EstimatesONS Blue Book (GDP); Unemployment StatisticsNational Balance Sheet Expenditure on R&DActive People SurveyFuel Poverty Report  202,650   214,940   223,530   182,770   144,870   137,390   134,900   124,720 16-17/Construction and demolition waste recovery rate PercentageSeasonally adjustedAll aged 16 and over Sport EnglandDfTDfH2. Long Term Unemployment1. Economic Prosperity IndicatorsY &2 Labour productivity growth rate = 2%3 Discount rate = 3.5%'Source: Office for National Statistics 1 Figures in 2012 prices16 2526 3536 4546 5556 6411 Components may not sum to total due to rounding4Employed Human Capital by Age 20121,2,3 ( trillion)"(2012/13N&9a) UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions (DECC)2013 1 $9b) Uk Consumption Emissions (DEFRA)PHE 3. Poverty4. Knowledge and Skills5. Healthy Life ExpectancyHealth Survey for England data(National Child Meaurement Programme data,Source: National Child Measurement ProgrammeEconomic fiscal outlook 65 and over16 - 64 (Thousands)65 and over (Thousands)16 - 64 Housing energy efficiency Total population and projections$Number of households and projections91 Figures are for deaths registered in each calendar yearU3 Rates per 100,000 population standardised to the 1976 European Standard Population )Health and Social Care Information Centre]b Data up to 2002 are unweighted; from 2003 onwards data have been weighted for non-response 9d Overweight including obese adults = BMI 25kg/m2 or more0 1^ e Overweight including obese children = BMI e"85th centile of the British 1990 growth reference,-WPercentage of children overweight or obeseg by Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 level* +Q-Overweight including obese children aged 4-5e, /Overweight including obese children aged 10-11e. .Overweight including obese children aged 2-15e- 3Overweight including obese adults aged 16 and overd2 England @2. Figures presented for England exclude deaths of non-residentsAge-standardised mortality rates (with 95 per cent confidence intervals) for causes of death considered avoidable, England and Wales, 2001-20121,2,3 \Number of households living in fuel poverty under the low income high cost (LIHC) definitionR" they have required fuel costs that are above average (the national median level)l" were they to spend that amount, they would be left with a residual income below the official poverty line./25) Number of Fuel Poor Households1 (Thousands)"#[1 Under the Low Income High Costs definition, a household is considered to be fuel poor if:Habitats FavourableSpecies2013Yhttps://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/env09-england-biodiversity-indicators)Status of threatened species and habitatsThreatened Species and Habitatst34b) Percentage of UK habitats of European importance in improving or declining conservation status in 2007 and 2013DNotes: The number of species assessed was 80 in 2007 and 83 in 2013.Notes: Based on 70 habitats=Expenditure on R&D by Business in Current Prices ( Billions)>Expenditure on R&D by Business in Constant Prices ( Billions)VProportion of all live births with weight less than 2500g based on parent's occupation*a) includes term and post term live birthsUnfavourable - ImprovingUnfavourable - StableUnfavourable - Declining94b) Employed Human Capital Stock by age group 2004 - 2012'Raw Material Consumption - Construction+Raw Material Consumption - non construction:Water Abstraction by Industry Group (million cubic metres)Public Water SupplyElectricity SupplyOther Industry Fish farming!Total Asset Net Worth ( Billion)Seabirds (19) unsmoothedYhttps://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/env07-wild-bird-populations-in-the-uk)Water and wetland birds (26) (unsmoothed)'Water and wetland birds (26) (smoothed) Woodland birds (38) (unsmoothed)Woodland birds (38) (smoothed)ghttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/low-carbon-and-environmental-goods-and-services-2011-to-2012< Notes:UThe National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC rebased on the SOC2010)EIncidence of live births with low birth weight and NS-SEC = 1,2,3,4 1D1. Low birth weight of all live births where the most advantaged of either parent s occupation is classified as