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CASS Advisors together with social workers and team managers will use the information contained in both documents to decide the level of risk involved and the relevant support required by the CYP and family. childrens practitioners will share relevant referrals with extremism concerns with the Police who will decide when this needs to be passed onto Prevent; you do not need to contact Police or Prevent. There are three sets of risk indicators included in the screening high, medium and low. A case may involve risks at all three levels; please indicate all relevant risks; your answers do not need to be confined to one level of risk. It is very important you describe the evidence you have observed for each risk you have ticked in the summary of evidence boxes following each set of risk indicators. Please provide as much background information as possible to enable Childrens Trust to make informed decisions. If this section is not completed, the form will be returned to you to be completed. If the screening tool in not fully completed we will contact you to discuss to get a full picture. Please link the concerns you are raising in this screening tool to the relevant section on concerns in the Request for Support Form to provide an overall picture of need. Also think about protective factors that are in place around the CYP and family reducing the harm related to extremist concerns. You can access information on proscribed terrorist groups or organisations that are banned under UK law from  HYPERLINK "https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/proscribed-terror-groups-or-organisations--2" GOV.UK. You can access government advice on international travel from  HYPERLINK "http://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice" www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice. Additionally, local guidance along with the relevant form for international travel requests can be accessed  HYPERLINK "http://birminghamcs.proceduresonline.com/chapters/docs_library.html" \l "ch_partic_circ" here. Report online material which promotes terrorism or extremism via the Home Office website. PART ONE RISK INDICATORS HIGH RISK INDICATORS High Risk IndicatorsTick Plans to travel to a conflict zone; or unexplained and/or sudden plans to travel to a country from which you can travel to a conflict zoneDemonstrates support for and/or is articulating extreme views that are of significant harm to themselves or others, and may refuse to acknowledge other viewpointsIs living with someone who has a conviction against the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 known as TACT OffencesIs in contact with, is being influenced by, and/or shows support for individuals, groups, or organisations that are known to hold harmful extreme views and/or undertake harmful acts based on those views; this includes family membersParticipation in an activity that might cause immediate harm to themselves or others based on them holding extreme views, e.g. a violent attack against othersHas disengaged from wider activities and interests and become fixated with a particular issue, viewpoint or way of living that is unhealthy and harmful to the CYP, and/or othersIs accessing and/or sharing material of an extremist nature that is of significant harm to themselves and/or others e.g. that contains violent or disturbing images; that encourages people to undertake violent acts, etc. Is spending time with unknown individuals that raises concern, including potential religious or sexual grooming  HIGH RISK SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE Please summarise what evidence you have regarding the high risks indicators you have ticked above. Please also outline what strengths are present in supporting the family with these risks. This section must be completed if you have indicated a risk/s above. MEDIUM RISK INDICATORS Medium Risk IndicatorsTick Demonstrates support for and/or is articulating extreme views that are/may be of harm to themselves or others, and finds it difficult to acknowledge other viewpointsIs showing interest in, and may have contact with individuals, groups, or organisations that are known to hold harmful extreme views and/or undertake harmful acts based on those views; this includes family membersIs starting to disengage with wider activities and interests and spending more time focusing on a particular issue, viewpoint or way of living that may be unhealthy and harmful to the CYP or othersIs isolated from family, friends, peer and peer groups and/or is not forthcoming about how and who they spend their spare time withIs accessing and/or sharing material of an extremist nature that is harmful to themselves and/or others e.g. that encourages people to develop harmful views about others that encourages people to isolate themselves and narrow their viewpoints, etc. Has mental health concerns or developmental disorders (e.g. ASD) that make the CYP vulnerable to developing extreme views that are harmful to themselves or othersHas alcohol and/or substance abuse issues that makes the CYP vulnerable to developing extreme views that are harmful to themselves or othersIs at risk from harmful cultural practices. Please state the type of risk e.g. FGM, Forced Marriage, removal from education, honour based violence, abuse linked to faith or belief, etc.   