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They are part of the Councils overarching Priority Actions to tackle inequality and deprivation and promote social cohesion across all communities in . The following SMART actions reflect how the Directorate intends to achieve its equality objectives and deliver against the Councils Priority Actions by targeting measures to tackle discrimination and disadvantage among identified groups, as appropriate. The SMART actions are imbedded in the Directorates business planning and monitoring processes to ensure effective delivery and performance management. The equalities information produced overleaf is intended to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to the promotion of equality in service delivery for people who share a relevant protected characteristic. It includes information relating to service take-up, special projects/programmes, equality analysis of new/revised policies, and customer satisfaction, broken down by protected characteristic, where such information exists. The Directorate recognises there are gaps in information concerning some customer groups. It will work to narrow these gaps over the coming period. Information relating to employees has been produced on a City Council-wide scale and can be found in the Corporate Resources section of the Councils Equalities webpage .. (include link).BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL EQUALITY ACT 2010 - SPECIFIC DUTIES EQUALITY OBJECTIVES The overarching Priority Action/s:1. Equality of outcomes for individuals accessing the Directorates Enablement Services 2. Equality of outcomes for individuals with a learning disability: housing, employment & health3. Extend recording of client details to encompass the nine protected characteristics  SMART ACTIONS: Action No. 1RationaleReview sample of citizens who have been enabled and who have not been enabled to gain a deeper understanding of service effectiveness vis--vis environmental issues such as deprivation. December 2013Wealth and deprivation could affect the proportion of clients fully enabled in two ways. Firstly, clients in deprived areas tend to be less healthy and to become ill younger, demonstrated by the increased proportions of services, including Accommodation, in these areas and the lower rates of full enablement for those aged 85 plus. There is therefore a greater chance that clients 65 plus approaching the authority would have higher levels of need and therefore be more likely to require services after enablement. Secondly, the measure of full enablement is those requiring no further services within 7 days of discharge from enablement but this could also include self funders. It may be that in average enablement areas there is a combination of clients both fully enabled and self funded. In wealthier areas more clients could choose to self fund, while in poorer areas fewer would be able to. Action No. 2RationaleWork with Public Health and the [Shadow] Health & Wellbeing Board to create an action plan to increase the independence of people with a learning disability July 2013There is growing evidence (Health Inequalities and People with Learning Disabilities in the UK Implications and actions for commissioners and providers of social care Evidence into practice report no. 4 NDTI, Nov 2011) that individuals with a learning disability may be facing poorer outcomes in health, employment and housing. This position may be exacerbated by the cumulative effects of the welfare reforms.  Action No. 3RationaleMake necessary changes to CareFirst6 August 2013 Implement for new clients through recording by ACAP October 2013 Implement for existing clients on review October 2013 As a Directorate, we currently only obtain data relating to three of the nine characteristics (age, race and sex). As a social care service we do not record medical diagnoses of 'disability'.  BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL EQUALITY ACT 2010 - SPECIFIC DUTIES EQUALITY INFORMATION What should be publishedAvailable evidence Please include links to documents and websites where relevantIs this broken down by protected group?Information Gaps Based on the 8 relevant protected characteristics establish what data you currently do not collect and if you will be collecting it from now on (Note: The requirement to publish does not cover Marriage and Civil Partnership) YesNoN/A1.Take up or non-take up of services The number of people with different protected characteristics who access and use services in different ways e.g. numbers applying/demand, numbers using the service, access etc Adult Social Care is an assessed service and is therefore not universally available. However, an analysis of citizens receiving service against the City-wide profile indicates that in 2011/12 there was a lower take up of services (A6) from citizens of a mixed background and from those who are Asian or Asian British. Approximately 3% of the City is from a mixed background, while in 2011/12, only 1% of the citizens approaching the Directorate for assessment were from this group. Approximately 20% of the City is Asian or Asian British, while in 2011/12, only 16% of the citizens approaching the Directorate for assessment were from this group.SomeThe Public Sector Equality Duty covers the following protected characteristics: age disability gender reassignment pregnancy and maternity race this includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality religion or belief this includes lack of belief sex sexual orientation It also applies to marriage and civil partnership, but only in respect of the requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination. As a Directorate, we currently only obtain data relating to three of the nine characteristics (age, race and sex). As a social care service we do not record medical