managerial, professional or intermediate(%).EIncidence of live births with low birth weight and NS-SEC = 5,6,7,8 2D 2. Low birth weight of all live births where the most advantaged of either parent s occupation is classified as routine and manual occupations, never worked or long-term unemployed (%).Defra, AEA Energy & EnvironmentLand cover mapArable and HorticultureImproved GrasslandSemi-natural GrasslandMountain, Heath and Bog Urban areasConiferous WoodlandBroadleaved WoodlandCoastal & Freshwater habitatsUK 20071.GDP form Q1 2014 Quarterly National Accounts and GDP per capita ONS' UKEA. Median Income is from DWP s households below average income publication.Index 2010 = 100Total Cropable AreaBefore Housing Cost1. International Labour Organisation definition   Looked for work in the last 4 weeks and available to start job within 2 weeks, or waiting to start a job. Duration of unemploy      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ment is the length of time the respondent reports they have been looking for work (or the period since they left their last job if that is shorter). Its accuracy depends on respondent recall, and it is not possible to measure for certain whether the respondent was unemployed for a continuous period of 12 months or more. Trends in these figures may be affected by welfare reforms that are helping people previously in receipt of inactivity benefits to start looking for work and become unemployed. Many of these people will have been out of work for an extended period of time and are therefore more likely to report that they have been looking for work for 12 months or more, even if that didn't involve active job search.$Email: nationalwell being@ons.gov.uk2000 022001 032002 042003 052004 062005 072006 082007 092008 10Jhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide method/user guidance/well being/index.html2007 082008 092009 102010 11Aug 2012  Apr 2013 Percent of 16 65 year olds who are in paid employment who are in managerial or professional positions by social background using fathers occupational group#More advantaged groups (NS SEC 1 2)1991 951996 002001 042005 08{https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/255431/Net_Supply_of_Housing_England__2012 13.pdf2000 012001 022002 032003 042004 052005 062006 072011 122012 131. 2013 Data are provisionalOther Industry1 T1. Spray irrigation, Agriculture (excl. Spray irrigation), and Private water supply.1990 911991 921992 931993 941994 951995 961996 971997 981998 99 0.51999 00 1.6 4.12013 142014 152015 162016 172017 182018 19 0.22Notes: Outturn in 2012 13; forecasts from 2013 14 GB Age standardised mortality rates@21c) Proportion of Physically Active and Inactive Adults 2012 13 30 89 mins 90 149 minsK21d) Average Daily Consumption of Fruit and Veg by age group, 08/09  11/1211 1819 64Stockton on TeesStoke on TrentSouthend on SeaNoise ComplaintsUK CO2 Emissions by Sector +26) CO2 Emissions by Sector, Million Tonnes 0Department for Communities and Local Government 6 Social Capital7 Social Mobility in Adulthood8 Housing Provision9 Greenhouse Gas Emissions10 Natural Resource Use 11 Wildlife 12 Water Use13 Population Demographics14 Debt15 Pension Provision16 Physical Infrastructure17 Research and Development*18 Environmental Goods and Services Sector19 Avoidable Mortality 20 Obesity 21 Lifestyles22 Infant Health23 Air Quality24 Noise25 Fuel Poverty26 UK CO2 Emissions by Sector 27 Energy From Renewable Sources28 Housing Energy Efficiency29 Waste Disposal and Recycling 30 Land Use%31 Origins of Food Consumed in the UK32 Water Quality 34 Priority Species and HabitatsGDP GDP per headIndicator assessment(1994)(2007) (1994/95) (2006/07)(1994/95 (2000-02) (2003-05) (2007-08) (1991-95) (2000-01)(1990)(2008)(1997)(2006)(2000)(1991)1.Where possible long term and short term assessments are made on the basis of smoothed data. While percentage changes in these inices are reported based on the most recent unsmoothed data point (2012) any long and short term assessment of the statistical significance of these changes is made using the unsmoothed data point from 2011. Smoothed data are available for farmland birds, woodland birds and wetland birds, but not for seabirds. All latest year assessments are based on unsmoothed data. .2. Figures in brackets give number of species Ehttp://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB13218/HSE2012-Ch11-Child-BMI.pdfNotes1. 