MEDIUM RISKSUMMARY OF EVIDENCE Please summarise what evidence you have regarding the medium risk indicators you have ticked above. Please also outline what strengths are present in supporting the family with these risks. This section must be completed if you have indicated a risk/s above.  LOW RISK INDICATORS Low Risk IndicatorsTick Is struggling with their own identity, sense of belonging and/or may feel out of place in wider societyA change in CYPs views, appearance, behaviour and wellbeing that starts to raise concern Is easily lead by others making them susceptible to influence Is becoming isolated from family, friends, peer and peer groups LOW RISKSUMMARY OF EVIDENCE Please summarise what evidence you have regarding the low risk indicators you have ticked above. Please also outline what strengths are present in supporting the family with these risks. This section must be completed if you have indicated a risk/s above.  PART TWO ADDITIONAL CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS Has the CYP experienced any significant life events or trauma that may be linked to the current risks?  Is there any additional information you would like to provide which is not covered by the risk indicators that you think indicates an extremism concern?  OVERALL RISK RATING Please indicate the overall level of risk you believe is present in this case in terms of the extremism and wider concerns identified: High ( Medium ( Low ( Please briefly summarise why you feel the risks in this case are high, medium or low:  NOTE: Referrers should be aware that working with extremism concerns is a developing area of practice in social work. As such the above indicators may change as more is understood about risks of extremism and how to work with CYP on these issues. [End of screening tool] Prevent Duty Extremism Assessment Guidance The aim of this guidance is to provide childrens practitioners with an explorative set of questions to assess the nature of extremism concerns being presented by a child or young person (CYP) and their family. There is not a separate assessment form to complete for cases with extremism concerns. Practitioners are asked to consider the questions below to help them explore and articulate the extremist concerns in the case. Practitioners responses to these questions should be included in the assessment tool being used be that the Early Help Assessment or the Family Assessment. This should draw on the Signs of Safety methodology focusing on: concerns, strengths and what needs to happen. Practitioners should include the information they have gathered from answering the enclosed extremism questions in whatever section of the Early Help or Family Assessment they feel is most appropriate. For example information concerning a family members own extremist views may be included in sections on family background. You can access information on proscribed terrorist groups or organisations that are banned under UK law from  HYPERLINK "https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/proscribed-terror-groups-or-organisations--2" GOV.UK. You can access government advice on international travel from  HYPERLINK "http://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice" www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice. If you need help to understand the nature of the extremism risk presented or the level of risk posed contact: Colvin White, Early Help - Prevent Lead, 0121 303 9905 / 07920 088 512,  HYPERLINK "mailto:colvin.white@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk" colvin.white@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk. Maria Jardine, Head of Service Early Help and Family Support, Operational Lead for Extremism,  HYPERLINK "mailto:maria.jardine@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk" maria.jardine@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk, 077680 25323. If you are the lead family support or social worker for a case with extremist concerns you should contact the Early Help & Childrens Social Care Channel Link Representatives above as soon as you are allocated the case to discuss whether it needs to be referred to Channel. Assessment Questions Relationships and Networks Practitioners should consider the CYPs family, friends and other individuals they have contact with, and any extremism risks they might pose, as well as the protective factors these people provide: How wide is the CYPs network of friends and family? Does the CYP have contact with a limited or a variety of views and actions/behaviours? If they are limited, what are the potential reasons why they are limited? Does it seem to be impacting negatively on the CYP and how? Does the CYP have a strong network