diagnoses of 'disability'.2.Programmes/projects that benefit people within protected groups Service outcomes for people with different protected characteristicsThe Directorate has clear statutory responsibilities to meet the assessed unmet eligible needs of the frail and disabled. The programmes/projects to benefit this group are to be found in the Strategic Directorate Business Plan. We also produce an Annual Performance Report which details what we have done in the year. Our 2011/12 report can be found here:  HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/AdultsAnnualReport" http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/AdultsAnnualReport Services for specific client groups and protected characteristics can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.mycareinbirmingham.org.uk/" http://www.mycareinbirmingham.org.uk/ SomeSee 1, above What should be publishedAvailable evidence Please include links to documents and websites where relevantIs this broken down by protected group?Information Gaps Based on the 9 protected characteristics establish what data you currently do not collect and if you will be collecting it from now onYesNoN/A3.Equality analysis & details of any information used during that analysis Equality Analysis and The Directorate carries out an Equality analysis whenever a Policy or Service is developed or reviewed. A cross-section of current Equality Analyses can be accessed at: SomeSee 1, abovePolicies or arrangements in place to ensure that we eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation (where relevant) All reports which go to the Councils Cabinet must be accompanied by an Equality Analysis to ensure the executive has due regard to the public sector equality duty. More information can be accessed at: www.birmingham.gov.uk/democracy The Directorate is also responsible for overseeing adult safeguarding in the City. More information can be accessed at:  HYPERLINK "http://bsab.org/" http://bsab.org/ SomeSee 1, aboveWhat should be publishedAvailable evidence Please include links to documents and websites where relevantIs this broken down by protected group?Information Gaps Based on the 9 protected characteristics establish what data you currently do not collect and if you will be collecting it from now onYesNoN/A 4.Details of engagement/consultation The Directorate has signed up to Making it Real a service-user led programme for service improvement. Details can be accessed at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/MakingItReal" http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/MakingItReal Users and carers have taken part in a number of consultations in recent years. Details can be accessed at:  HYPERLINK "https://www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/" https://www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/ Information relating to the Councils budget consultations can be accessed at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/budgetviews" http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/budgetviews SomeSee 1, above What should be publishedAvailable evidence Please include links to documents and websites where relevantIs this broken down by protected group?Information Gaps Based on the 9 protected characteristics establish what data you currently do not collect and if you will be collecting it from now onYesNoN/A5.Satisfaction with services Customer satisfaction levels and informal feedback from service users with different protected characteristics and results of consultations Each year we undertake a satisfaction survey. The question asked was: Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the care and support services you receive? (ASCOF 3A). In 2012, service users with a recorded ethnicity of white were the most satisfied. White 55.4% Black 46.7% Asian 41.4% Other 33.3% The question asked was: Which of the following statements best describes how safe you feel? In 2012, the response: I feel as safe as I want (ASCOF 4A) indicated that service users with a recorded ethnicity of black felt the safest. White 66.0% Black 73.5% Asian 56.3% Other 50.0% SomeSee 1, aboveWhat should be publishedAvailable evidence Please include links to documents and websites where relevantIs this broken down by protected group?Information Gaps Based on the 9 protected characteristics establish what data you currently do not collect and if you will be collecting it from now onYesNoN/A 6.Complaints, with an indication of their reasons Complaints about discrimination and complaints from people with different protected characteristics Legislation requires each council with adult social care services responsibilities to maintain a separate complaints procedure for anyone who is in direct receipt of a service and is likely to want to make representations, including complaints about the actions, decisions or apparent failings of a Social Care & Health Directorate. It also allows any other person to act on behalf of the individual concerned, who can demonstrate a significant interest in the welfare of that individual and that their actions are acceptable and appropriate.  HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/AdultCustomerCare" www.birmingham.gov.uk/AdultCustomerCare There were a total of 519 active complaints in 2011/12. SomeSee 1, above      FILENAME \p \\SVLRDCLR06\Equalities$\Shared\PSO\Equality Act 2010\Specific Duties Project 2012-13\Templates\Publishing Information Service Delivery template 251012.doc *-=>K_noq~ 2 : ˽|reXh.hOOJQJ^Jh.h]mOJQJ^JhMOJQJ^Jhw5OJQJ^Jh.hMOJQJ^Jhzhz5H*OJQJ^Jhz5OJQJ^Jh.hO5OJQJ^Jh.hM5OJQJ^JhMhMOJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^JhMhUD5OJQJ^JhMhM5OJQJ^J=>K`n dh$Ifgd.$a$gdMH<<<< dh$Ifgd.kd$$Ifl\#V9t| t0644 lap(yt.d e HF@@/ & F0$If`0gd.$Ifkd$$Ifl\#V9t| t0644 lap(yt. 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