2013 data are provisional./2. Geography also includes crown dependencies. UK22013 13.The 8,105 threshold has been deflated by average weekly earnings (AWE) from 2001 to 2011, and the average earnings index (AEI) from 1997 to 2000 for the purposes of arriving at thresholds suitable for determining eligibility prior to 2012. 4. The analysis is based on<G annualised weekly earnings estimates that are not adjusted to take account of the effect of short spells in employment. This is in contrast to estimates produced by the ONS. The estimates also do not adjust for employees whose pay is affected by absence.5.ONS excludes workers for which employees are not on adult rates of pay, such as those on reduced rates for reasons of apprenticeship, training or age. These workers have been included in this analysis.w34a) Percentage of UK species and of European importance in improving or declining conservation status in 2007 and 2013 (1970-2011) (2006-2011) (1975-2011) (1986-2012) (2007-2012)Preventable MortalityAmenable Mortality(1995)=Proportion of trips under 5 miles taken by walking or cycling;Proportion of trips under 5 miles taken by public transport(Average number of pollution days - urban(Average number of pollution days - rural'CO2 emissions by sector - Energy supply#CO2 emissions by sector - Transport"CO2 emissions by sector - Business%CO2 emissions by sector - ResidentialCO2 emissions by sector - Other(1970)+Housing energy efficiency of existing homes&Housing energy efficiency of new homes(1996) (2007/08) (2000/01)$35. UK biodiversity impacts overseasMeasure not yet developed33 Sustainable FisheriesN/A6Public Sector Net Debt and Public Sector Net Borrowing Long-term Short-term Latest yearWoodland birds Decreased No change Increased Not assessed$Total non financial assets net worth (1996-2000)Updated data since July 2013% g|{b# H/@'A(V = '! !n ! 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by Defra https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sustainable-development-indicators-sdis Email: enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR Tel: 08459 33 55 77 <G-G:GGGUG]G`GiHHGGGGG+G,G-I.I/>@WW@WdyK $enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk yK Tmailto:enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk^RRyK MLinks: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/topics/water/32020.aspxyK http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/topics/water/32020.aspxP||yK Link: http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-health4/avoidable-mortality-in-england-and-wales/2011/stb-avoidable-mortality--2011.htmlyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-health4/avoidable-mortality-in-england-and-wales/2011/stb-avoidable-mortality--2011.htmlKKyK 0Links: http://www.bto.org/volunteer-surveys/bbsyK Rhttp://www.bto.org/volunteer-surveys/bbsJ yK Links: ONS Blue Book (GDP)yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/naa1-rd/united-kingdom-national-accounts/the-blue-book--2012-edition/index.htmlhyK  Households Below Average IncomeyK https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-work-pensions/series/households-below-average-income-hbai--2yK Links: Unemployment StatisticsyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/taxonomy/index.html?nscl=UnemploymentvyK 'Links: Households Below Average IncomeyK https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-work-pensions/series/households-below-average-income-hbai--2D yK Links: Human Capital EstimatesyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/wellbeing/human-capital-estimates/2010/human-capital-estimates-2010.html^>>yK  Links: Greenhouse Gas EmissionsyK https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-of-energy-climate-change/series/uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions^EEyK  Links: Greenhouse Gas EmissionsyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/environmental/uk-environmental-accounts/2013/stb-ukea-2013.htmltab-Material-Flows0WWyK Links: Material FlowsyK