of friends and family who will protect them from potential harm caused by extremist views or actions/behaviours? Does the CYP and their family have contact with a range of services, organisations or groups that meet any needs they have? Is the family isolated? Is the family willing to engage with services? Is the CYP well-connected or isolated from their family and peers? Have they experienced rejection? Do they have insecure and/or conflicted relationships? Do the CYPs carers, family, friends or people they are connected with, demonstrate extremist views and/or actions/behaviours that might be harmful to the CYP? Do the CYPs carers, family, friends or other people they have contact with, have convictions under the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 known as TACT Offences? What is the nature of these? Do they indicate the individual/s may pose harm to the CYP? How much contact does the CYP have with them and how influential are they? Is the CYP linked with individuals, groups or organisations that are known to hold harmful views and/or demonstrate harmful actions/behaviours? What is the nature of the CYPs contact with them? Does this pose harm to them and others? Is the CYP spending time with people who are unknown to their other friends and family? Are they willing to talk about who these people are and how they met them? Views and Behaviour Practitioners should consider the CYPs views and behaviour, and any indications of harm arising from these, as well as strengths that might counteract risks: Is the CYP causing them or others harm by articulating extreme views and/or by demonstrating harmful actions/behaviours based on those views? What are they and what is the impact? Does the CYP understand the harm that could be caused? Have the CYP and/or family travelled to or have plans to travel to a conflict zone, or have unexplained or sudden plans to travel to a country from which you can travel to a conflict zone? Is the CYP particularly closed in their views? How have they developed their views? Do the CYPs views reflect normal developmental processes we would expect to see in CYP of their age? Does the CYP believe violence is justified to defend or support their ideology? Are they actively promoting their views amongst others? Is the CYP receiving a balanced education, providing insights into different viewpoints, religions, faiths and cultures? Do they happily engage with people from other backgrounds? Do they express polarised views and cannot appreciate other perspectives? Is the CYP accessing material (pictures, videos, text, etc.) that may be harmful to them and/or others around them? Is it age appropriate? How are they accessing it? Do they have unsupervised internet access? Why is the CYP accessing the material? Do they understand the harm it could cause? Do the CYPs views and/or actions/behaviours represent understandable reactions to the CYPs experiences, or the experiences of those around them? Has the CYP experienced inequality, deprivation, conflict, discrimination, harm or other issues, leading to a grievance that may lead them to cause harm to them or others? Do they feel victimised or targeted (by society, authorities, etc.)? Is the CYP struggling to understand their position or identity in society? Is this leading to isolation or a feeling they do not belong? Is it making them vulnerable to harmful viewpoints, groups or individuals that might offer them an identity? Does the CYP have a history of crime? Does it make them vulnerable to extremist concerns? Wellbeing - Mental Health and Substance Misuse Practitioners should consider the CYPs overall wellbeing and whether they have any vulnerabilities making them more open to risk from extremism concerns: Does the CYP have mental health issues, development disorders, challenging behaviours and/or are they using substances and/or alcohol? Is this making them vulnerable to extremist views and/or actions/behaviours? For example, does it make them vulnerable to: Developing and articulating harmful views or undertaking harmful actions/behaviours? Becoming unhealthily fixated with particular issues? For example, spending a lot of time alone researching this issue and connecting with individuals/groups via the internet. Spending time with people who hold views or demonstrate actions/behaviours that might be harmful to the CYP, and who may seek to influence the CYP in a way that is harmful to them and others? Is the CYP aware of their mental health, or development issues, and how this may make them vulnerable to harmful views or actions/behaviours)? Is the CYP aware of the impact of substance and/or alcohol use and how this may make them vulnerable to harmful views or actions/behaviours? Has the CYP changed recently and/or suddenly? What was the trigger? Have they experienced a trauma now or in the past that might explain a change in their views and/or actions/behaviours? How open is the CYP about their life and their interests? Who do they spend time with? What do they do with their spare time? Are there any indications of grooming, such as new possessions that cannot have been obtained by the CYP independently? Are they easily led by others? Do they seem themselves to those around them? Is there any evidence of forced marriage, FGM, trafficking, removal from education, honour based violence, or abuse linked to faith or belief? History of Extremism Concerns Have there been previous extremism concerns in relation to this CYP and/or their family? Have there been previous child protection concerns that might be related to the current extremism concerns? What were the concerns? Have these changed? What support was provided? How effective was this? How well did the CYP and family engage? When and why did the support finish? NOTE: Practitioners should be aware that working with extremism concerns is a developing area of practice in social work. As such the above questions may change as more is understood about the risks of extremism and how to work with CYP on these issues. [End of assessment questions] Prevent Duty Extremism Concerns Right Help Right Time To support childrens practitioners in establishing the level of risk related to extremist concerns, some of the key indicators of extremism have been mapped against the Right Help Right Time framework below. This is a guide only, but may be helpful for practitioners in thinking about the varying levels of risk involved when extremism risks are present. UniversalUniversal PlusAdditionalComplex and Significant CYP demonstrates an interest in multiple viewpoints CYP is showing an interest in extreme views that may cause them harm and is becoming less engaged in wider views and interestsCYP demonstrates extreme views that are causing harm to themselves or others, and refuses to acknowledge other viewpointsCYP demonstrates extreme views that are causing significant harm to themselves or othersCYP is involved in a range of activitiesCYP is showing an interest in extreme actions or behaviour that may cause them harm and is reducing involvement in wider activitiesCYP demonstrates extreme actions or behaviour that is causing harm to themselves or others CYP demonstrates extreme actions or behaviour that are causing significant harm to themselves or othersCYPs carers, family and close contacts have and encourage the CYP to have a healthy interest in a range of views and behaviours There are indications the CYPs carer/s, family or close contacts hold extreme views and/or actions/behaviours that may cause harm to the CYP The CYPs carer/s, family or close contacts are demonstrating extreme views and/or actions/behaviours that is causing harm to the CYPThe CYPs carer/s, , family or close contacts are demonstrating extreme views and/or actions/behaviours that are causing significant harm to the CYPCYP has a healthy interest in a range of views and behaviours CYP has a healthy interest in a range of views and behaviours The CYP is showing interest or is in contact with people demonstrating extreme views and/or actions/behaviours that is causing harm to the CYPThe CYP has close relationships with people demonstrating extreme views and/or actions/behaviours that are causing significant harm to the CYP Family Group Conferences CSC has a Family Group Conferencing (FGC) Service who can offer this approach to families, giving them the opportunity to identify their own solutions to concerns that have been identified. FGCs aim to empower families and to draw on the strengths of immediate and wider family members and friends to support the CYPs and the wider familys needs. The method includes preparation meetings with family members and practitioners and planning for a FGC. The FGC is held in 3 parts: The FGC brings together the CYP, family network and involved practitioners. The initial part of the meeting involves the family, the allocated worker and, any other professionals that the family choose to invite during which the issues identified in the assessment are presented and discussed. The family are encouraged to raise questions during this session and to clarify what the worker is worried about in respect of the child/ren. The family then have private family time to consider the issues identified and to develop a plan that addresses the support needs of the CYP and the family. The family and practitioners come back together to discuss the familys plan, and if it addresses the concerns raised by the professionals, the plan is agreed. If you think a case allocated to you involving extremist concerns has the potential to benefit from a Family Group Conference arrangements for this should be made with the Duty Team. Guidance on FGCs can be accessed  HYPERLINK "http://birminghamcs.proceduresonline.com/chapters/p_family_group.html?zoom_highlight=family+group+conference" here. Working with Children and Families To support CYP and their families effectively we need to fully understand the concerns from their perspectives and their life experiences. The tools in this guidance are designed to complement the Signs of Safety approach in the Request for Support