https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/273313/Population estimates]]yK  Links: DebtyK http://budgetresponsibility.independent.gov.uk/pubs/March-2013-EFO-44734674673453.pdf@ccyK #Links: Economic and Fiscal OutlookyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/ashe/annual-survey-of-hours-and-earnings-pension-tables/index.html|iiyK +Links: Annual Survey of Hours and PensionsyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/cap-stock/the-national-balance-sheet/2012-results/stb---national-balance-sheet-2012.htmlBooyK Links: Expenditure on R&DyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/rdit1/gross-domestic-expenditure-on-research-and-development/2011/index.html\vvyK (Links: Low Carbon Environment and GoodsyK https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/low-carbon-and-environmental-goods-and-services-2010-11-reportyK Links: Active People SurveyyK Lhttp://www.sportengland.org/research/ByK National Travel SurveyyK https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-transport/series/national-travel-survey-statisticsyK #National Diet and Nutrition SurveyyK <https://www.gov.uk/government/news/statistical-press-notice-national-diet-and-nutrition-survey-headline-results-from-years-1-2-and-3-combined-2008-09-2010-11.yK Links: Fuel Poverty ReportyK https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/fuel-poverty-report-annual-report-on-statistics-2013\yK Links Greenhouse Gas EmissionsyK https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-of-energy-climate-change/series/uk-greenhouse-gas-emissionsTyK Renweable Energy in 2012yK https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/energy-trends-june-2013-special-feature-articles-renewable-energy-in-2012JyK Housing SurveyyK https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-communities-and-local-government/series/english-housing-survey6yK Waste and RecyclingyK https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-authority-collected-waste-for-england-quarterly-estimatesjyK Land Use Change StatisticsyK https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-communities-and-local-government/series/land-use-change-statisticsjyK Agriculture in the UKyK https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs/series/agriculture-in-the-united-kingdom''yK $enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk yK Tmailto:enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.ukl&&yK ONS: Life ExpectancyyK http://ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/disability-and-health-measurement/health-expectancies-at-birth-and-age-65-in-the-united-kingdom/index.html--yK $enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk yK Tmailto:enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk33yK $enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk yK Tmailto:enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk22yK Social Mobility IndicatorsyK https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/social-mobility-indicators/social-mobility-indicators/access-to-the-professions-by-social-background99yK $enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk yK Tmailto:enviro.statistics@defra.gsi.gov.uk88yK Housing provisionyK https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/15273/2246985.pdfPyK  Indicator 2'2.'!A1P yK  Indicator 1'1.'!A1PyK  Indicator 3'3.'!A1PyK  Indicator 4'4.'!A1P##yK  Indicator 5'5.'!A1P))yK  Indicator 6'6.'!A1P//yK  Indicator 7'7.'!A1P55yK  Indicator 8'8.'!A1P;;yK  Indicator 9'9.'!A1TBByK  Indicator 10 '10.'!A1THHyK  Indicator 11 '11.'!A1TNNyK  Indicator 12 '12.'!A1TTTyK  Indicator 13 '13.'!A1TZZyK  Indicator 14 '14.'!A1T``yK  Indicator 15 '15.'!A1TffyK  Indicator 16 '16.'!A1TllyK  Indicator 17 '17.'!A1TssyK  Indicator 18 '18.'!A1TyyyK  Indicator 19 '19.'!A1TyK  Indicator 20 '20.'!A1TyK  Indicator 21 '21.'!A1TyK  Indicator 22 '22.'!A1TyK  Indicator 23 '23.'!A1TyK  Indicator 24 '24.'!A1TyK  Indicator 25 '25.'!A1TyK  Indicator 26 '26.'!A1TyK  Indicator 27 '27.'!A1TyK  Indicator 28 '28.'!A1TyK  Indicator 29 '29.'!A1TyK  Indicator 30 '30.'!A1TyK  Indicator 31 '31.'!A1TyK  Indicator 32 '32.'!A1TyK  Indicator 33 '33.'!A1TyK  Indicator 34 '34.'!A1ggD&<3 =\ $\  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