Form, supporting practitioners to answer questions about what is going well, concerns and what needs to happen next. The Three Houses exercise will also support childrens practitioners to more fully understand and appreciate the CYPs perspective. Signs of Safety Resources can be accessed at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.lscbbirmingham.org.uk/index.php/early-help/signs-of-safety-and-wellbeing/toolkit" www.lscbbirmingham.org.uk/index.php/early-help/signs-of-safety-and-wellbeing/toolkit Other resources for working with children is accessible through the BCT Academy at  HYPERLINK "https://practicetools.org/" https://practicetools.org/ Sign of Safety. Educate Against Hate provides information for developing resilience to online radicalisation/extremism):  HYPERLINK "http://www.educateagainsthate.com/" http://www.educateagainsthate.com/ Channel Panel Awareness online resources:  HYPERLINK "http://course.ncalt.com/Channel_General_Awareness" http://course.ncalt.com/Channel_General_Awareness Introduction to Prevent E-Learning Package:  HYPERLINK "https://www.elearning.prevent.homeoffice.gov.uk/screen2" https://www.elearning.prevent.homeoffice.gov.uk/screen2. Since911 curriculum centred resources:  HYPERLINK "https://since911.com/education-programme" https://since911.com/education-programme. See TLDS Practice Tools SOS and other resources for working with children. Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism:  HYPERLINK "https://www.gov.uk/report-terrorism" https://www.gov.uk/report-terrorism (includes illegal or harmful information, pictures or videos found on the internet). Reports can be submitted anonymously. Advice to Local Authorities Safeguarding Children Returning to the UK from Syria This advice offers help for local authorities to take the right actions to support British children who return to the UK from Syria in order to reintegrate them with their families, schools and local communities. Where the FCO becomes aware of the impending return of a British child to the UK from Syria, their Child Protection Unit2 (which includes a UK-qualified Social Work Adviser) will notify the Childrens Trust or the relevant childrens social care in the most appropriate local authority. On arrival in the UK, Counter Terrorism Ports Police officers will likely use their powers under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 to stop any individuals (including children) if they are identified as returning from Syria. An assessment of the risk and protective factors for the child, as set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children, should be undertaken. Catch22 are available to help any UK family with children that returns from Syria, regardless of the threshold for a statutory intervention, and will be able to: Help facilitate communication with different local services and agencies; Help the family access support to which they are entitled; Sign up the children to local schools and GP services; Represent the child in any meetings about their welfare; Work intensively with the family over the longer term to encourage a protective environment for children and reintegration into the community. Desistence and Disengagement Programme (DDP) DDP was launched as a pilot in autumn 2016, focusing on those convicted of terrorism, or terrorism-related offences, who have served their custodial sentences and are due to be released on licence. The programme has since expanded to include additional strands of work supporting Terrorist Prevention & Investigation Measures (TPIMs) and Temporary Exclusion Orders (TEOs) etc. Support and Services for Extremism Concerns Channel Support Channel is a multi-agency partnership helping to safeguard individuals who are vulnerable to radicalisation, regardless of faith, ethnicity or background. This is similar to the way in which individuals at risk from involvement in crime, drugs and other social issues are supported. By providing support to those most at risk, they can be diverted away from potential threats that might draw them into criminal activity. Channel has access to a variety of support packages and interventions appropriate in working with risks of extremism that include: Mentoring support providing personal guidance including addressing extremist ideologies, religious interpretations Developing life and social skills, for example dealing with peer pressure Anger management sessions Cognitive behavioural therapy to support attitudes and behaviours Constructive leisure activities Education and training activities Careers focused activities Family support including relationships and skills work Support with physical and/or mental health Housing support Drug and alcohol support The above list is not exhaustive, and a combination of the above alongside other support may often be required. Providers of support can include statutory and community partners. The Channel multi-agency panel is responsible for ensuring delivery of the overall package of support for Channel cases. For more information on how to access support via Channel contact: Waqar Ahmed - Prevent Manager, 0121 303 7682 / 07557 203290  HYPERLINK "mailto:waqar.ahmed@birmingham.gov.uk" waqar.ahmed@birmingham.gov.uk. Community Support There is a Community Safeguarding Panel in made up of community organisations the Council and Childrens Trust has experience of working with and who can provide support in cases where there are extremist concerns. This includes specialist mentoring support for children and young people on views and beliefs, as well as other issues such as diversionary activities and domestic abuse. To find out more and to request support from the Panel please contact: Colvin White, Early Help Prevent Lead, 0121 3039905 / 07920 088512  HYPERLINK "mailto:colvin.white@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk" colvin.white@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk There are a number of other community organisations that also provide support. Community or non-statutory partners providing support to vulnerable people need to be credible and understand the local community. Practitioners should make the necessary checks to be assured of the suitability of support providers; including DBS checks for those seeking to work with young people and vulnerable adults. Support for Schools If you are working with a school that needs help to develop their curriculum activities to address Prevent and extremism concerns contact: Razia Butt, Resilience Officer, 0121 464 7739 / 07956878288  HYPERLINK "mailto:razia.butt@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk" razia.butt@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk Community Engagement Supporting communities and civic organisation engage in the intervention and resilience work to enable inclusion and facilitate community action Engagement Rahila Mann, Prevent Community Engagement, Officer 0121 303 6455 rahila.mann@birmingham.gov.uk Youth Services Habib Ullah, Prevent Youth Engagement office, 0121 464 5057 / 07548 712862 habib.ullah@birmingham.gov.uk Prevent Referrals and the Channel Pathway                PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 Referral made to Prevent PREVENT Police undertake a de-confliction process which checks whether there are any extremist concerns about the CYP and the family according to Police records. A decision is taken whether to assess case in more detail. This assessment may well be taking place at the same time as Early Help/CSC assessments, hence families may be involved in these two assessment processes at the same time. Cases are assessed by the Police using the Vulnerability Assessment Framework(VAF) document rating the case on a number of extremism risk indicators listed on pages 4. The Police may contact partners to share information on the CYP/Family. Early Help/CSC Channel Link Representatives will check whether cases coming to Panel are already involved in Early Help/CSC and will update both parties on activities occurring through each process. CSC Channel Link Representatives will link up with Early Help/CSC Lead workers with the Channel Lead agency. Channel cases are reviewed on a 6 monthly basis to review the progress made against the original VAF and will close when risks have reduced sufficiently. When cases are approved by the Channel Panel, the CYP and Families will be offered support through the Channel Programme. This support is entirely consensual and can be refused. The support package will be led by an agency and will be a multi-agency approach, this will often involve CSC. Cases are discussed at the Channel Panel to decide whether the CYP and Family should be offered support through the Programme. CHANNEL There is a discussion to decide whether the case is of a sufficient risk to be considered for support by the Channel Programme this typically involves the Police, the Councils Prevent Programme Lead and Early Help/CSC Channel Panel Representatives.   %&'@MNO`   - . 1 8 b ȸvvlvbXNllNhp^!OJQJ^Jh OJQJ^JhoOJQJ^Jh0OJQJ^Jh}.OJQJ^JhIxOJQJ^JhLOJQJ^JhLhL5OJQJ^Jh =5OJQJ^JhB5OJQJ^JhMhC5CJOJQJ^Jh*5CJOJQJ^JhMh*5CJOJQJ^Jh{5CJOJQJ^Jh{Y5CJOJQJ^J&'NO   ABgd\& d@&gdX* dgdX*gdBd-DM gdX* $a$gdB 9 K     $   $ 1 A B Q ] m y ĺ؂؂ذxxndhX*OJQJ^Jh9OJQJ^Jh OJQJ^Jh!ShL5>*OJQJ^Jh%pOJQJ^Jh"6OJQJ^Jh0OJQJ^JhBOJQJ^JhbOJQJ^Jh}.OJQJ^JhQ^OJQJ^JhLOJQJ^JhYjOJQJ^Jhp^!OJQJ^JhoOJQJ^J' JNQYZ[\34µ¨›zzpzzf\zRzHzhGBOJQJ^JhoOJQJ^Jhp^!OJQJ^JhBOJQJ^Jhk{OJQJ^Jhm0OJQJ^Jh rOJQJ^JhIlh9OJQJ^JhIlhIlOJQJ^JhIlhOJQJ^JhIlhBOJQJ^JhIlh!SOJQJ^JhIlh!S5>*OJQJ^JhIlhLOJQJ^JhX*OJQJ^JhLOJQJ^J\]  BCcd˽ˬːrrcrVLVhB#OJQJ^JhYdhYdOJQJ^JhYdhh0JOJQJ^J!jhYdhhOJQJU^JhYdh"6OJQJ^JhYdhhOJQJ^JhIhI0JOJQJ^J!jhIOJQJU^JjhIOJQJU^JhIOJQJ^JhIxhm0OJQJ^Jhm0OJQJ^Jh\&OJQJ^Jh8OJQJ^J89:?@ABY_ehuvv\vE1&htOJPJQJ^JmH nH sH tH ,hX*hsE/OJPJQJ^JmH nH sH tH 3hX*hX*KH$OJPJQJ\^JmH nH sH tH -hX*KH$OJPJQJ\^JmH nH sH tH 3hX*hsE/KH$OJPJQJ\^JmH nH sH tH hX*OJQJ^JhYdhIOJQJ^JhYdhYd0JOJQJ^J'j9hYdhYdOJQJU^JhYdhYdOJQJ^J!jhYdhYdOJQJU^Jz{| !˶uuhuu[NNh=h:COJQJ^Jh/Ih:COJQJ^Jh/Ihp^!OJQJ^Jh=h*OJQJ^Jh/Ih*OJQJ^Jh=h*5OJQJ^Jh ! 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